Friday 30 September 2011

Angels Speaking In Tongues

Speaking in tongues is probably the silliest thing crazy Christians do. You don't need the power of God to compel you to speak gibberish.

#Gibberish definition:
    Unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.  


 CHRISTIANS are not the only ones speaking in tongues - a lot of NEW AGERS are soOOOO into it too...

(the video is not about islam versus christianity but over all dogmatic and spiritual deception)

Any fool who is desperate enough to get recognized for being special can drop on the floor and roll over like some animal with incurable rabies displaying the convulsions and the works - it is the same as with calling yourself "DIVINE NAMES" or entities (such as archangels/angels incarnate, even people claiming to be Jesus incarnate, or biblical saints incarnate) pretending to be some sort of spiritual master yet knows nothing of what s/he speaks of...anything for the SHOW...anything to fool...I do not think that these people really know what the HOLY SPIRIT is all about, the preacher in the video looks as dumb as the kids...who would go to a bible camp like that where only a bunch of ignorance is spread?

Doesn't telling lies fall within the scope of "gibberish"???




They are indeed speaking in tongues - tongues that do not match Truth, which means that it is not the same tongue as nor coming from the HOLY SPIRIT, but of some other (lower) entities. 

Attention whore: Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it.
No matter how "DIVINE" you may call yourself, your ass still stinks like the rest of humanity's...your shit stinks too...I know you NEW AGERS all have sinus problems and can't smell the Truth from lies...but really...if you can't smell your shit, maybe you should touch it and taste it, because you clearly can't see it either.


the most ignorant quote I've ever heard an "angel incarnate" [or "alien" what have you] said:

a quote that helps me is "people of character do the right thing not because they think it will change the world, but because they refuse to be changed by the world."

Well when you are so blind that you can't even see that you are being indoctrinated by external worldly forces of darkness, then you must taste your shit, because all senses have failed you already...
they are indeed trying to be something they are not, now we all know what happens to people like that - murdered and trapped by their own deceitful devices...when their shit they are trying to sell to people backfires on them.

They use their shit (lies) to blind a weapon to crush individual thought aiming for the eyes to blind their victims...they want to kill people's eyesight to the Truth...but the blind can't lead the blind...and that is why all false prophets soon become ensnared by their own web of lies...and the Truth is like a spider ready to consume them when they find no way out of the mess they created for themselves.

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