Thursday 15 September 2011

Channeled Messages From New Age "Lords"

There are so many channeled messages from the so called "New Age Lords" (archangels or whatever), but I seriously doubt its credibility.



* people will do anything for money, and telling lies is the best way to get it.
* people are simply telling lies to "fit in" with the new age crowd, especially those who have no sense of  belonging in society itself, joining new age "cults or groups" for example saying: "I am an indigo child, or an incarnated angel, or a some sort of saint incarnate, and because of this I can deliver messages from archangels to you."
* these people are what you would call "attention whores", because they have a serious lack of self-confidence and by fighting their insecurities they would see themselves as more Divine than  what they really are...telling people they are starseeds here with a mission from another planet in "you should believe me, because I am special" or the most popular phrase you would ever hear from such new age freaks is "believe me, because I have awakened", yet still fast asleep, sleep induced by new age cannot be awakened if you knoweth not Truth.
* Or some seriously immoral psychics, putting the act on "for da money" when a terribly desperate soul would go to him/her and say "I will pay anything, just give me a message from archangel Michael!"...Like all those youtube videos from the "intergalactic federation of lies"... "I will do anything just to know I am divine and that includes believing every bullshit story that makes me feel as such"..."feed me the lies coming from people pretending to be aliens, yeah I wanna feel so totally alien, just do not want to feel left out from any sort of divine communication, no matter where it truly comes from, if they say that its divine, then it is, for I do not choose to believe otherwise, because it just feels so damn good to be high and drunk on lies all the time, I am sooo special, got a message from an alien..." all that crap.
* so many people claim to be archangels incarnate or even ascended masters, so where in the hell would the channeled messages come from if they are in flesh, taking into consideration that millions of people claim to be the same one at the same time?
  * or the fact that so many people claim to have the same archangels as their a 13 year old girl who is so heavily indoctrinated by false teachers deeply involved with new age nonsense, that she actually believes that she is archangel Raphael, and then when I countered her with the Truth she changed her story, saying that she is not archangel Raphael but Mother Mary incarnate who she deemed the twinflame of archangel Raphael...and not short after that a woman of over 50 claims that God told her that she (and not the little girl of 13) was the "real mother Mary incarnate"...can you see what's going on here? People with delusional beliefs trying to educate people going around calling themselves "holy prophets of God", now a true prophet will never lead another into ignorance...the the blind cannot lead the blind.
*  so many of these new age freaks claim that they have the same "Guardian Angel" as in a particular archangel Michael could be the Guardian Angel of many people and not only one.

But I have a problem with this, especially if they are so bold to use this clever excuse to justify their atrocious claims: "Every archangel is is a multi-divided inter-dimensional personality.", what a sleek excuse for bullshitting is it not?!

With regards to twinflames I can say that no true twin is a if an archangel is a twinflame of someone s/he cannot possibly have another...there can only be one that can complete him/her.

Whatever their claims, whoever is with the New Age Movement is with the NWO. I personally do not believe in archangels or rather the "angels who man gave a name to, not God", for archangels is a biblical belief...and anyone right in their mind will know to read the Bible as fiction, especially if it is man-made laws...I do however believe in "Spirits watching over us", you can call them "ANGELS"...But I would rather prefer calling them "beings of Spirit"...I do not believe that real archangels go by any particular name, for they are just what they are...rather call them high beings than "archangels" every religion "angels" go by a different name, so what makes the new age retards think that their beloved "archangels by a numerus clausus names" (numerus clausus: a limited list of angelic names - according to each separate religion) are the only ones there?

Maybe I am wrong or maybe I am right about the "archangels being fiction", but if they were real why would they exist to deceive gullible fanatics in the new age movement in such a way? Either it is demons who use Christian terms in the name of Satan, or it is real, but the facts prove many archangels are incarnate according to new age nonsense, but who would be the Real archangel Michael if there are for example three of them claiming to be him in flesh...who would you listen to if there is not just one but three claiming to be the same entity, yet differ in their teachings?

...there is either right or wrong, and no in new agers love to go all grey, because if they go white (right) then it is too right because the Truth cannot suffice the comfort they find in living illusion, but we all know that to go grey is but wrong itself  as they twist the Truth according to their deceitful delusions...and if they go black they seem too wrong and won't be accepted as right or credible at all by anyone for that matter with the result in engaging in Satanic practices using the words "archangels" or "christ consciousness" or "love and light" just to whiten the awful black, because if they use any reference to the Bible their views would have absolutely no problem of being accepted by others as Truth.

~Ayn Rand

The problem with the new age freaks is that they do not seek Truth, everything is handed to them on a silver platter, they only feast on what they are given to feast, therefore there is no true spiritual awakening possible...they claim to have "awakened to the Christ consciousness only by reading a few new age bullshit flattering their egos and believing every word of it", but there is no way out of oblivion if awakening means to thrive on spiritual untruths...these people do not seek God, they seek man and the works of man...when you want to feel special without God and Truth, you will without a doubt feel special by any other means possible...   

Among believers and non-believers alike, we find those who choose to see the world as they wish, and to act accordingly. Facts and truth are “relative” to what the person wants them to be.    

Jesus spoke in parables, hardly a clear-cut method of conveying the truth. He recognized that we simply would never really get it unless we worked at it. It could not be handed to us on a platter. If it were, it would be of much less value. Faith, and the truth it can lead to, only come by serious effort.  

It is necessary to peel the onion. Layer after layer of lie and masquerade must be systematically eliminated to reach the center. It is irritating and takes time. It can be extraordinarily painful. No one likes to see their deepest fears exposed, least of all to themselves. You must seek "proofs" to justify your cannot just believe in something without thoroughly investigating it. I was once deeply involved in the new age movement as well, and believed all the "love and light" crap, until these special indigo brats proved their own beliefs wrong. 

We live in deceitful times, now is exactly the time to be strong and vigilant in our pursuit of truth. Let us not be swayed by the easy, the simple, the answer that makes us feel comfortable, for what lies within the comfort zone is almost never the truth.

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