Tuesday 13 September 2011

Reality Check: "Archangels 101"

Jeremiah 23:16

This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.

During my spiritual path I have encountered many people claiming to be this "archangel" or that "archangel", all whom were heavily influenced by New Age Indoctrination.
YOU are especially vulnerable to deception if you are confused on some spiritual level, well being vulnerable is no excuse for blatant stupidity.


Because if one person comes up to you and says to you:

"Hi, I am archangel Uriel!" and not too short after that another person comes up to you MAKING THE SAME CLAIMS, not to mention various people claiming to be the same "Divine entity", yet TAKE NOTE: DIFFERENT PEOPLE CLAIMING TO BE THE SAME "ENTITY", and you do not immediately see the DECEIT going on, then you are clearly an idiot.

I have met many such people, another one also claimed to be "archangel METATRON" incarnate, and not too short after yet another girl came into the view saying that she is a follower of "archangel Metatron", of course the latter was NOT THE SAME PERSON AS THE aforementioned Metatron.

Which must also be taken into consideration is the fact that all over the internet "Channeled messages" are to be found whether from "archangel Michael" or "Metatron" etc, now the Question you must ask yourself is:

"If so many people are claiming to be archangel so and so incarnate (that is in flesh) then who or what are the entities of which the supposed "channeled messages" are received from?"

Surely if the "archangel is in flesh" how could s/he be "channeled in spirit"?

Also if we have so many "archangels incarnate" then who is the "so called medium" contacting if say s/he is "speaking to archangel Michael in spirit, while another person is running around claiming to be archangel Michael in flesh, and not just Another, but various people claiming to be the same thing".

Archangels are not the only issue here, there are also people claiming to be the same so and so "biblical saint incarnate" as in Mary or David etc, "even to be jesus" incarnate.

Then of course we get people claiming to be "angels incarnate", now this particular label is closely related to (if not the same as) the "starseed" label...I have dealt with them on various occasions as well, but to my surprise I DID NOT FIND THE "love and light" they preach, instead I found deceit and a ridiculous phobia of Truth itself, they cannot handle the Truth and if you counter their lies with LOGIC they will turn from "love and light" to immediate hate and scorn....to them questioning their beliefs is the same as religious intolerance which immediately makes you the "enemy".

It is however not religious intolerance to point out a logical error in their beliefs, understand this now and always - if they respond with hatred towards clear Truth then they are Liars, as simple as that.

Simply put - to these people the Truth is not allowed to hurt them (it cannot get to them, it cannot penetrate the resolute EGO in lies to really sink in, no explanation is necessary because they do not want to understand) because they function from a pure stance of EGO and if you happen to trample on their toes they think they are entitled to hurt you for telling them the Truth as it is...those who are in a state of denial living the reality of that which "is not what it is" won't hesitate to defend their delusions in the most violent way immediately proving their status of "love and light beings" corrupt, it is the FEAR OF TRUTH that reveal these people for the "monsters they really are", and do not tell me that a liar is not a Monster, for lies inflict more harm than anything else.

...if you know the Works of Universal Truth then you must know that people who function from Egotistic perception are not real spiritual teachers, for pride is of the world and pride blinds...

There is no true "love and light" where EGO rules the person, because EGO spells lies and is far from the "I AM" presence they oh so like to "throw around loosely from their conceited mouths pouring the utter deceit of the illusion".

Mark 13:22 

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible.

("miracles" should be translated as running around telling these "magical lies" which people blindly see as Divine, because it is strange and well curiosity kills the cat...they blind and allure with their false light seen by the foolish as the "signs" of the end times...their lives are without True Magick, and because of that will fall for any false magic looking like the real thing out of desperation just to believe in something looking like God...of course any person who never saw the REAL GOD or the Truth of God will fall prey to LIES, because they do not know the real thing from the fake thing!)

***Please take note when dealing with NEW AGE deluded individuals in the future: ask yourself where does this "angel and saint" nonsense originate from, and you will soon see a common thread straight to the Bible, which in turn spells one thing: D O G M A, also known (and used) as WORLDLY INDOCTRINATION created to deceive and lead people away from the Truth so that retards may be controlled, yes retards are easy targets for brainwashing, because they cannot think for themselves...to see beyond any system is beyond any of their mental capacity, even though they may say that they possess "Divine knowledge" they obviously DO NOT....notwithstanding the fact that the Spirit of God (the Christ consciousness) is real, they clearly have no knowledge of the True meaning of Spirit.


1 John 4:1

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

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