Friday 27 March 2015


You new agers have officially been boo-ed by Listverse - apparently the new age lacks the "wow factor", not even Doreen Virtue or Abraham Hicks gets a "yay" from editorial companies. Not even the wiccans or the Dolphins got a thumbs up..for fucks sakes. omfg. When the WORLD SAYS A FUCK YOU TO THE NEW AGE......... ***SMILES****

This is the list I send in, as an experiment:

10 New Age Cults & Practices Said To Raise Your Awareness
Bizarre spiritual practices new agers indulge in, to find a sense of belonging and acceptance. Which is in most cases lead to more confusion than actual spiritual enlightenment. Bizarre new age practices of the new age mind. Does it lead to wholesome experience? This list conveys the importance of research before joining a cult.

1)  Members of the International Starseed Community under the Ashtar Command

The cult is also known as the Galactic Federation of Light.  There are many websites created in its Honor where like minded individuals, believing themselves to be aliens, indigo children and starseeds can go to raise global awareness in an an attempt to save the world. Some new age definitions here (Link 1)[1] For one of their facebook pages go here – (Link 2)[2]
This movement particularly peaked during 2008 and 2012 with all the conspiracies about the aliens or the galactic federation of light (the all knowing beings and protectors of the universe looking out for the inhabitants of earth), coming to save the world during a full disclosure and apocalyptic period.

There is also many opposition groups against this movement, due to alien conspiracies linking it to governmental disinformation and media corruption. See one such page here (Link 3)[3]

2)  Christian Religion

This is probably one of the most ancient religions, but can be classified as new age. Mainly because the new agers is all about unconditional love, like the Christ. But as Ghandi said "I love your Christ, but you are so unlike your Christ!". This religion is a breeding ground for all sorts of hypocrisy, and underhand corruption schemes. There are a lot of Christians who protest, and have webpages created saying that they are not at all linked to the new age cult, when the Christian religion is a cult itself (Link 4)[4]. And of course we have the new agers in denial of being part of a cult themselves (Link 5)[5]

3)  The Past Life Regression Therapy

The aim is to get in touch with all that you are. To understand where you came from to build a better self for you in this particular life. To learn from your past mistakes, in a past life, to raise your spiritual awareness and to bring the new found energy into your new life to better the world around you. There are however dangers connected to this if not approach with caution. Some people may get stuck in the past and get addicted to hypnosis, and refuse to release their fears and weakness of a past life in order to actually get a move on and do something about what they had learned. [See Article about the dangers involved with such a practice if not approached with a sense of being grounded (Link 6)[6] and a youtube video explaining past life regression in detail (Link 7)[7]]

4)   The Otherkin community

Welcome to the cult, where you are allowed to be anything you want to be. From archangels incarnate, demons, aliens, angels, mermaids, werewolves (which they call themselves "therian") et cetera.

But there are many problems in the otherkin community like bullying and who is the biggest "other"-kin [see youtube video here from an otherkinner herself who believes herself to be part animal (Link 8)[8]]

This is a subculture of the new age, and fueled by new world order conspiracy theories. Apparently it is part of the New World Order's hybridization program. The conspiracy goes that Chimeras are being created by evil scientists in labs, and that human DNA is slowly merging with animal DNA, to alter human DNA to make humans more susceptible to mind control. [read more about chimeras (human- animal hybrids) here (Link 9)[9]] There are many youtube videos on this topic, feel free to google it.

5)  The Indigo Children (Indigo Society)

There is a special website for the indigo children, namely the (Link 10)[10] There is also many new age workshops for only the indigo children and their parents who wishes to make some money out of their weird child. Supposedly how they are the children of the rainbow here to save the world from damnation and destruction, when their very nature denotes a rebellious and destructive attitude. These are the special ones, the chosen ones, the only hope for mankind to pay it forward. [see articles here how to identify them – (link 11)[11]and what they are exactly as in a type of alien (angel) hybrid human (link 12)[12]]

Many conspiracy theories suggest that this is also part of some NEW WORLD ORDER agenda, by making people think they are more special than they are; to instead of raising awareness actually spread more hostility amongst society by enforcing the ego-principle and not the spiritual principle of ONENESS. Some even go so far as to say that these individuals are not angels but demonically possessed [see article here (link 13)[13]]

6)   Kundalini Awakening - attaining Christ Consciousness

You must go to India, and follow a swami. Get your orange or saffron robe on, to tell the world that you are done with materialism. And that you are all about self-love and into living in peace with everyone and yourself. You must Go through extensive yoga practices to raise the Sacred Serpent in your spine to raise your consciousness. All to make you more spiritually aware and more in tune with the spiritual world around you, so that you may experience total oneness with everything in and around you. But this practice can spin out of control, if being grounded is not taken seriously. [Read more about people who attempted this successfully and became kundalini survivors instead of people stuck in a fairy tale world believing themselves to be Christ here to save the world – (link 14)[14]

7)   Wiccan community

This is another subculture of the new age. Predominantly believing themselves to be white witches, and abiding by the wiccan rede of the rule of three.  It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. Despite its magical allure it practically nothing but a nature based religion, another word for a nature-loving-tree-hugging-hippie. [See here (Link 15)[15]]

8)  Angel Therapy Classes and a Course in Miracles

You can go to classes that will teach you how to get in touch with angels and aliens, or whatever mystical creature you want to get in touch with, such as a mermaid or goddess of volcanoes for example. All brought to you by Doreen Virtuee. That teaches people how to be angels incarnate, how to communicate with angels in other realms, and how to even become a witch or wise one, that can wield the supernatural powers that she holds - at a hefty material price of course, in spite of the Doreen Virtue movement portraying itself as not being materially motivated.

You can also buy assorted card decks and angel cards which is the modern version of Tarot Cards. But you have to have money, to buy them, before you can get in touch with the other world. Money in this case means a quick fix for self-realization and spirit communication. [see her website here for more information – (link 16)[16]]

She has been criticized by many skeptics however [ see here (LINK 17)[17] and here (LINK 18)[18]]

9)  The Law of Attraction

It is also part of the new age market where new age gurus could have pocketed in on the new age wave and/or craze of the time. The creator Abraham Hicks taught that that which you think you can create. And positive thoughts create positive outcomes and bad thoughts create bad events in your life. His books and workshops practically made him a millionaire.

Many people supposedly committed suicide for following his teachings and never getting along in the real world, there are blogs that speaks out strongly about the effects of this dangerous practice and the casualties that were involved [see here (LINK 19)[19]and another blog (LINK 20)[20]]

The creator of this movement also had his little card decks like Doreen Virtue, supposedly you cannot be wise if you don't pay for the cards and your life will go down a spiral of failure if you exist without them. The creator died of Cancer, did he will his own death? Despite not believing in fate and destiny?

10) Swimming with Dolphins

This one must be the most Bizarre. Swimming with dolphins would save the world from apocalyptic disaster. Due to the dolphin's large brain capacity and sonar abilities they probably linked it with the whole raising of consciousness agenda. And somehow this therapy could improve the mental state of disabled children too. There are even water birth programs with the dolphins acting as midwives; to assist the mother giving birth in a highly spiritual ritual. Probably to give birth to another indigo child to save the world.

 But these movements have been criticized and targeted for animal cruelty disputes. Due to the fact that these loving new agers, are making great profit out of keeping these sea creatures captive while feigning their mystical healing properites. [See article here -
(link 21)[21]]


Saturday 7 March 2015

Feminine Power? Never heard of her but I do know A whole lot of Bad Bitches

I got this link in my inbox today: Shakti is the Agent of All Change.

I decided to write a post today, since it has been so long that I actually wrote on this blog about new age bullshit and all the FUN that comes with it, mainly because I WAS JUST SICK of trying to decipher and dealing with bullshit which appeared to be meaningless. Maybe it was my hormones or something, or just generally being fed up with FUCKED UP HUMANS and SOCIETY and its mental and "spiritual" plagues, that continuously stirs humanity down a shit hole spiral.

I am just here, thinking as USUAL, about how incredibly fucked up this human race is, and how delusional it would be to wish that a REAL CHANGE would ever hit planet earth, such as the SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS or the awakening of some Christ consciousness.

Then I read this article about the Mystery of the Universe lying within the Magnetic poles of planet earth.

The assholes who honestly think HUMANS will ever change their ways are definitely out of touch with the "UNIVERSAL POLES OF GOOD AND BAD, LIGHT AND DARK" etc.  Even so if the whole creation came into existence because of "the masculine and feminine principle", that there would have been no CREATION if it weren't for these two energies of "Yin and YANG" being interconnected in some very sick, abstract and absurd way. That because of this alchemy of the UNIVERSE that there would be no LIFE per se.

And then it hit me like a stone between my eyes, feeling the PRIDE of the GIANT GOLIATH being shattered by the "insignificant" man DAVID, who is capable of being GOOD [God fearing man] and ultimately MURDER.

The notion, that these SICK AND TWISTED new agers seem to nurture about HUMANS BEING ABLE to distance or disassociate themselves from the dark side in themselves, by BALANCING THE FEMININE AND MASCULINE ENERGIES within themselves, is ABSURD AND TOTALLY NONSENSICAL. How do you wish to accomplish the impossible, a total shift in consciousness towards an AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT, by believing that BY REUNITING the two POLES of LIGHT (MASCULINE) and dark (feminine) that THE WORLD WOULD AUTOMATICALLY CHANGE? Instead by realizing the two poles for what they are, humans in fact realize what they are capable of doing, both good and bad. Then we can argue but making people aware of their DARK OR LIGHT SIDE, will make them DO LESS BAD. I don't believe that to be true. Humans can never escape their true nature.

And if feminine power is realized for what it is, then the indian women who are getting battered by men in a HINDU CULTURE, are in fact just utilizing their own "feminine power" or the "dark inside of themselves", to feed some sick need, like bullying to feel superior. Which is in fact the epithet of irony, do you think if they had this knowledge of murdering a woman in fact comes down to "realizing the feminine or dark power" inside of yourself, that they would not have done it, or the kick of being a bully outweighed their sense of right and wrong, because it felt good OVERPOWERING another HUMAN BEING (not just a woman)? Fact is they in fact KNOW DEEP DOWN THAT WHAT THEY DO IS WRONG, but they just don't give a fuck, so why try to philosophize justifications for their actions, when they like being assholes!

I wanted to write this on my facebook page about asshole chicks "in" my life who are nothing but conniving snakes:

how do men bond?
they dress up like each other,
how do women bond?
yes let's not get into that, but maybe we should.
men bond by being level headed trying to create camaraderie,
women on the other hand seem to bond with cruel intentions,
like who can be the biggest bitch or the best attention whorish poophead

 Of course I didn't post this, because I don't swear on my facebook page, and secondly I don't want to create more hysteria, by making them face who they really are, they are already confused as it is, you don't want to confuse bitches any more than they already are, because THINKING might just cause them to suffer some fit or seizure!


Since 2012 nothing has changed, people still delight in killing, exploiting and overpowering other people, because HUMANS LIKE TO "CONSUME" EACH OTHER, much like "fuel" to keep them energized and filling them with some sense of false purpose, to think that the only way they can feel alive is to have complete control over another human being is fucking scary and psychopathic at best.

So that is then why I titled this blog post - not knowing some type of awesome feminine power, but only a bunch of fucked up bitches.

The chances that HUMANS will ever change [even if they have spiritual knowledge of what light and dark really is, and how that relates to GENDERDIZED ENERGIES] are very very low! This shit will never happen, because without light and darkness HUMANS WILL COMPLETELY CEASE TO EXIST, the monotony that will come with it, will just make them ACT OUT MORE, because they feed off drama like cereal is essential to start their fucking day! 

Humans like being assholes, and I think new agers should deal with it, or maybe TRUE SEEKERS such as I, since new agers don't want to realize they are assholes, and see nothing wrong with acting like total assholes in anyway.  

It would be useless to conclude this post by saying "in the end of the day you have a choice to be good or bad, that how you treat others is your karma and how they treat you is their karma", when in fact humans just don't give a fuck either way, they can be aware of right and wrong, but as I said, that is just worth jackshit to them, because being a load of drama queens is much more delightful and "awarding" to them during each life these parasitical beings decide to incarnate!!!!!!!!

Some humor: Fuck the humans 
(please click the link and watch the youtube video if you like to understand the assholes of our glorious human race!!)

Having A Go & Stay At The Otherkin Community

I have been sober or CLEAN from the [online] otherkin community for about 4 months now.

That after being banned by many such sites, and groups, and just trying again...

AGAIN I will reiterate the goal of the otherkin [or new age] community - which seemingly is to recognize the magic in all and everybody, only to later find out that these kind of pages are teeming [swarming] with a bunch of arrogant bigotted asses! Who believe that only certain people can be magical and all divinely knowing when they prove themselves to be the biggest bullies, who enforce what they call "respect" in the most fucked up ways such as extreme attention whoring and getting little fanclubs or groups of braindead trolls to blindly follow them. In the sense that these fans of the superior otherkin, practically lack self-esteem and the ability to think for themselves to save their own lives. 

I am still trying to break my head over the fact as to WHY THIS IS HAPPENING, not only in otherkin communities, but as well in HOLLYWOOD and HIGH SCHOOL, and SOCIETY in general. That people believe they cannot be worth shit if they do not attach themselves to a celebrity or someone that LOOKS IMPORTANT. 

Then I have to go on about the NEW AGE BULLSHIT again, because you see if people like these idiot motherfucking trolls [fans of the superior magical otherkinners] are made to believe that they are worth shit how can THEY EVER REALIZE THEIR OWN DIVINITY to bring about a REAL CHANGE of TIMES, or a SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS as the new age nutters call it?

So what is apparent is that we have a whole lot of people WILLING TO SERVE some "deity" [or person that they deem to be one] but not enough people to serve the right cause! And the whole "you cannot serve two gods" thing comes to mind again, God or man - yet again wouldn't self realization of these idiot troll followers of the new age, come down to the worship of man too? Either way, it looks like a situation that can never be won - they worship someone else or themselves, and the same shit happens. 

So where is this all going? I really don't know, I guess not anywhere fast. Man always wants to be divine, but refuse to acknowledge its creator before itself. But how can you acknowledge yourself if you don't realise your creator first?

Hey I am just a girl looking for answers, and fed up with spiritual bullshit. The new age movement is just as full of shit than any christian, hindu, muslim etc. CULT(s).

Before I go off topic - the reason for writing this is to say that by DISTANCING MYSELF from [THE NOISE OF] BULLSHIT, I realized that I don't need that shit, or no person in their right mind would want to be part of a DAY-IN AND DAY-OUT trolling game, between members of a group who lie about seeing magic everywhere, and refuse to see it in anyone but themselves - as a sort of coping mechanism, because the moment they must see something special in someone else, they MUST ACTUALLY START being responsible for WHAT THEY SEE IN SOMEONE ELSE, and need to honour it. As they say "it takes more energy to be good, to share and care, than it takes to be an evil son of a bitch!' Yeah so much for the new ager's willing to work for the light - it is just too much fucking work, that they cannot seem to work into their schedule of self-praising online.

The moment you distance yourself from bullshit, instead of participating in it, you begin to see how totally fatal their actions are, and where such groups terribly go wrong in their search of spiritual truth, if that is at all their goal for being there, which I believe in most cases are not, and that they are just there mocking spirituality to feed some lower or base psychological need such as vying for attention because they don't get that shit in real life, to appease that type of "hunger". Well dressing up as an otherkin persona and pretending to be something you are in fact not, will NOT get you the ATTENTION you really want. It would only give you some sort of superficial feed, instead of going to the core of your problems, that really need to be touched.

How do you know the new age is toxic? When basic human needs are distorted by BULLSHIT!