Saturday 15 October 2011

New World Hypocrites

 Personality Versus Beliefs

Okay so this one "angel incarnate" [aka lightworker/starseed, other new age label etc] says to me: 'You make so many assumptions, how can you judge me without even knowing me?'

And then another 'angel' comes and say to me 'you are evil because you are a goth that embraces darkness, how can you be a vampire that is a perversion abominable in God's eyes?!'

And I got so mad at this little dude mentioned above calling me names etc... I even blocked him just to stop him from continuously pestering me about my 'beliefs'.

And I was dumbfounded by this simultaneous incident - the one angel is accusing me of judging and here was another judging me.

And I just realized that assumptions made based on a person's beliefs can never be far off if your personality is always an outflow of your beliefs.

It doesn't take a person with half a brain to notice the hypocrisy going on in Christianity, even so in 'new age beliefs' - if you were once harmed by someone who claims to be all 'love & light' and you continue to buy into the lies they put up, then you are really a helpless moron.

If I judge a new ager it is based on hard facts - the person acting contrary to their beliefs, I judge the beliefs because the person proved it wrong.

So it is not that I do not know you or hate you as person - but the very fact that your beliefs are in discordance with what you really are - how you act and live in real life.

I am judging the beliefs - are they right or wrong? And how can they be right if the person proves them wrong?!
When a new ager acts contrary to his/her boasting claims of being the very essence of radiating "love and light", then you have a true Hypocrite at your hands - it is best to judge wisely than let their lies consume you.

Depressed Lightworkers

What is up with all the negativity coming from NEW AGERS?

The dawning of the New Age should be filled with love and light, and most importantly Positivity and great enthusiasm for the so called New World.

But all I've been hearing is notions of militarized states, impending wars, famine, political and social destruction, death, xenophobia (the killing of all non-new agers) to clean the Earth, devastating natural disasters, and the list goes on and on primarily focused on extreme negative circumstances that should commence on planet Earth before the 'pure ones' can come and inhabit it.

There is also an extreme religious intolerance coming stronger from New Age beliefs than other organized beliefs - which indirectly signifies that all the 'sweet little lightworkers' have absolutely no regard or care in the world for people of other religions, they just do not count and have no purpose other than to exist to be eradicated (wiped off the face of this planet-xenophobia) to make way for the enlightened and pure ones to 'raise Earth's consciousness' to where it is supposed to be according to NEW AGE DOCTRINE.

It is unbelievable that these people want the Earth destroyed, and yet to inhabit it again... that just makes no sense.

And speaking of 2012 - they so desperately want this planet destroyed, the materialistic system to relieve them of the hardship of this existence showing utter cowardice and an inability to endure this reality, that they feel so strongly about self-suicide; that it should apply to all future generations as well, which brings me to the next point:

New Agers hate planet Earth, they wish it to be destroyed - but what they do not realize is that the moment this planet is gone, so is all humanity - there will be no future for the children of today, a future they so to say desire to sculpt with beautiful ASCENSION NOTICES - MAKING PLANET EARTH (GAIA) A BETTER PLACE FOR ALL.

But if this planet is doomed to be destroyed according to NEW AGE DOCTRINE, then what possible BETTER FUTURE CAN THERE BE FOR ALL on this planet they proclaim?!

As you can see New Age DOGMA is a very contradictory belief system; they want all humanity and Gaia to be wiped out and at the same time wish to save them and the planet.

They are thus all bi-polar freaks with an innate hatred for mankind, they are misanthropic narcissists - wishing to save those they'd rather see Dead.

The Lost Hairbrush

My Hairbrush was missing, so I decided instead of looking for it in my messy room, I'd just go and buy a NEW ONE...

And my Spirit Guide said to me:

"In this whole New age affair, people would also instead of LOOKING OR SEARCHING FOR A (or their) REAL SPIRIT GUIDE go and BUY ONE."

And it hit me, it is so absolutely true - new agers would rather BUY A CARD DECK, or go to various tedious NEW AGE WORKSHOPS to go and find their "spirit guides" or "guardian angels" me that is the CHEAP buy one is not actually having one...that is also why the NEW AGE MOVEMENT is so MATERIALLY baseD...

Now in a another post ( I wrote about just how a CONTRADICTORY BELIEF SYSTEM the NEW AGE DOGMA is:

~ they want to renounce the material world yet are so dependant on it for their SPIRITUAL "FOOD" or spiritual journeys, some of them would feel like dying if they miss a workshop or starseed radio broadcasting series....and then you get some of them that are worse than insolvent gamblers - - they will use every last penny just to BUY A CARD DECK from one or other RENOWNED NEW AGE GURU it doesn't matter if they don't have money for gas in their cars, or money for water and electricity, or money for even bread on the table to provide for their families, as long as they BUY THAT EXPENSIVE CARD DECK that will lead them to SALVATION ~

I remember when I first started off on my spiritual path, that I would be like a vulture - - scavenging each bookstore for any leftover books that weren't yet sold out in the NEW AGE RAGE..."God I just got to have that book, my very life depends on it"...and also at the bookstores you get VARIOUS DIVINATION CARD DECKS, I do not live in the city, but when I would go to the big city I would spend all my saved up money on this NEW AGE PACKAGES...I would buy so much at the same time, being so desperate to HEAR FROM THE DIVINE OR THE SPIRIT WORLD...that I wasn't realizing "HELL IT COSTS MONEY TO SPEAK TO THE SPIRIT WORLD...HELL IT IS F@CK!NG EXPENSIVE!!!"

...the same with all those new age workshops - IT IS EXPENSIVE TO KNOW GOD THESE DAYS.


All I am saying is - you can see God everywhere in nature and the world - and to just see Him in His purest essence in this life rarely ever costs money.


"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money (MAMMON THE GOD OF THE WORLD)." ~ Matthew 6:24


your hair is symbolic of the outflow of your mind...symbolic of your mental health - if your hair is thin and dry, and not thick, long and luscious...or if your hair is untidy and not well groomed then it is a reflection of how you really look within - then will you search for a real brush that can do the job right, or will you just go and buy some cheap one that makes false promises with pretty appeal??? What is pretty on the outside [the hairbrush and not the hair], on the surface, is not necessarily a portrayal of the inside (the real intentions of the beautiful brush) wise, be hairbrush wise!!!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Love The Art
The Creativity Angels...                                                                                                                      

Free Will Versus Divine Will

Awaiting Divine free will to act, but act according to God's will

Despite the sweetness and goodness we associate with Angels, it might not be a good thing to be an Angel Incarnate...

According to spiritual lore, humans and Angels are essentially different in that humans are made in God's image and have free will, while Angels do not. So in this sense, we might say that humans are more 'God-like' than Angels... Angels are made to bow before humans.

The hierarchy is thus God as the parents, humans like the children and Angels are like nannies hired to watch over the kids.

Given the choice, I think I'd rather be human than an Angel - more Love and protection, less responsibility and free will as choice...

The Guardian Angels...

Angels & Divine Orders

Do you know exactly what you should do each day like a real Angel?

Do you have the ability to take on exact Divine orders and to execute them perfectly as demanded?

The problem with people claiming to be 'angels incarnate or light beings etc' is that they are still SEARCHING, wondering about who and what they are, as well as what their mission or purpose might entail.

Now these people really have no clue, what they should or should not do... their minds are so full of cobwebs wondering whether they are Divine or not, and needing to prove it to other people that they are truly without EXACT DIRECTION... they do not take orders but only serve the EGO in their quest of 'self-Divinity', they are so completely 'self-absorbed' that to take orders from anything else 'outside of themselves' would be absolutely absurd.

These people are not here to EXECUTE DIVINE ORDERS, they are here to serve themselves - that is the difference between 'DIVINE SERVICE' AND 'SELF-SERVICE/WORSHIP'.

Anyone who is STILL SEARCHING, AND WONDERING about 'what their mission is or might be' are so to say LOST.

...there is so much 'WONDER' pertaining the SELF, that DIVINE SERVICE is simply out of the question - you can't take orders from God if you love yourself more than HIM.

A true Angel loves the "child more than him/herself"
Wake up people - this is logical and simple... which makes the NEW AGE MOVEMENT yet another version of SATANISM, where self-worship is the only purpose and goal to achieve - where there is so much SELF-LOVE, where could there ever be the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for everyone (outside of the Self/EGO) they promise? They make promises they cannot keep!!!

Friday 7 October 2011

Atheist's Confusion

Atheists are dumb fucks - they confuse the world with God, they confuse faith with religion, and above all - they confuse man with God...they are not angry at God but angry at the world, but their confusion, or rather hatred blinds them to this fact. Oh how stupid the godless and men of the world - - where there is only man there is no true wisdom. 

The Spiritual Juggernaut she walked through the dark, dark forest. she got deeper, deeper, and deeper in. she discovered a swamp, and knowing the importance of her journey, she knew she must go through it. she took off her beautiful slippers, and trudged through the muddy water. each sickening slop, slosh, and squish made her cringe, as she could feel the filth between her toes. but she must go on. there are too many people counting on her to complete her quest.

SHE... was the avatar of the heart. the only one her friends and family could count on, to ease their troubles. the mud got deeper, and thicker as she marched onward. the swamp began to get deeper, and at a moments pass, she was swimming in swamp water.

she was tired. her body ached, her mind weary... but she knew, that if she stopped swimming right now, the swamp water would engulf her, and she would be yet another victim of these god forsaken lands...

this... this is where you stand right now. the swamp water is the weight of everyone else's problems upon you. you could keep swimming, keep going through the filth and the muck that builds up on your body over time until you finally make it to the golden fields, where you will meet the other champions of the swamp. they will pull you out, give you a clean shower, a nice meal and a hardy congratulations that you never gave up. 

on the other hand, you could stop swimming right now... sink into the swamp, let other peoples problems devour you, becoming a loathsome ghoul that haunts the deep, wandering... never knowing the joys of the golden fields. what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, you have to be the juggernaut... the one that takes on the problems of others... but it wont be forever. there will always be someone to talk to, to help you out. the person who pulls out out of the muck, picks you up, and washes you off to send you on your next journey. 

if you feel you have no one, then you are wrong...God sends you various messengers and helpers each day along your journey...

Message from the Goddess Artemis (the Goddess of the Hunt) and THE UTILIZATION OF HER BOW AND ARROW set on a target for a specific outcome:

"If you're going through hell, keep going. She says, "Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your target, and you will make your mark." She asks you today to make a decision and stick to it. Stop wavering, she says. Are you wondering why you are not getting anywhere with your goals? It is because they are clouded. Being unclear about what you want will certainly keep you from ever receiving what you want. Know what you want, she says, And then start to make clear and concise actions that work towards your goal. Not making a decision IS making a decision. Hesitating, and not taking action towards your goals is a choice, just as much as making movement toward it is. Ask the animals, elementals, angels, or your other guides to help you. Be clear about what you want. And then focus your intentions and back them up with actions and you WILL move towards your goal,  it is about tenacity meaning sticking to a decision and not allowing outside forces to sway you from your target."

Tuesday 4 October 2011


Be a good example. If you can’t be a good example then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.

Monday 3 October 2011


Could the NEW AGE MOVEMENT be targeting easy victims?

Easy targets?

What would be classified as "EASY TARGETS"?

- broken souls, low self-esteem etc.
- souls that have not yet recovered from some traumatic life changing event
- child abuse victims (domestic/sexual)
- women that had miscarriages or abortions
- abused women
- delinquents
- rape victims
- victims of emotional harassment etc.
- people that lost their jobs/suffering financial problems
- people suffering from depression
- adopted children
- children in divorce cases
- suicidal
- any psychotic or schizophrenic behaviour
- extreme narcissism: where new age doctrine teaches that you can be your own god.
- LGBT people

and many such other cases of mental corruption seeking meaning in life...driven by the need to feel needed and special in some way, compensating for emotional needs not previously satisfied in life, due to personal neglect by others such as family and friends etc...when they feel special and part of a group they would feel as if they belong (DON'T FEEL ALONE ANY MORE, FEEL PART OF SOMETHING), they feel needed (SAVE THE WORLD - LOVE AND LIGHT RALLIES) and have some form of respect previously not given by others they sought it from (I AM DIVINE, RESPECT ME)...they who once felt like nothing and now out of nowhere suddenly feeling like something...SOMETHING BIG.


When people are desperate for meaning in life, they will believe anything because they are extremely vulnerable to emotional manipulation, they will search anywhere for meaning...but the thing with the new age movement is when once in, it is very difficult to get out of the is like an abyss, if you do not have a rope of Truth holding you, you will fall with nothing to pull you up and out.

Someone said to me: "Your problem and the angels' (angels incarnate or anyone claiming to be some new age fantastical creature) problem is that you are both stuck in your versions of reality", this was my reply:

I am not stuck on my version of reality, any time I can act like an angel, demon or any fantastical creature, when I feel the need to escape reality and entertain my fantasies to COPE WITH REALITY OR TO MAKE REALITY MORE INTERESTING.

I do not disregard the abilities of my mind as for the richness of my imagination, that can execute such frivolities as pretending to be some DIVINE entity with MAGICAL POWERS ETC.

But when I am in search of Truth, AND when I feel that my FANTASIES have took me to a point of utter uncertainty, and a surrender to boundless parameters, where there is no more FIXED POINT OF RETURN, I do not take such things lightly, and will seek to ground myself at any cost, especially if I am beyond the point of return feeling lost in the whole fantasy role playing affair - some never get the feeling of being lost, because they do not know their boundaries, and therefore have a total disregard for TRUTH, they have no central point of safe return from fantastical soul journeying, they are beyond the point - as if the soul has become the ego, they cannot distinguish between the self and the ego any more, leaving them like lost souls on the astral plane, without the light to guide them to some grounded sanity, and sensible healing.

These people do not want to heal, they seem to run from their wounds via escape of reality...a total escapism appears to dominate their thoughts, they cannot recover from trauma by digging up the self from beneath the ego [they hide behind the ego as some self-defense mechanism driven by fear, the fear of seeing what they wish to not see, because dealing with it will be simply too painful], to attend to deeper matters, they are all to me broken souls, which refuse to see the self as it is, with the fear of acknowledging the wounds of past, as a fear of facing the past - they compensate the pains of the past with miraculous visions of the future - as in "ascension", a "period of peace"...etc...because they cannot deal with it now, in the sense of cultivating it themselves in the present within...instead they wish for better tomorrows, hoping for a better future without dealing with the present, they seem to not understand that the present is more important than the future, because the present will mean that they have to face them it can wait for a future date when "jesus" will come and relieve of all pains and inner ailments bringing peace, yet forgetting that "jesus" will make them see, something they dread, because to see would mean that they would have to face themselves.

But they do things in the wrong order, they put the cart before the horse, meaning that they seek peace before ever facing themselves, it just does not work that way...first you must face the self before peace is experienced.

New Age Pride

Divine Ability Versus Equality

One of the most important thing that is separating mankind is "Ability".

One of the hurdles for a man in his journey towards the Ultimate Destiny, towards the supreme creator. Yes!!! We see some nations and people showing their ability to crush smaller ones.

There is a threat to each and every living being from it's superior and hence again proves that the ability is one thing that separates all the living beings. A person with diversified abilities tries to show them on his inferior. But sometimes even he don't know why he is actually trying to do so.

When everyone strive to attain the equality then there is no real need of showing your ability. Use it for achieving the equality. But is it really possible???

Yes it is!!!

Spread the knowledge!! Share the peace. Stop asking for more. Be contained with the things you have already achieved. So how this helps???? Simple when there is nothing for you to achieve then there will be no need for you to actually show it on your inferiors. And this stops the wars, stops the killings and result in achieving the equality, peace to reach the ultimate destiny which each and every soul on this earth is intended and created for.

When man stops showing his ability unnecessarily then it decreases the distances, increases the chance of moving towards the ultimate glory.

Each and every human being on this earth should try to attain the ultimate glory of reaching the supreme power and the difference in ability is a hurdle that he should cross to reach it and to achieve it.

The goal must be to reach a point where we all must be [regarded as] equal.


The problem with people claiming be MORE DIVINE than other people [which they regard as NORMAL], is that they have the ABILITY ISSUE they can't seem to escape from.

I do not see how there could ever BE THE PEACE they speak of, or the ASCENSION they preach of, when no one is regarded as EQUAL, where some are MORE DIVINE than others, where some are regarded as DEMONS and others ANGELS, and where some are regarded as "LIGHT BEINGS" AND "DARK ONES"... or simply more generally put : DIVINE VERSUS NORMAL (HUMAN lacking Divine powers).

Will there ever be PEACE among a group of PEOPLE, or humanity as a whole where EQUALITY does not reign?

What are these "divine beings" trying to prove if it is so obvious that their EGOS simply cannot provide the PEACE they preach? Their Egos are bigger than the normal human's for f#ck's sake!

Any claims of Divinity will only bring envy, havoc and separation among people....because those who claim to be DIVINE would never acknowledge that a normal human is DIVINE also...why? Because all the glory belongs to the EGO, and not to another.

I say that everyone is Divine, and NOT more Divine than another...did not God created us EQUAL in His image?

There is Divinity in everyone because the Spirit of God flows through Everything and EVERYONE.


"All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality."     -     David Allen Coe

Therefore man who lacks knowledge of Spirit says:

 "All the people like us are We, and everyone else is They."     -     Lionel Trilling


The most ironic thing of Humanity is that everyone wants to be Divine, yet not knowing that they already are what they seek to BE.


Question to all those who regard themselves as "DIVINE" (NOT HUMAN): what are you trying to prove to the world through your boasting and EGO TRIPS while you are supposed to be out there taking hands with other humans, acknowledging the Divinity in them as within you?

Everyone is Divine, and if you do not think so due to your NEW AGE PRIDE, then you are not living a spiritually orientated life, but an EGOTISTIC LIFE...a life so shallow lacking selflessness that the Divinity in another is disregarded, and in doing so DENYING GOD IN ANOTHER.

When you see only God in yourself, then you are lost to your own mind and shut off from the Divine mind (the Universal Truth).

What do you have to sacrifice for "sameness"? What do you have to sacrifice for Equality? There is only one Answer and that is EGO, the sense of self and the PRIDE that separates you from another...lay down your own Divinity to see the Divinity in another, only then will you understand the TRUE meaning of Divinity.

How Open Are You?

If you are open to anything, you will receive anything...

Similarly if you are psychically too open, you will receive anything on an astral level and take it as Truth.

If you open yourself up to receive anything on a psychic level, you will receive anything...

Now could anything be beneficial? Could anything have the value you really seek?


When you discard your ability to discern between right and wrong, you will no longer care of what content you receive - as long as you receive.

So many people are so desperate to receive anything at all...they just want something...and once they got something they want more...

But when could more be enough?


Anything is never specific...

What do you want? Do you really want that which you are getting? Is it beneficial for your spiritual path? Isn't it leading you astray or putting too much pressure on you?

Does it satisfy you to RECEIVE ANYTHING, just as long as you RECEIVE?

Don't YOU WANT something specific with real meaning?

Are you happy with meaningless content, as long as you get something?

To be happy with cheap stuff, is to be a cheap purchaser...a man is defined by his too with his knowledge, take anything and you will know anything, learn anything and you will educate of anything.

Is anything ever what you really bargain for? Is anything ever what you really need? Is anything ever what you really want?

Saturday 1 October 2011

Who Do You Love?


The thing of pride comes when a person wants to be recognized more by other people than by God Himself...

You have to see beyond yourself to God, until then you cannot be a clear vessel of His Spirit...

Anyone who claims to be a spiritual teacher yet operates from the stance of clear Ego, is not here or there for the cause of God, but for themselves...they want all the glory, they want all the power that comes from brainwashing innocent and gullible souls.

A spiritual fraud calling himself some spiritual master can be labeled as an "attention wh0re" - -

definition of an attention wh0re:
"Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it."

That includes telling lies, calling yourself more Divine than what you really are...anything to get noticed as special or to control people through this fake notion of being more SPECIAL than others.

Did not Jesus teach that everyone was equal? From every race, to the most humble to the most high?

A lesson to take to Heart: Get over yourself before you can get to God!!!!

But I know that because so many of you are willfully slaves to the fantastical images of your ego, that this won't sink in...but maybe if someone wants to know your true nature they will read this and take heed to not trust anything those who call themselves "angels and angels incarnate" preach.

You can be lenient and acceptable to other people's beliefs, but where is the boundaries when there is clear BS (B*LLsh!t) going on? Would you accept and take as your own the delusional Truth and truths of someone who is clearly a liar - someone I would call an illusionist? Doing tricks just for the show, just for the game, to play games with people?

If anything those who call themselves "spiritual teacher more Divine than a normal human" should be disregarded as a trusted spiritual authority on all spiritual matters, they should be avoided.

Matthew 24:24

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible."

what are these "miraculous things or signs" the Bible speak of?

Well I'll tell you:

It has to do with all these NEW AGE BS going on, where people think themselves superheroes and even Divine beings such as archangels incarnate, or angels incarnate...where people claim that they are more DIVINE than they fellow human being...and because everyone wants to feel special, people would fall like flies for the lies, just to find out if maybe they can't be special also, the categories of being an angel incarnate, or starseed, or indigo child etc. are so generally and cleverly created, that it would apply to almost anyone...which those who want to be more Divine than what they were made to be eat like sweet do they say: "you can catch more flies with sweet honey, than vinegar", meaning: You can fool and lure so many with a sugarcoated monster, that it is ridiculous.

[Put a person in a category and that person is still in a box - within the limits of man-made law, out of the reach of Truth.]

the new age sugarcoated monster: a monster (an ugly Truth) covered with beautiful lies (the sweets and icing)... those who can't see past the icing, and only want to lick the sweet icing of the cupcake, just do not have the courage nor spiritual strength to handle the real thing - to bite into the very core of the cake (symbolized by the monster as the Truth).

Jeremiah 23:16
"This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD."

1 PETER 5:8
"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

Be self-contained - meaning do not get drunk on the liquor of Babylon (NAM=NWO)...until you "angels" decide to get sober you are just all drunken angels who use alcohol as a pain killer, surrendering to the illusion of yourselves, because the truth of yourselves are just to hard to is better to face reality in quick time, than to have no self-control, nor control over your minds if you continue to surrender to the dark forces putting lies into your heads...and therefore ye all lack the clear Judgement of the HOLY GHOST, following the tongues of deceiving Spirits...they are not Kundalini Activated and therefore are not enlightened as they say they are!!!...and that is why the ASCENSION they speak of is a lie, because True Ascension is when the Spirit of God gets activated within your soul, when you have a rebirth in God's Spirit...something new agers did not experience, even though they may claim to be enlightened masters or in tune with the Christ consciousness, it stays a lie if they can't see past themselves to God...beyond the EGO their sight does not linger!!!