Friday 30 September 2011

Angels Speaking In Tongues

Speaking in tongues is probably the silliest thing crazy Christians do. You don't need the power of God to compel you to speak gibberish.

#Gibberish definition:
    Unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.  


 CHRISTIANS are not the only ones speaking in tongues - a lot of NEW AGERS are soOOOO into it too...

(the video is not about islam versus christianity but over all dogmatic and spiritual deception)

Any fool who is desperate enough to get recognized for being special can drop on the floor and roll over like some animal with incurable rabies displaying the convulsions and the works - it is the same as with calling yourself "DIVINE NAMES" or entities (such as archangels/angels incarnate, even people claiming to be Jesus incarnate, or biblical saints incarnate) pretending to be some sort of spiritual master yet knows nothing of what s/he speaks of...anything for the SHOW...anything to fool...I do not think that these people really know what the HOLY SPIRIT is all about, the preacher in the video looks as dumb as the kids...who would go to a bible camp like that where only a bunch of ignorance is spread?

Doesn't telling lies fall within the scope of "gibberish"???




They are indeed speaking in tongues - tongues that do not match Truth, which means that it is not the same tongue as nor coming from the HOLY SPIRIT, but of some other (lower) entities. 

Attention whore: Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it.
No matter how "DIVINE" you may call yourself, your ass still stinks like the rest of humanity's...your shit stinks too...I know you NEW AGERS all have sinus problems and can't smell the Truth from lies...but really...if you can't smell your shit, maybe you should touch it and taste it, because you clearly can't see it either.


the most ignorant quote I've ever heard an "angel incarnate" [or "alien" what have you] said:

a quote that helps me is "people of character do the right thing not because they think it will change the world, but because they refuse to be changed by the world."

Well when you are so blind that you can't even see that you are being indoctrinated by external worldly forces of darkness, then you must taste your shit, because all senses have failed you already...
they are indeed trying to be something they are not, now we all know what happens to people like that - murdered and trapped by their own deceitful devices...when their shit they are trying to sell to people backfires on them.

They use their shit (lies) to blind a weapon to crush individual thought aiming for the eyes to blind their victims...they want to kill people's eyesight to the Truth...but the blind can't lead the blind...and that is why all false prophets soon become ensnared by their own web of lies...and the Truth is like a spider ready to consume them when they find no way out of the mess they created for themselves.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Archangel Metatron: Holy Shit

 humans are better to be trusted than humans claiming to be archangels

 Okay so here follows a conversation between me and some "angel" in an online forum which I will call “SicklyStar”…the following story is about her and what she told me as warning to others which she did not take lightly:

SicklyStar wrote
on 01:51PM at Mar 30th, 2011
I know that I am an angel because the archangel Metatron told me.  He is walking among us as in a human body like I am.  He is quite open about his being Metatron, but the humans do not believe him and many call him crazy.  He knew about how the demons where trying to destroy me, and I there is no way that he could have known that, I had never told anyone except my parents, and they wanted me locked away for it.

Metatron is a good friend of mine, and I don't like people talking to him in a mean manner.

I also have certain powers, like being able to see, hear, and feel the spiritual world.  I used to have pyrokinesis until I had surpressed it so long it just dissapeared.

If demons are always trying to destroy you, it means that you are a threat to them.

Akasha wrote
on 11:17AM at Apr 7th, 2011
"Against logic there is no armor like ignorance."

- Laurence J. Peter (1919 - 1988)


Some chick here said that her best friend is Metatron incarnate, he has made tons of videos and does great things for Humanity...


Chirp chirp, creek, creek...

Hear the Crickets song of irony....

Yeah it is only logical that above mentioned metatron is a human, in spite of what he has done for humanity, and how many videos he had made under a false name calling himself Archangel Metatron.

I find this extremely amusing, see there was this other dude in the same forum, who also claimed to be Metatron, yet it was not the same one as the one SicklyStar was praising like a "god"... jesus, how many metatrons are there???

Clear proof of the dangers of the new age movement.

The mentioned chick has made 'Metatron' (the guy who pretends to be metatron) her personal Messiah, she claims to have no friends whatsoever but him, okay hear the crickets saying "Huh, what the f----?"

She also gave various links of videos on youTube which she says Metatron made, sorry but only Humans can make video tapes, and then there are people stupid enough to believe everything they read and hear, so desperate just to feel special she never comes aware of the fact that he is abusing his authority over her by feeding her lies, getting some sick kick out of controlling her mind.

Oh she also claimed that Metatron is on facebook, yeah holy shit right, what the hell would an archangel do wasting time on facebook when he is supposed to be rescuing people in great disaster, alas the chick to be "Metatron's" little toy must be in fact one great disaster...


WARNING: youTube videos from any archangels whatsoever are made by humans, for a quick buck to rock your pockets and to get some psychological power kick from abusing your ignorance. There are many frauds out there who use lies to feel all powerful and mighty, and then hurting people in return!!!! They are nothing more than sadists, getting a quick fix from fucking with your mind!!!


Note: the only demons you have to worry about is the demons within yourself, ignorance is one of them!

(the girl said that “metatron as helped her get rid of demons that were harassing her)

SicklyStar wrote

on 08:35AM at Apr 8th, 2011
He has been able to help many because they are able to reach him on Facebook and other sites.

Anyways, I'm getting sick of arguing with this idiot (Akasha), if someone can't see the fact that he has actually helped people, it doesn't really matter if he's an archangel or not [you will later see that indeed it matters a great deal to her that he is what he claims to be], we are all put here for a reason, to save lives and show people the way to God.

Metatron is not my only friend, I have many friends, my name is ShowStopper, and I have nothing to hide.  If anyone wants to continue slamming ML, then join a Real Life SuperVillains group like everyone else, then you can be with other people who share your belief that Master Legend and every other Real Life SuperHero is a faker.

Akasha wrote
on 06:55PM at Apr 24th, 2011

How to know if you are an angel?

You put on a mask and let your false ego rock your world.

You pretend you are all sweet and nice, avoiding the fact that you have a dark side that comes out when you interact about people when they question your beliefs.

Some say that they are fallen angels, hey it is all good, the dark side does not justify here that they are not what they say, but the Truth is that they only claim to be an angel, whether fallen or not, to feel more special than they really are.

A true master knows that enlightenment is not anything special, yet again no angel in this forum that I have met knows this fact, for they are ruled by a false ego, and that false ego is which keeps them in the darkness... so much for claiming to spread light when their minds are governed by darkness.

"There is no darkness but ignorance" - William Shakespeare

SicklyStar wrote
on 02:41PM at May 5th, 2011

(quoting lyrics for educational purposes only)
I don't care,
what you are saying,
I will sing this song,
I will keep talking,
and singing along,
to my song....

Because I don't give a sam-heck what you say to me, and I wear a mask for a perfectly good reason.

And you've been talking to Zero and Zimmer, haven't you?  And Malvado apologized for going over-board in what he said to me on his blog.  And Agent Berrilium is just jealous that Tothian is giving me attention. [don’t know about who the hell she is talking about probably some other “superheroes or angels”]

Akasha wrote
on 10:05PM at May 5th, 2011

To Quote An 'angel'

Posted May 5th, 2011 at 9:35PM

"I don't care what you say about me, I am wearing this MASK of false angelichood for a perfectly good reason!'

So what's the reason?

To deceive others while you deceive yourself?

Should an 'angel' deceive? Or should an angel tell the Truth?

Also another: 'We that claim to be incarnated angels are not 100% sure that we are what (we say) we are'

Okay if you are not sure about calling yourself an angel, then why do you go ahead an do it anyway?

Yes 'wearing the deceitful mask for a perfectly good reason'.

What is good, about a great reason to lie?????

I am sorry to burst your bubble, but singing a song based on false notes, is really a cacophony, nothing beautiful about that because it has no true essence... it is fake song done only for the are not doing it for yourself, but doing it for the people - - to look good, while your voice if not picked up by A Truth seer will go unnoticed as ugly and artificial, because there are so many people that live for the world and its lies like you do, therefore one liar cannot discern the lies of another from the Truth... so you and your little friends ("angels") are singing a discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds: which you perceive as beautiful because to the world it goes unnoticed, but to the Spirit world it is truly ugly because it is songs based on culpable lies.

SicklyStar wrote
on 12:39PM at May 6th, 2011
What is lived cannot be denied... And I was referring to the mask on my face, have you ever seen a picture of me?

Lyrics: (provided for educational purposes only)

Tell me something I don’t already know
I know that you can’t stand these things
I’m preaching in the streets
But how can I contain the truth I hold inside
With all the hurting people that I see so I don’t mind
Putting up with you, and all the things you say
I’m not about to stop or even change my ways

There’s nothing you can say
That will take me away from this life
There’s nothing you can do
To shut me up (to shut me out) when I’m speaking the truth

You may not like all I have to say
But you can’t prove that everything
Is filled with empty words
I know my life and inside how I’ve changed
A testimony to the truth I speak, so I don’t mind
Putting up with you, and all the things you say
I’m not about to stop or even change my ways

There’s nothing you can say
That will take me away from this life
There’s nothing you can do
To shut me up (to shut me out) when I’m speaking the truth

Akasha wrote
on 07:32PM at May 6th, 2011
SicklyStar, a message about your Metatron from my Guardian Angel looking out for the needs of the kids we are given to protect and warn against the NEW AGE MOVEMENT...

My Guardian Angel is in Spirit, and your Metatron is in flesh... so who will you listen too? The incorruptible or the corruptible?


Here's a message especially for you:

"Angelic, but a demon fills your head (your metatron)!!!"

Hobbs Angel of Death Lyrics - Liar 

(lyrics provided for educational purposes only)

Don't listen to what he tells you He'll feed you lies
He'll try to take your sight, he'll make you blind
He don't give a damn, he'll knife your back
You won't get a chance to attack He's a liar

He'll hack your brain, destroy your mind
He'll try to take your sight, he'll make you blind
You must be strong, put up a fight
It won't be long till the morning light He's a liar

He'll hack your brain, destroy your mind
You won't be sane, you are to blame
You fooled around with poison flame
You must believe this is not a game He's a liar

SicklyStar wrote
on 10:03AM at May 9th, 2011
True angels are always heroes, doing God's will.  What hast thou acomplished?  I have a hand full of dreams, and a heart full of God, let's see how far this takes me.  And fakes don't get shows titled "The Adventures of Master Legend" on HBO, coming soon.  Or their own comic books.  Or an article in Rolling Stone.  Or awards for heroism.  Or in a movie called "Superhero Me".  I could go on and on.  However, you are a waste of time, and I will no longer even read what you are saying.

In about, lets say, 5 years, let's all look back and see who has done the most work that really matters.  I probably won't even remember you existed, much less the garbage you love to post so well, taking what people say out of context and all that.  Probably no one will.  A waste of time, I'm telling you.

I am Reverend ShowStopper, signing off, never to even look at what you have to say to all this.  I think I'm going to go and help some people in Africa get clean water, and then try to raise some money for the Trichotillomania Learning Center.  And then think of something to put in my blog.  And if I have any time this evening, try to accept all these 800+ friend requests I have right now, I never seem to have much time to be on Facebook anymore. *sigh*, the work of a SuperHero.

Oh, yeah, I kill demons.  They hate me because I'm a threat to Lucifer's master plan, that's why they've tried to destroy me, because I'm a demon fighter and can see them.

Akasha wrote
on 08:17AM at May 15th, 2011
@SicklyStar you said:

And fakes don't get shows titled "The Adventures of Master Legend" on HBO, coming soon.  Or their own comic books.  Or an article in Rolling Stone.  Or awards for heroism.  Or in a movie called "Superhero Me".

So I ask you in reply to that: so real ones do?

Looks like you love him only for the fame and the titles, not for his good works.

It is funny how I saw a Smallville episode yesterday about 'the Blur' (clark/superman) versus 'the Bolt'... Where the bolt dude was all out for the fame, running around in his superhero costume and throwing shows to make his NAME big forgetting about saving the world and challenging clark to do the same "running around in angelic cloth the suit" whole day trying to get in comic books and rollingstones all the glamour...

And funny how clark said: "it is not about the suit, but what you do" (thus not about the outer show you throw but what you could have done in the time while chasing fame)... Your metatron is like bolt living for the world the glitter and the glam, people would do the most horrid things (tell lies about their abilities and "powers" just for the sake of worldly vanities...for "power" over people's minds, for with that type of manipulation you can get far trampling over millions in your way to get there).

And when clark challenged this bolt's absurd way of "being" he said to him: "Come now clark, you are just jealous because everything is about me and not about you!" So when bolt's girlfriend (blinded by his glitter) stood on the stage ready to be blown to pieces by a villain, bolt was powerless practically paralyzed because he was not a real superhero like clark - being nothing beneath the suit (soulless and spineless when the show is gone and faced with the reality)... It was clark that came out of nowhere and saved bolt's love interest.

Moral of the story: as clark said "illusions are fun until someone gets hurt". I need to add for your own sakes compare "the BLUR" with "the BOLT"... The way of "being". Clark works silently behind the scenes, not governed by pride...he is like a ghost, a phantom... He doesn't build large billboards advertising his expertise, nor create facebook accounts with millions of fans to make himself feel validated as superhero, nor does he make videotapes on youtube to attract fans, nor does he write comic books about himself (reducing his credibility as comics stays comics, nothing real about that), nor does he pose for fancy photo shoots in magazines like RollingStone -- funny how that would make him to pose in the nude for it's what that magazine is all about: NUDITY. You see that bolt (metatron) is a hypocrite because he ain't really nude (naked) in front of the cameras, no his suit or (glitter/fame) is in the way covering his true nature. See "BOLT" is a bright show-stopper, shining for the show only -- he does not shine behind the scenes, only when it is his que to play the role on stage. While clark "BLURS"... Shining behind the scenes in his phantom ways. Watch out for the deceitful glow, the clown called "show-stopper"!!!!

Alas, my words yet again fall upon deaf ears, but someone looking behind the scenes of the great shows performed by metatron/bolt on stage, looking and searching for Truth will find these words and HEAR with gratitude.

These so called "superheroes" with their facebook accounts and online networks are nothing more than online predators and pervs, looking for vulnerable and gullible targets to inflate their egos...truth be told any person who makes up such lies of being some sort of superhero or godlike figure all suffer horrible low self-esteem issues, which brings out the need to pretend all high and mighty when they are actually nothing in reality...these people are so mentally fucked up, if they can't even help themselves how can they help others - especially through lies? They are all BLUE BOLTS, terribly sad cases using the internet to feel powerful because they know they can be nothing in real life...they are BLUE (suffering serious mental issues and agony because of it) and seeing the internet as the unique opportunity NOT TO HEAL but to manipulate souls, the only thing a psychopath needs to cheer up is seeking to destroy innocent believers in their lies...they are nothing but energy vampires seeking to bleed their victims dry by abusing their ignorance.

this is what your "superhero" looks like behind the computer screen

Angels acting like assholes

So I've been dealing a lot with people claiming to be "angels incarnate" making claims of some serious superhero shit... such as this "hardcore shit":

(please try to recognize the pattern if you would deal with someone like this in the future)

"Considering the line of now front line work I do and recent events (the raising of consciousness, preparing for the end of the world saving lost souls), there is a potential risk I might get a chance to not get the words out that I should. So I want to get something out in the open so no matter what happens to me, I will not have regrets. As the saying goes; "Better said now than never."

I probably have only spoken to some of few very little, and some more than others. However, I just want to let you people know some things that come from deep in my heart. Sure you may have not met me, who knows maybe one day you will?

No matter what hour of the day, no matter how far you are, no matter what country or timezone you live in. I will always be here if you ever need someone to talk to. I'm not doing this because of my faith, I do this because I am following my heart. No matter how crazy something may be or sad it is, or just simple daily conversation. I would be more than happy to take a day off work if it meant I can spend the whole night and day talking you through things and make sure that you don't feel scared or sad anymore. Right now, my finances aren't exactly great so this is my way at the moment of doing what I can. But if there came a time when I had my money sorted and you got in trouble, I would gladly jump on the nearest flight and travel thousands of miles to be by your side so you would never feel isolated and alone. These are not fluffy words, these are cold hard facts and if I can get hold of a few people again, I will ask them to come on here and tell you what I did for them. Distance means nothing to me, your happiness does. I don't care what you done in the past, what you do now an any other of those details along those lines, that will not stop me going beyond limits to make sure you live happy lives in this difficult and sometimes cruel world.

People can criticize me as much as they want, and tell me not to bother caring and doing what I do. Often I get told what I do is foolish, but that will not stop me following my heart and making the world a better place. I don't care how much I get mocked, named or humiliated I get. That will not bind me down from caring about each and every one of you. If there was a situation where I would either get shot or give up how much I care, I would take literally every bullet.

To be honest I tend to put up a lot of barriers, not anything against any of you. But my biggest fear is that all the compassion I have for you all will freak you out and you would never talk to me again. I'm more than certain some of you wouldn't but I'm confessing my biggest fear here. Also, I worry a lot that I get on people's nerves as many times in the past my good intentions have been misread and it has irritated people. I hate upsetting others, and I am very vulnerable to getting bad guilt trips. However that won't stop me trying, even if it means some walk away and then come back, the same level of compassion will always be there.

I don't want anything in return and never will."

These are typical the types of people that BLOCK AND HARASS YOU in online forums, when you question their "angelic attire", abilities and Truthfulness.

So I wrote a this for those who want the bullshit cleared up keeping in mind that the girl that wrote about playing "saviour to all" (in the above orange box) just blocked me on some online website and incited other members of the same site to block me as well during private message sessions where debasing people seems their prime past time hobby - that is of course when they are not "saving people":
During my journey I have met a lot of people who claim that they are the radiance of light and love itself, and that they will do absolutely anything for you and that they love you with heart and soul, but really come on people, when someone like that blocks or attacks you with no reason or just out of pure prejudice, I really think you should question whether or not these people are as sweet and empathic as they say they really are!  

This is a reality check for everyone who comes across such people claiming love and light for all, yet when they don't like you they just simply block you out of their life from a concrete stance of ego, not to mention the personal attacks and threats in online forums...they won't hesitate to flag your stories or try to get you banned, because they can't handle the Truth...

Please don't tell me that their love is unconditional, because people THAT IS A LIE!!!

These swindling mishaps tend to gossip behind your back and form gangs in really "love and light" behaviour isn't it?! It's like they want to warn everybody of someone they don't like and instantly a whole army of haters stands on the front lines of battlefield...yeah NO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE THERE IS ONLY PURE HATRED threatened by someone that might just hurt their pride for telling them the Truth as it is...terribly deluded souls cheering on the lies of each charming yet pathetic...we all know that liars get their rude awakening somewhere down the line...

They say they love everyone, but the moment you get blocked or attacked (harassed) by such a person should be a clear indication that these people are just really insane jokers.

I really don't know why they tell people that they are like superheroes, when in fact they are far from the very thing they proclaim to be!

Please take note that in these days and in the past throughout ages we had many of such people, promising the world lies and when it comes to the push they just can't produce and prove themselves ridiculous clowns only out to stroke their own egos!

Stay alert - the dark forces can always speak of love but can never really give it, be therefore vigilant because your soul is on the line...

Putting trust in fake love is like lining yourself up for a nightmare!

all bullshitters eventually get their shit thrown in their own faces as gift from themselves to themselves

Friday 16 September 2011

Called According To His Purpose

Demons in Heaven...

I am writing this to only show how the Bible from the old King James Version has changed over the ages...all to fit worldly propaganda...using Ephesians 6:12 as example.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (King James Bible)

And then you could go and take a look at the New International Version's (1984):
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

What is the difference between "High Places" and "Heavenly Realms" in context?

Well if you alter just the slightest word in a sentence you can change is meaning altogether.

Now to me, the "High Places" has a total different meaning than "Heavenly Realms", especially when there is referred to "worldly leaders or authorities" which are inevitably seated in high positions of social political leaders, preachers, doctors (especially psychologists and psychiatrists) etc.

If the term "Heavenly Realms" is used, it does alter the meaning altogether, because not only does the bible now confuse people saying that "demons abide in heavenly realms" but also that the problem does not lie in the world, that the problem is not seated within worldly leaders sitting in "high authority positions"...and the reference to "dark world" means the "illusion" or the "blindness" or "ignorance" which is the veil of worldly deceit covering unenlightened minds.

You need to understand that the Bible CAN BE USED as a powerful tool for mental manipulation of the masses, such as corrupt media coverage - to keep people blind to what is really go on. 

2 Corinthians 4

1 Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word (to twist the words of the Bible or rather the Gospel's Truth), but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing (lost). In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Christ's sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 3:14 

But their minds were hardened (closed to the Truth). For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away.

Wake up,
Organized religions are structures of power, institutions of mind-control...we all know that Satan infiltrates that institutions, yet what if Satan is the man-made buildings and laws itself?

    I do not say that all people in churches are "bad people" or "satanists", I am just saying that they do not know what they are believing...they are just blindly accepting everything they are told and not looking at the bigger fact some of them are so completely innocent to that which they so blindly follow and believe, that they are not to blame, but higher powers.

You cannot truly believe until you have seen past the illusion and have chosen whether to worship God or man...or rather Truth and lies, that is what it all comes down to - ignorance worshiping a dead god made up by the world or to worship the True God which is above all worldly doctrine.

Galatians 3

Faith Brings Righteousness

1 You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law (the laws of the world), or by hearing with faith (just believing in God)? 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? (have you not begun in Spirit, now you want to end your power by the reality of physicality/flesh/materialism) 4 Did you suffer so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? (it couldn't have been in vain) 5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law (by obeying the worldly doctrines), or by hearing with faith (by simply believing)?   

6 Even so Abraham BELIEVED [in] GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS. [only faith brings righteousness and salvation]

10 For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, “CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, TO PERFORM THEM.” (that performs every law to the nine, precisely as it is written) 11 Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.” (no one shall attain salvation through the law but through faith alone) 12 However, the Law is not of faith; on the contrary, “HE WHO PRACTICES THEM SHALL LIVE BY THEM.”(but the law is not concerned by faith, but about conduct, because it is written "those who do what it commands shall live) 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, “CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE” (or wood, thus crucified or rejected for belief in God or the spiritual reality, those who do not act in accordance with the laws of the world)— 14 in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles (the people), so that we would receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. (rebirth in God's Spirit - reborn of Faith in Christ) 
23 But before faith (The Spirit) came, we were kept in custody (imprisoned) under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. 24 Therefore we were guided by the Law (man-made doctrines of the word) before Christ (came bringing the salvation of Spirit), so that we may be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guidance of the Law. 26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. (God's Spirit) 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (We are all part of God's Spirit) 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs (children of God's Kingdom) according to promise.