Tuesday 10 July 2012

Talking Demons And Darkness

 Those who talk about devils and demons,
I can respect people who talk about darkness,
Those who do not only focus on the Light,
Because those who only talk about Angels and fairy dust...

Well it is they you should watch out for,

Those who live in denial of darkness,
They cannot show you the Light...
Because they live in fear of the darkness.

Those who acknowledge the darkness have conquered the darkness,

Those who have faced the darkness have found a way through the wilderness,
Trust in those who do not live in ignorance of the night,
They know how to get you out of it.

Panic Stations


These new ager freaks with their messiah complexes going on seem so stressed out hitting panic stations - they are here to save the world, every single person before the end of the world talks...

I am here to tell you chill the fuck out... WTF, while being heavily indoctrinated by new age beliefs I had the same sick symptoms...

But it was only after I realized that I was not the messiah etc. That I woke up, I mean really woke the fuck up realizing that I was NOT GOD and therefore not under any obligation to save or try to save anyone... And that it is between them and God, and has nothing to do with me... That I went on a permanent "messiah vacation"...

What a relief!!!!!

Time is running out, do not spend it on shit...trying to save people that do not need your saving etc...

If you cannot spiritually grow and learn from it, drop it, leave them alone...sometimes you have to learn that you have reached a certain point with certain people - that you learned all you can from them, and that there is really nothing holding you bound to them, and that is when you move on.

Yeah everyone wants to make a difference, but this messiah shit is dangerous where people willfully lose themselves in others getting hurt.

I am glad I am not jesus, or any god meaning I have no responsibility over all people, or some responsibility if I do not do it I die and go straight to hell... Imagine these people thinking they are the messiah here to save all, and what if they fail to save ALL? Straight to hell, no matter how hard they tried to helped them, no?

Sometimes you just have to let go and let the real God take care of things.

Sometimes you just do not have to give a fuck!!!!

Who the fuck cares in anyway, better question who must care?

Live and let live or else you'll burn yourself out and end up being a burned out messiah complex case!!!!

Who the fuck cares what others do and do not do, and where they are at in their spiritual growth?!!!!!

Why must anyone give a fuck when each person has their own journey to travel and must learn things on their own time?!