Sunday 28 December 2014


There is a tumblr page called created by an Asian transgender female wanting to be a man. 

But apart from her gender and personality dysphoria she is also a racist who hates white people more than black people apparently does. 

The page is there to post personal information of people whose twitter and facebook pages are public (showing information on their work address), to get racists rants posted on their walls or tweet profile reportedto the poster's employer so that they can lose their job.

The page has managed to leave various white people without jobs.

They do not only target employed white people, they also target college students, and if they happen to take a screenshot of a racial slur on your page they will notify the school where you study to try and get you expelled.

The creator of the ANTI-WHITE page seeking to destroy white people's lives by rendering them without an income or education, was hacked by chan4 cyberhackers, after pissing them off with her double standards bullshit - when they found out that she is herself a fucking racist bigot, who likes to call white people maggots and want to see them dead especially by food poisoning as she worked at a (fast) food restaurant. She also writes that she does not care if white people's lives get ruined by her racist attacks on them, or that their children will die of hunger when she successfully succeeded in depriving them of a decent living.

The page was started in November 2014 initially to support unlawful attacks on protesters by police, but it slowly spun out of control and by December 2014 the owner "yellowxperil" of the page "" resigned as admin after pleading to her followers to help her because she was receiving threats of being doxxed herself, by making her private information public online for everybody's eyes, so that because she is such a fucking racist she can also NOT GET EMPLOYED for the same reasons that she wants others to be fired and not taken into service.

the page is highly racist and only aimed at destroying the reputations of white people.

the owner itself is a racist bigot.

there is no mention ever of reverse racism - where for example black on white or asian on white racism, or People of Colour on white racism is being exposed, and People of colour's jobs being exposed to such threats.  A page with double standards clearly.

unfortunately there is white people stupid enough to follow the retards running the page, not realizing that the ADMIN of the page HATE ALL WHITE PEOPLE, not just those who post racist shit on their public twitter/fb pages. These white people support and promote the ANTI-WHITE page, without knowing what the original creator is all about. I am telling you now, I did the fucking research, the owner is a fucking WHITE HATER don't matter if you are racist or not. Don't think she is on your side!!! If you do you need brain surgery

A page was created by an unknown source to expose the racistbigot - letsdoxxyellowxperil on tumblr and let us not forget she apparently has a spot in the WikipediaDramaticaEncyclopedia too for being nothing but a two faced hypocrite who took her shit simply too far - her racist posts on other sites can be viewed on both sites as per links provided.

Example of a submission: I don't support your racist shit, with your childish replies, this page has become a joke, you are ruining the lives of these people and that of their families.

reply by racist page: i don't give a fuck if they starve, these maggots must die

bottomline: double standards, the scapegoat still blaming other people for your shit instead of fixing your own shit, and being too fucking sensitive, people always wanting to call racist before seeing that they themselves are being racist, the endless name and blame game just to cover their own tracks. Yes well if this is the glorious fucking new age that is upon us, that the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIES predicted to have brought to earth during 2008 up to now, and especially 2012, then this is just exactly showing humanity's true nature, that they will never fucking change ever, planet earth is not changing, there is no higher raise of vibrations of great consciousness shifts if this shit proves that people keep on getting dumber and evil as fuck by the minute.

Always this fucking thing with these "saviour" or "social justice warriors" of the internet, here to save mankind, they are always supposedly here to help people with disasterous outcomes and truly sinister intentions - because they can't face up to themselves, and can't stop doing the whole "pot calling the kettle black" - thing, because let's face it people, to be truly spiritually mature would be to shatter their illusions and belief that they ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN OTHER HUMAN BEINGS, when they are in fact the same pieces of shit, just in different shapes and sizes, doing the same shit to each other if not worse.

How can you claim to be anti-racist when you point out racists to feed your own egotistical needs based on hypocritical racial grounds. Out of sheer hate for the other race, this is in my opinion premeditated racism, and not just stumbling on a page where someone just happens to HURL A RACIAL SLUR, no it is taking the matter further, and taking the law in your own hands and acting as judge and executioner where no authorization was given by law and the proper legalistic channels. 

No court would order such unproportional retaliation, if the Court ordered the employer to remove them from the employment office then it would be lawful. But trying to force the employer to dismiss an employee BECAUSE YOUR ORGANIZATION says so, comes down to Harassment by the inciter and the employer, and the employee can SUE THE HELL OUT OF THEM both!!! They are trying to make their own law on how to respond to racial problems, and it is not working nor would it be legit, as they want to be above the Constitution and the rule of LAW!!!

Point of post:

These so called saviours of people are pissing me off, with their hypocritical bullshit, when they only promote the interest of their people or certain groups of people with sinister well planned out agendas - hence they are not TRUE SAVIOURS, just trolls seeking to harass someone who are different from them for the sake of fucking hating. And they get off on it too, until they get fed their own medicine, what happened in this case. Only then do they seem to get kicked off their high pedestals that they put themselves on to pride themselves on being more important than others.

The best critique on this online troll is apparently that she wants to be a man but she can't even practice a shred of humanity towards other people. Irony at its best.

Friday 19 December 2014


It is a great shame that I have to write this during a Christmas season, when families are supposed to come close and actually be there for each other.

But in my life, the family who I thought would always be there for me, is simply incapable of being there for me on an emotional level at all.

Let's say due to our religious differences - them being dumb christian zealots who cannot go a day without NOT thinking for themselves, and me being the agnostic crazy cousin. I don't want anything financially from them as well, heaven forbid I don't want to create more ties than the TOXIC EMOTIONAL BONDS I already worked so hard to sever.

So the story goes one of my family members asked me if I would come to visit them, via a request on facebook. At first I said yes, but then I was thinking to myself, going through my memory bank of the past five years - why I initially severed all contact with them. My stomach started to act up and I felt like I was going to vomit. Which is strange since the whole week I feel constipated, then I hear I must go to visit the family, and all of a sudden I get diarrhea and fall into a dark cloud of anxiety.

And to top it all off - this week I almost broke my ankle and a ligament was torn. Now I must wear this supporting cast they call a moonboot. And I know how my uncle and grandparents would greet me - first ask me what happened to my foot, then tell me how stupid I am for falling, and then laughing at the situation I am in. These people seriously lack any sense of compassion - maybe it is due to their psycho-sociopathic religious relations. Or just because they are limp brained pricks, as simple as that. 

Or the fact that my aunt thinks I want to seduce my uncle and want to compete with me in a childish manner. This family situation is just fucked up. I just think my aunt is intimidated by me or even jealous - something that has nothing to do with me actually wanting her stupid ass husband. More over I believe it is due to  her religious upbringing, and her strict parents, that made her hate herself so much, suffering from a complete lack of self-esteem due to religious indoctrination - that she is INTIMIDATED and THREATENED by anyone who she feels challenges her self-worth. This is also unchristian like to falsely suspect and wanting to look down on someone because YOU HAVE A PROBLEM with yourself. 

It is absolutely not my problem if my aunt chooses to live a shallow life - and feel the need to compete with a deep and free spirited soul like I am.  Someone (me) who released the very bonds that keeps her (my aunt)  captive. Yes I believe it is ENVY and not jealousy, for the latter requires STRESS that someone is going to take away what  you have. She wants however what I have - the person that she can never be, due to keeping herself mentally imprisoned by her own distorted belief structures.

I sure as fuck don't want to go there on a Saturday, to sleepover, and go to CHURCH with them on Sunday. First I look as if I just escaped war alive with my foot cast, and second I don't have time for that bullshit. These people are not deep, they are superficial and judgmental - the type of people who would rather buy their kids braces to make them feel good than actually talk to them to find out what really bothers them inside.

My aunt is 16 years my senior, yet she still lives in a childlike mentality - due to her always wanting to impress SOCIETY, and always wanting to do what is right according to WHAT SHE THINKS, people thinks, is RIGHT for her to live by.

I used to like her better, when she was unmarried, childless and free spirited and there was more room for development. She seems stuck today. And her dreams have become unattainable by herself. And she lives through her children and social status being married to a wealthy businessman.

I hope I never end up like her, to crucify my soul on society's lame standards. Sad fact is - her husband is just as shallow as fuck as she is. Who wants that, who needs this type of relationship? Only a zombie, slave to this world. They are so concerned with pleasing the world and society, that they completely lost track of themselves AND THEIR CHILDREN who are doomed to fit into the mold they parents created for them to live by.

And of course there is always my father who compares my siblings and I to our cousins, telling us how fucked up we are and how cool they are - then I simply remind him "well these assholes need to grow up some time, they are just crashes waiting to happen". Some fucks need to come back to earth, and some even die before that can happen and their soul can attain true depth. There is no satisfaction in leaving this earth a shallow piece of trash, and getting at heaven's gates EMPTY HANDED. The difference between my father's brother's children and my brother and I, is that WE tasted the ground a long time ago, we actually grew up faster, due to having to deal with REALITY as it is, and not as society portrays it. Can we say that we are more humble than they are, more humility? Definitely.

Let's take for example my brother and I grew up with a father who is emotionally explosive, yay to the scorpio trait. My father always manifested his emotions in some sick way, he never really let it get bottled up. Which is different from his family or brothers and sisters, because they would rather keep their shit in and veiled or clouded from their children. My father is thus different, yet similar to his siblings in some sick way.  Point being made is that if it was not for HIM making his children deal with his emotional suffering, we would not have grown as the people we are today, laid back and even empathetic etc. Is this a benefit of child abuse? LMFAO

My father's siblings' children on the other hand, well their parents fear their emotions more than my father ever did, and failed to express them so that people can really understand them, because it is a sin AND improper you know and then I hear my father's MOTTO: I WON'T LIVE A LIE.

Anyway I stayed at home, and let my parents go on their own together with my little sister to the FAMILY, even though my aunt prepared my bed because I said I was going, I just felt too sick to go there again, it never changes, the story is always the same - the same shallow shit plays off every time. Now I UNDERSTAND why my father always expressed his emotions so vehemently - because that family simply NEVER TALKED TO EACH OTHER, other than the casual and stupid small talk. Well fuck that shit, I don't have time for that shit, I deal with it at my work. I need some time alone too you know, where I can be REAL WITH MYSELF. And luckily I can do that on my weekends. I don't want to waste it on the same superficial shit I deal with everyday.

sometimes dreaming about fucked up shit

You have to be funny about it and honest about it. You can't leave yourself out of that mix. You have to be honest enough to say, I'm that messed-up one in the family. ~ Louie Anderson quotes