Wednesday 24 September 2014


How do you become spiritual in the new age community?


You just buy a fucking pack of Angel cards, or buy one of Doreen Virtue's self-help books about being a mermaid. 
Or you just buy a fucking otherkin T-shirt manufactured by another greedy new age bitch for nothing but monetary gain. Dressing people up in their kin-type, making them look like voluntary fools.


What prompted this post, see here as seen in the otherkin tag on tumblr:


At first I thought it was just an ordinary motherfucking troll post, but after reflection, it was clear it made a lot of sense.

All I can say about this shit is that THERE IS NO EASY WAY to become spiritual, or to get spiritually attuned in life.

To be really spiritual, means to take your shit seriously, and knowing that it is going to be a hard path to walk. And accepting the difficulty to become spiritual, or to work on yourself spiritually, has its own blessings.

I believe that those who think there is a quick fix to become spiritual, have not reaped any such blessings, and don't know true spiritual gifts from being on a serious spiritual path.


I saw this post in the otherkin tag on tumblr:

What is paraphernalia:

 equipment, apparatus, or furnishings used in or necessary for a 
 particular activity.
So here I thought that only Doreen Virtue, was manufacturing this new age paraphernaila, with her Angel Cards and what have you. But in fact, there are many people seeing financial opportunities in exploiting people's curiosity on the spiritual path. Some make Ouija Boards for a quick buck or sell stones and crystals where heaven knows they picked up etc. And now of course we have these otherkin people, making "otherkin T-shirts" and shit.

The attitude is like "wear this or that to identify you as such, or you would feel more authentic wearing a furred tail between your legs, buy these bloodshot supernatural contact lenses that makes you look like a zombie that escaped his tomb, or the all black contact lens that covers the entire eye ball to make you look like a freakin' black eyed kid AKA SCARY MOTHERFUCKING ALIEN, and don't forget to pay internet for making a youtube video about how you get harassed for being an otherkin in your full otherkin attire"....

Question is, do these articles really make them feel closer to spirituality? Or is it taking them away from fulfilling their true spiritual purpose in life?

Gets me thinking, that if you focus too much on the paraphernalia of your beliefs, you would never truly understand your beliefs per se. For example, like those retarded Christians that go to church to take part in the holy meal, just to eat the bread and drink the wine, but never know what it is really all about, or just going to the service to hear the preacher speak out of the BIBLE but never bothering to know what lies behind the true meaning of a message or the BIBLE for that matter.

That goes well with the whole Bible story about idolatry - and making you blind to the REAL GOD, don't you think?

It is this type of ever enduring shallowness in the new age community, that made me frown upon them as superficial fucks who don't know anything about spirituality, nor bother to do so, because focusing on the paraphernalia alone is enough for them to supposedly become SMART AND STRONG in their convictions.

This is all fucking bullshit. It discourages thinking!!!! And encourages retardism and extreme attention whorring.

Just like a fad - buy shit or do something to be the cool kid on the block. Nothing else to it but to make yourself look good for attention. And this my friends, has nothing to do with seeking respect at all - if you have to support stupid subcultures and their paraphernalia just to fit in, then you already lost self-respect.

Wednesday 17 September 2014


What is really going on in the otherkin community? 

Let met tell you, they are calling each other names all the time, they call everyone fake, and everyone is suffering from a special snowflake syndrome except for the cult leaders, or those otherkin who want to take control or rather those who want the most attention out of this attention whoring deal. Hypocritical much?

When they write shit like how they are being hunted, and how they don't want to expose themselves while actually roleplaying online, I am just like what the fuck is wrong with all this?

You can easily see who wants the most attention, and who is using this otherkin thing as a big cry for help. It is those who skillfully create the picture around themselves that they are the real deal while others are just completely fucking fake, and why they are the ones to be believed in as authentic by giving such reasons as being part of some cult aka pack or coven, or that they are alphas or supremes etc. to make it sound more attractive or laudable. See here.

I don't know what to say about this other than proclaiming yourself to be the one and only magical creature deserving of praise makes you look like a total fucking fake or just plainly put a true attention hungry whore. Not just that but also makes you look like a evil fucking narcissist with no regard for anyone's spiritual well being, not even your own.

Apparently you only have superpowers if you are the only one that has it OR when you are able to convince others that you are the ONE AND ONLY, alpha and omega, OTHERKIN [what the fuck ever you like OTHERKIN persona].

They don't do NAMASTE, as repeated ad infinitum [endlessly] meaning that these fuckers do not believe that everyone has something special in them, and that everyone should be treated as equally sacred and magical. 

Then you can argue, but they want attention from others, do they then think that those who give them the attention are special in any way, or that their attention given would make the otherkin's special light shine more if more attention is aimed at them alone? No, not really. They don't appreciate the attention people give them, nor the people giving it, they are just using the energy they draw as a means to an end. It is almost psychopathic if not completely sociopathic. 

All this attention whoring online in RPG or roleplaying forums, only show their weaknesses. In fact it is clear they suffer from some type of low self-esteem, to go so far as to seek validation from others to actually be something at all, whether it be online or offline. I mean why can't they be something or someone without all these bizarre attention seeking schemes online?

I want to say these people are really craving love and understanding, but is it really what they desire if they are acting like people with no regard for other people? How can others understand you if you have no respect for them? Or how can you desire understanding, acceptance and empathy form others if you are not prepared to return the same?


What I do see in the new age community is that children are acting like selfish brats, like babies who think they are entitled to all the love and attention, and fuck the mother or the hand that provides it. It is shameful that "adults" [who should know better by now] act the same way in this terribly fucked up cult. So much for heaven dawning on earth since 2012, and unconditional love here to be awakened in all hearts since then. 

I have learned to distance myself, not to comment or to create an account on otherkin communities just to have a go at them for being total morons, or in the name of the good will or to save other people form their ignorance - in the end you are called the troll and hater because no one wants to listen to sense in a place of total insanity, where they feel safe to hang out at.

lesson: DON'T HELP THOSE WHO DON'T WANT TO BE HELPED, LET THEM fuck themselves over, what is that saying: NOT MY CIRCUS, NOT MY MONKEYS.


PS I KNOW I SAID they use this otherkin thing as a cry for help but frantically I just think some of them have no souls and just like fucking with people for the heck of it.

Tuesday 16 September 2014


I just heard the psychiatrist who told my parents that I was psychotic for believing in the afterlife died of a heart attack yesterday, at 44 years old of age.

First I was like, who the fuck is the guy? My mom quickly told me, it is your "psychologist", wrongly termed for PSYCHIATRIST.

So I wonder what the fuck did he see on the other side when crossing over yesterday? Probably nothing, because if you believe in HEAVEN and souls, then you are a mental case.... 

Some say THAT WHAT YOU BELIEVE in this life, is going to determine your sight or spiritual consciousness in the next life - but what if these fuckers are wrong, and you SEE EVERYTHING CLEARLY on the other side, despite not believing in it while you were alive?



Maybe it is his journey now...........


But to me, I find it simply unacceptable that people in the health industry, cannot be spiritually inclined in their method of practice.

They say they are there to help people, and are there for their soul's well being - what a load of bullshit, it is all a lie. These doctors don't even believe they have motherfucking souls, so why would they care about yours?

How they apply what they learned only on the physical and not on the "person" that they are supposed to "heal" simply another form of tyranny.

I fucking hate the medical industry, especially the psychology or psychiatric department - where these people can lay down the rule of law; where they can decide for other people WHAT IS RIGHT OR WRONG, what is the ACCEPTABLE beliefs and behaviour in a very fucking sick society.  Do you see the irony in that?

Then we have sick fucks who believe that they must be "sick" according to the psychiatric principles that their "wise" doctors studied and wish to apply - NOW THAT IS FUCKING SICK in itself, to believe that DOCTORS who are EQUALLY SICK, but think they are ABOVE the law or other people, are NOT INSANE, when they administer SICK FUCKING PRACTICES on people of society.

Read here about the girl who says SHE IS MENTAL, and have all the mental illnesses that the doctor said she has - like the one of my "friends" i met online, she is psychic, but her guides never told her that SHE IS NOT REALLY BI-POLAR, she would like to believe that, because it makes her feel safe - for there is another little box where she can put herself in, safely tucking her consciousness away, from ever expanding as it should, she takes pills for her "sickness" further fucking up her vision of the world around her - this fucked up attitude is just building another barrier around the ego, to strengthen it and further the many illusions of this material world. 

Then of course we have sick fucks like these who still think they need psychiatrists in their lives, to fix their fucking problems for them............these asshats cannot even fix their own lives or their own problems.........this is just another method to give your own personal power away, to ask for someone else to "fix you" is saying "well I AM TOO fucking lazy to fix myself or sort out my own shit"... fuck don't these arseholes think that the psychologists and psychiatrists have lives of their own too, and more than enough shit on their fork to deal with right now? Yet again, if you want to waste your time and money on bullshit, who AM I TO JUDGE, yet I CAN still think you are stupid, and maybe use that money in a more honourable way, by FEEDING the homeless or some other charity cause - yet again, the "doctors" also have to fucking eat...but how much is enough?!

They are all so fucking absorbed in this mutual illusion that is simply NOT SO FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE, it is completely ironic and logical seeing that these people want to create more problems for themselves by not actually solving the problems that they already have - so creating the problem that you are "mentally ill" is just a bubble where these inane fucks hide in, from the other problems they already have. It is the path for the lazy and not the spiritually inclined, those who are too afraid to become spiritual, to really deal with their soul and emotions.

So what the psychiatric industry really is - is that it feeds on the gullible minded, much like the new age movement and christian and or other religious cults - AND I BELIEVE they know what they are doing, they see who is WEAK ENOUGH to fall for their brainwashing, and play the game with them - and then they feed off it - get money and a sick ego kick form people who want to be seen as sick, and get attention from people who don't really love them, settling for cheap "love"...because to get real love is too hard a road for them to travel in anyway.


Wednesday 10 September 2014


DOOM is all around..THIS world FEEDS on it..builds it..makes BILLIONS out of it..makes movies worshipping it...starts wars glorying in it..

DOOM..from cradle to grave..DOOM...poisons in the water..genetically modified frankenfoods..all of that.ALL this is OBVIOUS to anyone who has EYES with a BRAIN attached to them...which you new age braindeads DONT seem to have.Look at history..

The ONLY thing mankind has LEARNT from the PAST...Is that we JUST DONT FUCKING LEARN FROM THE PAST!!Doom..for centuries...getting stronger...more advanced...each war has ever NEW and better inventions of wiping out MORE people with LESS effort in NASTIER ways..
WHERE is this peace and fucking LOVE fairy you guys talk about??HMMM??

WHERE the FUCK IS IT?...Up your asses somewhere?

Mankind LOVES death..THRIVES on death..teaches DEATH from the cradle to the fucking GRAVE...
NEW age my fucking RINGPEICE!!!'Take your average toddler these the age of fucking THREE he is already blowing cunts away on a playstation..learning from a VERY young age that KILLING is FUN and GOOD and ENJOYABLE..a soldier in training for the NWO armies.

By the time he is a teen he has committed over 1,000,000 VIRTUAL KILLINGS...ahhhh yes..the NEW age of peace and love...WHAT a fucking sick joke you new age fucks are!!

Its because of idiots like YOU that no one STOPS it..because all you do is FUCKING DENY REALITY..watching humanity BURN TO THE FUCKING GROUND...all the while spouting your useless deadly philosophy of DENIAL.

Instead of confronting THE IGNORE IT...or say its NOT doom..just lessons to be we DONT dare STOP it.


HAVE some fucking BALLS and FACE reality....

But you will just keep on saying I am the doomed one..while the ship called himanity SINKS..and you new age fuckers LET it sink..saying"If we think happy wont sink"..FOOLS...CANT you SEE the TRAP you are in???

By DENYING there is any DOOM and convincing yourself through your VAIN philosophies that its all "Gonna be alright" are actually LETTING IT BURN TO THE GROUND.


I DON'T KNOW SHOULD WE LEARN FROM THEM, does not HELPING them in fact make us guilty of the same thing? who should give a fuck when they don't give a fuck about themselves right?

How the New Age Community Taught Me Not To Give A Fucking Fuck

Today I was just thinking.

How the New Age community, made me lose all my faith in humans altogether.

How they taught me that even though they promise love and light, all you get is bullshit and hatred.

It is sad that such a community that want to tell us they are here to raise vibrations and consciousness on planet earth would make people HATE HUMANS MORE.

In fact I thought to let people live as they want, and NEVER interfere even if they NEED help because THEY WOULD ONLY SCOLD you for it.


They have taught me WHAT HUMANS REALLY ARE.

Sometimes getting harassed and abused over and over again...can do that to someone.


So bottomline is, FOCUS ON YOUR OWN LIFE.........FUCK THE NEW AGERS, they are obviously GODs and can take good care of themselves, even if they are total twits to those who USED TO CARE A GREAT DEAL about what happens to them.

Anyhow I had my full of any person claiming to be a werewolf, fairy, angel, alien or any other magical fucking thing.

The new age community, and in particular the otherkin and starseed communities, are totally fucked up...the people in it, are SICKER than any person claiming to be mentally diseased or "normal" in the conformist sense of the word.........

I have no empathy for anyone joining a cult, be it a christian or new age cult.........they are all idiots vouching for the same thing, not realizing how similar the fucking cults are, that it somehow blinds them, because they don't KNOW WHAT IS A FUCKING CULT, AND don't want to know because it pleases them to be ignorant of WHAT THE NEW AGE COMMUNITY IS, it pleases them to THINK LIKE SHEEP AND TO SPEAK WITH AND LIKE THE fact they are to me all like zombies who cannot think for themselves, and only move when some sick animal need moves them to do so...and this 'new age identity' is the only thing they fucking have that keeps them "alive" or if they feed off being a special snowflake..........because the world just makes them hate themselves so much already, they just have to be a special snowflake to REALLY tell the world HOW MUCH they are HATED not only by the world but they themselves too.

In any case, I am just fucking pissed off at these fucking people. Why? Because they actually make people hate them more than loving them, people don't see them as special, they see them as fucking clowns especially when they drop the love and light facade for the true nature to come out.

I think the main reason people want to join the new age community is because they are tired of people acting like twits, and try to seek out people who act more decent or who act more "human"...........only to find the same type of shit in the new age circles..........proving that they are no more special than the fucked up  humans outside of their special snowflake complex or "ego bubble" going on.


~* Even if a monkey wears a golden ring, it is and remains an ugly thing *~

Sunday 7 September 2014

When New Age Gurus Tell You To Get Professional Help

This blog serves as therapy for me - writing about how the new age movement and the various people in it disappointed me.

Please refer to two other blogposts of mine talking about a sick new age guru bitch, who thinks she can mess with young girls without any consequences attached, anyhow I won't sue the bitch or her cronies for what they did to me, KARMA would take its own toll with them. I don't want to make more drama for myself by giving these bitches more attention than they deserve and already got from me by psychically draining me dry:

Where to begin:

So I was just out of school, going through a rough time in my life, trying to sort out childhood trauma, trying to find myself, and at the same time losing a person who I thought was very important to me [who I thought would be there for me through thick and thin] who also turned out to only abuse me like the person I NOW met telling me that she was GOING TO BE MY NEW TEACHER in spiritual matters from that time on.

Let's say I was so desperate for something real and authentic,  or a real teacher at that time, that I simply went on to believe that this person was who she said she was. IDIOT ME.

NO, she was just another bored old hag, preying on young people's minds to make herself feel good about herself. 

She did not teach me shit, because she could not teach me shit, because she did not care or was too ignorant herself to really guide someone along on a spiritual path.  And then she told me to get lost, when I wanted to make our friendship serious, because I was looking for a friend too, but apparently she had many other YOUNG girls on her leash, and she got bored with me - and for that time SHE NEVER TAUGHT ME SHIT, she just enjoyed the attention I gave her... but when I started to ask questions, is when she totally lost it.

You see as long as you tell them how amazing they are, then all is fine. But the moment you ask them to live up to their promises of being some guru or TRUE FRIEND as they call themselves, is the moment they feel exposed firstly, and secondly they somehow feel harassed.

She later wrote a status on facebook which I knew was directed at me saying "if you need help go to a professional".

Long story short - I also met another new age "guru" who was a priest of the christian faith, he also could not help me, I ended up giving all my journals to him because first guru somehow implanted in my head that I was to become a writer, and I need to write everything down. Then the son of a bitch called me insane too and managed to get me institutionalized. Proof that neither first guru nor second guru [and first person referred to in this post] COULD HELP ME with my problems, they did not have the knowledge nor the wisdom to deal with psychological trauma and a person awakening their psychic abilities getting attuned to higher realms if you will, maybe that is why their own spiritual lives are so fucking fucked up. 

[note: when I called the female guru bitch in tears, telling her that the other christian guru wants to get me institutionalized because I am awakening my psychic abilities, and asked her if she knew anyone THAT IS A mature psychic that could support me in my case presented to the psychologists and psychiatrist, she said "NO, SHE DOES NOT KNOW ANYONE THAT CAN HELP ME VALIDATE WHAT I AM SEEING AND EXPERIENCING" coming form a bitch who called herself a witch with superpowers and "my loyal teacher"... *yawns*]

They are basically the same type of stupid fucks, plastic arseholes, who think that the MATERIAL WORLD, would save them from their "depression" or sadness, as long as they do everything according to the book and social regiment.

 And that they are the only SANE motherfuckers on this planet, and everyone who thinks outside of the box are INSANE and beyond help. It is very fucking ironic considering the career fields where these fuckers are employed at - one in the education system, the other in the art industry, and a third in the clerical system. 

These are people who are supposed to be wise, who are put in authority positions being able to help people. I don't even want to get started on my own father, who is in the medical industry, he was also supposed to be able to help me and listen to me, but all he did was to incriminate me like the rest OF THESE CUNTS. 

Because he was also unable to handle the same problems, since he has practically no regard for his own spiritual well being either...he does not believe in higher guidance, nor does he even believe he has a fucking soul.

Last night I watched an episode of "The Haunting Of S02E03 Nadine Velazquez".

It made sense seeing how being ABUSED makes you disconnect from your body to escape your problems, making you sensitive to spirits around you. Everything fell into place. Not only was I called insane by a doctor, priest and artist for believing THAT YOU HAVE A SOUL, and that there are ANGELS looking over you when those who are supposed to look out for you in authority positions on EARTH fail to do so, but I was also victimized in DUE to their unbelief IN HAVING A SOUL, apart from them believing they are going to heaven WITHOUT A SOUL in some fucked up way.

Then I saw this post posted by someone terribly fucking tired of these new age fuckers, who play god over people they cannot really help, where the "gurus" is telling her that they care about their audience in workshops but would much RATHER send them to a physician (medical doctor as in physical doctor, general practitioner aka "professional help"):
We at Hay House of course care about all of the audience members and don’t want any harm done at our seminars. It is important for all audience members to consult with their physicians regarding  sensitive topics such as suicide and if you give me the person’s name who Doreen addressed at the seminar I will send her an email asking her to see her physician to get the proper help for her son.

This is fucking hilarious, this is precisely like my new age guru bitch telling me bullshit about being my eternal friend and teacher and the priest who are supposed to be linked with angels and the heavenly realm but can do shit for anyone really.

So what these new age gurus are telling us is that despite their "spiritual knowledge" and reiki superpowers, PhDs in psychology and energy healing thing going on THAT THEY CANNOT DO SHIT TO HELP ANYONE really, and would much rather let a REAL DOCTOR handle it. Yet again NOT even doctors are able to help someone in these situations, as they are just as emotionally stunted and ignorant like these other "gurus" pretending to be all knowing.

These fuckers are lazy to go on a true spiritual path, maybe because they are too concerned with the worldly rhythm of things, that they don't have time.........yet if you want to call yourself a fucking guru, don't you think you need to make time to really STUDY to become one?! Anyhow all my abusers were too materialistically driven to see a greater purpose in anything........or to be able to help me on a spiritual level. And this is precisely what is happening in the collective new age community - their leaders are too materially driven to give a fuck about their audience's emotional well being.

Anyhow what is that saying "if you meet a buddha, kill him!" - as in if you meet someone who thinks they know everything and act like god, and when asked to prove their superpowers they cannot pull it off, then never go to them for help again, because they are frauds, having a pretend game going on for fame and attention - to them it is all about a social image to maintain and not as much the journey they must walk to live up to the "name" they intend to make for themselves.

What this all says then is IF they WHO pretend to be professionals in the field of spiritual help, tell us to GET HELP by professionals, then they are TELLING US THAT THEY ARE TRULY frauds and nothing but frauds.

MOTHERFUCKER CUNTS, why didn't they tell us that from the start? Because their lives are so fucking boring, they have to play games with people to fill an empty spot in their deep dark souls.

Anyhow this attitude is a type of confession BUT it is definitely NOT AN APOLOGY, these psychopaths have no souls and no empathy for other human beings. It is all a joke to them...and the way they relinquish responsibility as if they never wanted to have it in the first place IS A REAL FUCK YOU IN YOUR FACE!!!



I used to pity these sons of a bitches........but not any more, why should we help them with shit, afterall, the new age guru principle is that everyone is ON THEIR OWN JOURNEY and no one has the right to interfere anywhere in someone elses path. SO BE IT FOR THESE BITCHES!!!

my advice is if you want a teacher or if you want to connect with "higher vibrations" - CONNECT TO YOURSELF, be your OWN FUCKING TEACHER......if you don't love yourself, someone else would abuse your MISTRUST in youself to get you where you need to be.

if you want to have a purpose in life, make one for yourself, do not let others define you, and do not give them the power to write your story.

Saturday 6 September 2014

SELF GUILT OF NEW AGE FRAUD: My New Age Guru Abuser Wants to be friends again after messing up my life

I am working on trying to forgive the sick bitch.

Maybe she knows what she has done, and is now sorry.........that I almost totally threw my life away for her sick beliefs.

My point that I want to make is, that she was never a real friend, she called herself a teacher but only used me for some sick kick until she got bored with me, or let's rather say WHEN I STARTED to demand more from her WHAT SHE COULD NOT GIVE me at all.

These arseholes are NOT YOUR FRIENDS, they are NOT YOUR SAVIOURS or KNIGHTS in shining Armour.

 And I can tell you, it is very fucking difficult to forgive these fuckers.

I am supposed to accept her apology because she wants to be friends again AS HER grand fucking APOLOGY for acting like a total fucking CUNT with no fucking concern for my emotional well being in general, but only concerned with her stinking rotting ego.

And I was thinking about the mediums who always encourage forgiveness before you can move on to HEAVEN or realms of greater light and understanding.

But i saw it all as a croak of hypocritical bullshit. Why should we forgive evil fuckers like that, that are supposed to be angelic?

I am trying very hard to find a purpose in all this, trying to see how I MIGHT possibly be similar to her in different ways in my own life...... but why should I? Why should I be indebted to her at all? When she was the fuck trying to imprint bullshit into my head to which I almost acted to my entire detriment ?

Well if anything i learned who my true friends are...and where you should go to for help if you really NEED IT.

AND SHE REALLY DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT MY FEELINGS THOUGH..........maybe she is more worried about how she made herself look like an ass and how that CAN GET OUT TO OTHER PEOPLE, MAKING HERSELF LOOK FUCKING BAD in our circle of friends.

thus it is not a guilt trip but a self-pity party.


So I got this comment today on one of my posts by a very concerned woman, that actually personally confronted doreen virtue on what she is trying to do and what type of shillery she is trying to sell. 

Of course I have no intent to do the same, I have better things to do, than to create more drama in my life by stalking and harassing doreen virtue's facebook, her personal assistant at Hay House and other new age gurus that endorse virtue's work........ also I don't see the sense in appealing to deepak chopra, another new age fraud. Anyhow this woman has made a lot of effort to tell the new age community and their foremost important FRAUDS aka SPIRITUAL GURUS that they are encouraging dangerous beliefs. 

That is not my style however... I will write public opinions, so that those who want to hear about how stupid the new age fuckers are, can learn form it if they want to, but stalk them NEW AGE GURUS, for a fuck not!!! 

I won't waste all my time, energy and money trying to fight an apocalypse of zombies...who when you try to help the shitheads, you get called a hater and a troll...and you are demanded to respect their freewill to indulge in dangerous beliefs or else you are an EVIL PSYCHOPATHIC HATER DISCRIMINATING AGAINST THE "otherkin" minority community, and you get banned from having a voice at all...because they seem to like whatever the fuck it is they are doing...and hey once I fought the "holy war", trying to make blind new age fucks see the truth, and I never encouraged suicidal behaviour as I wanted to help them from their self-destructive ways....but to no more hatred and flack from that than anything else DONE in my life before........

So point being made - if you feel you need to write shit about the new age community and their beliefs do it to make people aware, but go as far as to STALK the new age gurus, and get threatened by law suits and OTHER NEW AGERS for doing it.........nah.........not worth shit, unless you want to carry on your own little "special snowflake syndrome" thing going on, labelling yourself as some type of hero going out of your way for stupid ass people who like to eat shit and there is nothing you can do about it. Tough shit, new agers are going to be morons, ain't nothing nobody can do about that......there is no cure for stupidity such as THAT suffered by retarded "CULT hive minded" individuals.

MY MESSAGE regarding BEING ONE WITH THE NEW AGERS and those equally retarded to think they can win against a zombie apocalypse:

Read the blog here, where author got threatened by doreen virtue with legal action for stalking her, her personal assistant and other high up new age guru fucker frauds aka buddies, based on the grounds of virtue supposedly telling a person in one of her workshop crowds that suicides never talk about actually killing themselves. Yeah just like NEW AGERS who "never" talk about how stupid they are........they are committing mental suicide....but of course that is nothing to me because BEING trolled and harassed by new agers for so long, I lost all my respect for them, and decided to give these idiots what they want that is "TO BE LEFT ALONE in their STUPIDITY".... am I not just such a great friend? lmfao

To make my point short:

* it looks like these new age gurus does not give a fuck about who dies and who don't, do they want to kill their followers, despite saying that they are here for world peace and people's overall well being???;
* I would also put in "they don't care who dies as long as they can pay", but that would be very asinine, seeing that they don't wish for people to keep alive in order for them to PAY AND FUND them;
* it is clear that these new age gurus are suicidal themselves if they want those dead who can pay them, the reptiles must have really raped their minds to be filled with so much hatred for the self, talk about unconditional self-love now. lmfao

As to coming back to my blog title - if these new agers and their gurus want to kill themselves, who are we to stand in their way? If they want to kill themselves with such stupid beliefs, suicide is not a crime, you cannot prosecute a dead person for taking their own life. We are just doing what they want, respecting their beliefs, they like being lethal, so fucking what? Why do we need such retards in the world in anyway? To spread more malice and spiritual pestilence? They would be doing everyone a favour if they continue down the self-destructive road they are on, really. And it is not my problem nor my fight to fight, as they will bring their own HOUSE down crashing on their own fucking they want it. 

what i have learned dealing with new age fuckheads:

~those who want to fight against zombies are fighting a losing battle. running up a treacherous hill without a top and the only person you punish is yourself really, fighting a meaningless battle for people who don't want to be saved~