Wednesday 24 September 2014


I saw this post in the otherkin tag on tumblr:

What is paraphernalia:

 equipment, apparatus, or furnishings used in or necessary for a 
 particular activity.
So here I thought that only Doreen Virtue, was manufacturing this new age paraphernaila, with her Angel Cards and what have you. But in fact, there are many people seeing financial opportunities in exploiting people's curiosity on the spiritual path. Some make Ouija Boards for a quick buck or sell stones and crystals where heaven knows they picked up etc. And now of course we have these otherkin people, making "otherkin T-shirts" and shit.

The attitude is like "wear this or that to identify you as such, or you would feel more authentic wearing a furred tail between your legs, buy these bloodshot supernatural contact lenses that makes you look like a zombie that escaped his tomb, or the all black contact lens that covers the entire eye ball to make you look like a freakin' black eyed kid AKA SCARY MOTHERFUCKING ALIEN, and don't forget to pay internet for making a youtube video about how you get harassed for being an otherkin in your full otherkin attire"....

Question is, do these articles really make them feel closer to spirituality? Or is it taking them away from fulfilling their true spiritual purpose in life?

Gets me thinking, that if you focus too much on the paraphernalia of your beliefs, you would never truly understand your beliefs per se. For example, like those retarded Christians that go to church to take part in the holy meal, just to eat the bread and drink the wine, but never know what it is really all about, or just going to the service to hear the preacher speak out of the BIBLE but never bothering to know what lies behind the true meaning of a message or the BIBLE for that matter.

That goes well with the whole Bible story about idolatry - and making you blind to the REAL GOD, don't you think?

It is this type of ever enduring shallowness in the new age community, that made me frown upon them as superficial fucks who don't know anything about spirituality, nor bother to do so, because focusing on the paraphernalia alone is enough for them to supposedly become SMART AND STRONG in their convictions.

This is all fucking bullshit. It discourages thinking!!!! And encourages retardism and extreme attention whorring.

Just like a fad - buy shit or do something to be the cool kid on the block. Nothing else to it but to make yourself look good for attention. And this my friends, has nothing to do with seeking respect at all - if you have to support stupid subcultures and their paraphernalia just to fit in, then you already lost self-respect.

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