Tuesday 13 September 2011

Archangels for Twinflames...what in God's name??

What in God's name, yes it is NOT IN GOD'S NAME that is why!


So there are a lot of "lost new agers" saying that their twinflames are in fact "archangels"...wow, that is very sweet and all, funny yes but very dangerous as well.

Why is it dangerous? Because their ignorance will hurt many who choose to follow in their hazardous wake.

Many people claim to have the same archangel as their twinflame, wanting to bitch about it, even hit each other out of "jealousy", but really it is not jealousy at all, rather a thing of "pride", for the one wants to be the one, not allowing  the other to have the same "benefits" which makes them supposedly Divine, this phenomena I have seen under various individuals claiming to be "angels incarnate".

This is clearly bollocks, yet strange how the same type of people can simultaneously make the same claims, which has me wondering that if the same people are suffering from the same delusions then there must be some deceitful spirit targeting them with the same bullshit....well, the only deceitful spirit that I can logically think of is NEW AGE indoctrination, where everyone waddles in the same lies...if everyone thinks the same then there is a certain method of conformism taking place, well you know what they say:

All cattle that walk in the same line has no mind of their own, meaning that only dead fish swim with the stream and not against it.

These so called "angels" are making a joke out of the Divine Union, dragging all the more people away from the Truth with new age retard syndrome....they say retards are "heaven (sent) children" but these critters are truly "children of Satan" spreading more Ignorance and increasing darkness on planet Earth.

No twinflame Union is a Union of Spiritual deceit!!!

1 comment:

  1. You re a witch, and still believe in the Satan/Joker/Jester thing being a separate entity from the whole(God)?
