Wednesday 14 September 2011

The Atheists' Irritation

(I wrote this story in an online group of atheists, and as a result got some interesting responses)

The Irritation
posted 31st July 2011

Have you ever wondered why the topic of God always comes up, from everywhere and corner of the world, just to bug atheists?

Atheists can always try to renounce God in entirety, or to forget about all God represents, but it seems that "God" is something that simply won't leave non-believers alone.

Atheists should really ask themselves why "God" keeps bugging them, no matter how far they try to run away from "it".

Odd but not strange.


One atheist said: "I think, therefore I am", but who gave you the ability to think?

The Source will never leave someone or something alone which is part of it.

The lesson of enlightenment: we are all part of the Life giving energy, the Creative Life Force...if you weren't created from it, you would have no consciousness whatsoever.


I don't wish to change atheists but I wish to alter their perspective...from not seeing to seeing.

You may say that you are not part of God, but you already are, even if you don't see it, that is the irony of complete ignorance.

Well happy non-believing, for not believing equals not seeing.

Comments received:

Posted by atheist#1 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 9:28AM
It's hard to see what isn't there though.

Posted by Akasha on Jul 31st, 2011 at 9:36AM
You see what isn't there, because you don't want to see what is there.

PS: could you help me on this one please? Why is it that atheists say that they have forgotten all about God and don't want anything to do with Him, yet keep on talking about Him? Doesn't that mean that they are (still) infatuated with Him, even though they have severed their relationship with Him? Obviously they are love sick, and not over Him yet...because the topic "God" is all they seem to talk about.

Posted by SpiritBreeze on Jul 31st, 2011 at 9:43AM
God made us in his own image.

The non-believers when they look into the mirror.... they ask... where are you, who are you?

Some creators, kicked us out of paradise because they feared we would become as smart as them?
I'm not an atheist, I'm an animist and I believe everything has a life force of its own...but why do you care if a person believes in god or not? Because insecurity loves company.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:05AM
Insecurity loves company - well said, they care because they want "fame" playing "the messiah of non-believers"...saving people from God...hahaha so fuuukkked up!!! Hahaha

Posted by Akasha on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:03AM
@SpiritBreeze That is an excellent as they may say "God was created in the image of man", yet in reality "their non-belief" was created in the image of man...because "man won't see what isn't there" and how does he do it? Create other means of "man-made avoidance" whatever they say "does not exist" was created in the image of man, for surely if whatever they say does not exist they wouldn't have existed either, so they are saying that "they do not exist"...for God created them in His image, now if God's image isn't there, then the image of them is not there either...that is why atheists have such a corrupt view of self...they only see the outer, but what about within...they are thus empty shells, "on the surface beings" only, because they say there is nothing within them, besides them.

In reality it means that everyone who cannot see past himself (or his own ego) are all without God, that would make the entire world atheists, because they can't see past themselves (or ego) to something greater...

Wow, the whole world is atheists! No that can't be??!!! Yes unfortunately that is True - because all the unenlightened species are part of the world, and can't see past the world to God.

Atheists are dumb, they keep on fighting against God, why do they keep on fighting against God, making themselves sick? Do they like to be so sick, surely they have not made peace with their findings that God does not exist, and that is why they keep on fighting in such a way, whether to prove that God does not exist or to make more non-believers, yet I had no idea that atheism required discipleship (to go about to make more non-believers - - so "messiah like" if you ask me)...

Why do they else want to keep on proving that "God does not exist", if He doesn't exist then why can't they just leave it at that? Really, to make followers of such perverted beliefs is to really create your own belief system, yet they may say it is no belief system, but why seek to make followers then?

That is really idiotic to me, playing the "messiah of non-believers"...saving people from God! So funny!!!!

Reply by Atheist#1 Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:34AM
It's hard to fight against something that isn't there.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:39AM
It is not hard to see that you are not seeing that you are indeed fighting against something you believe isn't there. LMAO

Posted by Atheist#2 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:07AM
Ya know ... if there was SOMETHING there to be seen, I think I would actually see it. But when believers put up all these conditions and excuses:

● Oh, you have to have FAITH to see
● Doubt destroys faith
● You have to see god with your heart,

et cetera, et cetera, all I hear are a lot of rationalizations and very little more than that.

Our senses as they are allow us to perceive a great deal of what this world is. With instrumentation borne of our intelligence, we've unlocked amazing detail, from subatomic particles to the vastness of a universe littered with billions of galaxies containing uncounted stars. Yet amidst all of that, there has been no observation of any phenomenon which could have no other explanation than that of an all-powerful, omnipresent and omniscient deity.

The believers would have us trust subjective experience, which is frequently non-repeatable, unreliable, never mind impossible to confirm or share from one person to another and further, they would have us bet our lives on this undetectable something. Sorry, but I prefer to live based on what I can reliably KNOW and not on belief without corroboration.

Oh, and one last matter: it isn't god that won't leave us alone, but those who want to insist without proof that there is such a being out there and that we MUST believe in it. Until you have something demonstrable to point to and gain agreement on, not just between you and me but to ANYONE ... sorry, no, I'm not having any.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:22AM
I know machines (things without souls, robots of the world) cannot be reasoned delete this conversation from your Hard drive, because this is beyond man-made also said you have no Heart (soul) because you cannot see it, so you are an empty shell, machines cannot love nor feel, what an empty existence you must lead! said you were put together by man alone, so you are...empty the life without magic!!! Tragic is the lack of magic indeed!

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:24AM
Feelings cannot be seen only felt...shit you must be one callous and superficial man, no woman would want a shallow man.

Reply by Atheist#2 Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:34AM
[chuckle!] A "shallow man," eh? You should tell my fiancee that, though she'd likely laugh, as do I. (actually, I DID just tell her and she chuckled!) I love and laugh and help because it's in me to do so, not because I am directed by some unseen deity. I don't need your god to do any of that any more than I need it to be moral. You're welcome to your own perception of things ... but don't expect me to adopt your crutch. I don't need it.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:39AM
@Atheist#2 You said you have no soul, so that means you are one empty man, so if your girlfriend is an atheist too and she believes you are not shallow, yet still have no soul, then you both are idiots...and if you believe you can love yet lack a soul, then I seriously question the sanity of you both.

Reply by Atheist#1 Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:36AM
But to have one's feelings override one's rationalization...I'm sorry, but that's inconsistent. "I know THIS is this because it's how I feel!" never has nor never will hold water with me, and I'm not alone in that opinion.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:39AM
@Atheist#1 You first have to feel to first have to experience through the heart to understand through the mind.

Reply by Atheist#2 Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:46AM
Nope, no soul at all ... which doesn't stop me from loving my soon-to-be wife or my daughter or my cat. We just refuse to operate based on the model YOU insist on, a model which, I must add, you cannot objectively justify.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:39AM
@Atheist#2 You already have my "crutch" because without it, you would have been non-existent and without the "love" you have for your fiance, yet I can understand if you do not love her and that it is only some animal attraction that won't last long...until the itch for the one female subsides to go the the next...I understand that you can be pure animal without feelings, and only shallow instinct...a man of physical you feel nothing for her heart, that would make you a bastard, and if she feels the same for being an atheist having no regard for your heart whatsoever that would make her a bitch and cheap slut!

Posted by Akasha on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:10AM
To seek to make followers of atheism, is to stroke ones ego...with playing some sort of "saviour" there comes power, and that is precisely what these non-believers seek to do - to gain power over people's minds, really there is no other make them not believe is to make them believe in what you want them to believe - and that is manipulation, because they are telling people who believe in God to believe in man wtf? Do you seek to control minds? Yes! And with mind-control comes...POWER...oh wow atheists are really greedy creatures...loving the ways of the world...

Posted by Atheist#2 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:20AM
Do I seek to control minds? GOOD GRIEF, AGNES! I seek to control MYSELF, not to be beholden to some arcane 2,000 year old book of myths and fairy tales which was not even documented during the time when it putatively happened, has no independent corroboration, and frankly has been clearly demonstrated to be sufficiently self-contradicting as to have no credibility to me or to anyone else who chooses to look at it with a critical eye.

And if I choose to associate with others who also enjoy their own self-possession, that is my choice, as surely as you might wish to associate with believers.

Thing is, too, this is hardly an ego trip. If anything, it is the antithesis of one ... because from where we stand, we have ONE SHOT and that's IT. WE are RESPONSIBLE ... for our successes and failures both. There is no "savior" to fall back on. We are the authors of our own actions and we are held to account by the society we are a part of if its sensibilities are violated.

Rather a humbling thought from where I sit.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:26AM
Denial is so sweet, but is getting so old...stop writing your sad stories and comments about "God's nonexistence" if you do not want to make "non-believers" then, okay! Go and join other groups, go and enjoy the web (internet), the rest of what this site or the world has to offer...the fact that you keep on focusing on atheism and not life, really shows that you are out to convince other people of God's are a fool to deny this, yet fools cannot see that they are blind! If you don't wish to "convert" or "convince me" of God's non-existence then why are you still on this post you idiot!

Posted by Akasha on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:26AM

It is not the believers that won't leave you alone, it is God working through them...something you can't see but only choose to feel!

Posted by Atheist#2 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:29AM
Sorry, don't see no god. Just see a bunch of people referring to something they can't quantify. It's right up there with selling a pig in a poke ... and sorry, but I'm not buying it for an instant.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:39AM
I know, so why are you still writing on my post, I get it, so move along now! Thank you very much!

Posted by Atheist#3 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:33AM
It only truly follows people around if they are not really atheists, a lot of people will say they are atheist because they don't want to be a part of a religion, but they do believe in god. I personally do not believe in GOD, the only time I hear about it is when religious believers are discussing him/her/it, whatever. It doesn't make me give a fuck in anyway though. You say all that in an atheist group and then say you are not trying to turn people, you clearly are in a way or you would not have said it here, you are hoping some people will think oh dam there is a god. I do not believe, have never believed. And I happy that way. I do not need the thought of some 'thing' to guide me through life or for happiness or whatever, I am happy in life and I do not believe. So.. I am done here!

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:53AM
I feel sorry for you, sure as hell I don't want such a cheap life like you...for there is no real bliss without God, only illusion thereof...I am happy for you if you don't need conversion, makes my road so much easier to travel...those that won't want to listen, leave them be in their misery!

Posted by Scorpio on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:33AM
Atheists aren't dumb. I think there is more evidence against the existence of god, personally...people who seek to convince order people that god is real and relevant to them are only trying to comfort themselves. Besides, no one knows the truth-it's all speculation. We can say with certainty that energies and synchronicities are real, or that we have mystical experiences but when it comes down to it even the fucking pope and Dali lama are just as in the dark.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:53AM
I can understand the pope is in the dark, but about the dali lama, I don't know, the East is by far more spiritual rich than the west...I am not here to comfort myself though...I am just a messenger...sometimes the Spirit moves me to write...there is a reason for everything...I cannot however comfort myself if I know God exists...I do not believe He exists, I just know!!! Maybe I can give comfort to others who are struggling with their faith in this regard!

Posted by Atheist#2 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:40AM
Grazie,scorpio. The fact is that, were a god revealed and verified, I doubt my behavior would change that much. I mean, it's been without objective evidence for more years than I could care to count, and with that and 60 years of living behind me, a sudden revelation is supposed to change my mind? Johnny-come-lately types do not impress me, and if some deity wanted me to believe, he/she/it could start the conversation.

Otherwise, I am quite content to do without, thank u very much.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:53AM
That's right, God won't reveal Himself to someone who doesn't want to search for Him...we all know you gave up searching, so please don't hinder those who are searching with your non-believer's perversions, thank you!

Posted by Atheist#1 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:49AM
Hmmm, didn't you state that "if you fake it you'll make it" doesn't hold water, in a story of yours?

So, we do not how do we? It's denying ourselves; if you believe in a deity or greater being, is it not without reason that it would've created people incapable of belief or faith in its very own existence?

So hence, some cannot believe, but here you are, trying apparently make us fake it...?

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:53AM
Good question, with atheists there is no "make it until you fake it", because non-believing won't ever kill God. He created you with free will to test your obviously made your choice.

Posted by Atheist#2 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:57AM
Atheist#1, are you smelling Pascal's Wager the way I am. Eh ... I hear it so much lately, I suppose I anticipate it.

Tell me something, Akasha... do you really think faking belief would fool an omniscient god? Personally, I doubt it'd be much of a god if such a ruse would work ... and I would STILL need something more than a pig in a poke to convince me that the effort would be worth my time.

Tell me, did I insult you in any way that you felt the need to call me a bastard and my soon to be wife a bitch?

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:12AM
No it won't fool God, but you are trying to make a fool out of God, which makes you the fool, not God.

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:13AM
As with regards to pascal he said: "the Heart as reasons which the mind does not know!", thus no feeling no Heart, and thus the total lack of regard for another's feelings...that is why I can't understand that you atheists claim to be able to "love" without soul (heart)...hahaha really so sad, and ironic, the scientists can't prove Love, so they then simply don't know it...thus you can't know Love without if you have no soul, you are incapable to love, as simple as that!


So I delete one of the idiot's comments and he keeps reposting it, and I delete it again giving him this comment as reply:

Posted by Akasha on Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:26AM
@Atheist#2 Please stop commenting, your persistence only shows that you are indeed an idiot for not seeing that you are constantly trying to "prove to me or anyone else" that God doesn't exist, I get it, so please move on now! For you won't convince me or convert me! Thank you for your understanding!

Reply by Atheist#2 Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:30AM
I don't need to prove a darn thing ... it's YOU who has to demonstrate your deity to ME ... and in that regard, I think you have your work cut out for you. Rotsa Ruck!

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:37AM
You need me to demonstrate to you something you believe don't exist, which means that you are trying to prove me say atheists are so intelligent, but your response seriously makes me doubt that!

Reply by Akasha Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:37AM
If you don't need to prove a damn thing, then why the need to silence me? Really, grow up!

Posted by Atheist#2 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:28AM
Oh, dear, so now we're deleting comments we don't like, eh? ... I hope whatever jollies you are getting from this are worth it, because my suspicion is that this post isn't going to last long (already flagged) ... and if you want to maintain this brand of behavior, your profile may be vanishing as well(banned from the site). Not sayin' it WILL ... but the likelihood strikes me as being high.

Now if you will excuse me, I have a shower to share and a back to scrub!

Posted by Akasha on Jul 31st, 2011 at 11:37AM
@Atheist#2 You can't handle the Truth, that is why you flagged this post! Sorry to say, but flagging this post and my profile for this reason really makes you a coward! Because the Truth really gets to you as I clearly do see! Can't handle it and need to get rid of it, wow, really well you won't ever get rid of the Truth...your shower won't wash your soul, Oh I forgot you said you have no soul, so no waters of Spirit then, such a shame and disgrace to God your arrogance!!!

I see the post is already taken down, shame on You for being such a coward! Indeed this makes you a shallow man!!!

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