Saturday 15 October 2011

New World Hypocrites

 Personality Versus Beliefs

Okay so this one "angel incarnate" [aka lightworker/starseed, other new age label etc] says to me: 'You make so many assumptions, how can you judge me without even knowing me?'

And then another 'angel' comes and say to me 'you are evil because you are a goth that embraces darkness, how can you be a vampire that is a perversion abominable in God's eyes?!'

And I got so mad at this little dude mentioned above calling me names etc... I even blocked him just to stop him from continuously pestering me about my 'beliefs'.

And I was dumbfounded by this simultaneous incident - the one angel is accusing me of judging and here was another judging me.

And I just realized that assumptions made based on a person's beliefs can never be far off if your personality is always an outflow of your beliefs.

It doesn't take a person with half a brain to notice the hypocrisy going on in Christianity, even so in 'new age beliefs' - if you were once harmed by someone who claims to be all 'love & light' and you continue to buy into the lies they put up, then you are really a helpless moron.

If I judge a new ager it is based on hard facts - the person acting contrary to their beliefs, I judge the beliefs because the person proved it wrong.

So it is not that I do not know you or hate you as person - but the very fact that your beliefs are in discordance with what you really are - how you act and live in real life.

I am judging the beliefs - are they right or wrong? And how can they be right if the person proves them wrong?!
When a new ager acts contrary to his/her boasting claims of being the very essence of radiating "love and light", then you have a true Hypocrite at your hands - it is best to judge wisely than let their lies consume you.

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