Saturday 15 October 2011

Depressed Lightworkers

What is up with all the negativity coming from NEW AGERS?

The dawning of the New Age should be filled with love and light, and most importantly Positivity and great enthusiasm for the so called New World.

But all I've been hearing is notions of militarized states, impending wars, famine, political and social destruction, death, xenophobia (the killing of all non-new agers) to clean the Earth, devastating natural disasters, and the list goes on and on primarily focused on extreme negative circumstances that should commence on planet Earth before the 'pure ones' can come and inhabit it.

There is also an extreme religious intolerance coming stronger from New Age beliefs than other organized beliefs - which indirectly signifies that all the 'sweet little lightworkers' have absolutely no regard or care in the world for people of other religions, they just do not count and have no purpose other than to exist to be eradicated (wiped off the face of this planet-xenophobia) to make way for the enlightened and pure ones to 'raise Earth's consciousness' to where it is supposed to be according to NEW AGE DOCTRINE.

It is unbelievable that these people want the Earth destroyed, and yet to inhabit it again... that just makes no sense.

And speaking of 2012 - they so desperately want this planet destroyed, the materialistic system to relieve them of the hardship of this existence showing utter cowardice and an inability to endure this reality, that they feel so strongly about self-suicide; that it should apply to all future generations as well, which brings me to the next point:

New Agers hate planet Earth, they wish it to be destroyed - but what they do not realize is that the moment this planet is gone, so is all humanity - there will be no future for the children of today, a future they so to say desire to sculpt with beautiful ASCENSION NOTICES - MAKING PLANET EARTH (GAIA) A BETTER PLACE FOR ALL.

But if this planet is doomed to be destroyed according to NEW AGE DOCTRINE, then what possible BETTER FUTURE CAN THERE BE FOR ALL on this planet they proclaim?!

As you can see New Age DOGMA is a very contradictory belief system; they want all humanity and Gaia to be wiped out and at the same time wish to save them and the planet.

They are thus all bi-polar freaks with an innate hatred for mankind, they are misanthropic narcissists - wishing to save those they'd rather see Dead.

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