Saturday 7 March 2015

Having A Go & Stay At The Otherkin Community

I have been sober or CLEAN from the [online] otherkin community for about 4 months now.

That after being banned by many such sites, and groups, and just trying again...

AGAIN I will reiterate the goal of the otherkin [or new age] community - which seemingly is to recognize the magic in all and everybody, only to later find out that these kind of pages are teeming [swarming] with a bunch of arrogant bigotted asses! Who believe that only certain people can be magical and all divinely knowing when they prove themselves to be the biggest bullies, who enforce what they call "respect" in the most fucked up ways such as extreme attention whoring and getting little fanclubs or groups of braindead trolls to blindly follow them. In the sense that these fans of the superior otherkin, practically lack self-esteem and the ability to think for themselves to save their own lives. 

I am still trying to break my head over the fact as to WHY THIS IS HAPPENING, not only in otherkin communities, but as well in HOLLYWOOD and HIGH SCHOOL, and SOCIETY in general. That people believe they cannot be worth shit if they do not attach themselves to a celebrity or someone that LOOKS IMPORTANT. 

Then I have to go on about the NEW AGE BULLSHIT again, because you see if people like these idiot motherfucking trolls [fans of the superior magical otherkinners] are made to believe that they are worth shit how can THEY EVER REALIZE THEIR OWN DIVINITY to bring about a REAL CHANGE of TIMES, or a SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS as the new age nutters call it?

So what is apparent is that we have a whole lot of people WILLING TO SERVE some "deity" [or person that they deem to be one] but not enough people to serve the right cause! And the whole "you cannot serve two gods" thing comes to mind again, God or man - yet again wouldn't self realization of these idiot troll followers of the new age, come down to the worship of man too? Either way, it looks like a situation that can never be won - they worship someone else or themselves, and the same shit happens. 

So where is this all going? I really don't know, I guess not anywhere fast. Man always wants to be divine, but refuse to acknowledge its creator before itself. But how can you acknowledge yourself if you don't realise your creator first?

Hey I am just a girl looking for answers, and fed up with spiritual bullshit. The new age movement is just as full of shit than any christian, hindu, muslim etc. CULT(s).

Before I go off topic - the reason for writing this is to say that by DISTANCING MYSELF from [THE NOISE OF] BULLSHIT, I realized that I don't need that shit, or no person in their right mind would want to be part of a DAY-IN AND DAY-OUT trolling game, between members of a group who lie about seeing magic everywhere, and refuse to see it in anyone but themselves - as a sort of coping mechanism, because the moment they must see something special in someone else, they MUST ACTUALLY START being responsible for WHAT THEY SEE IN SOMEONE ELSE, and need to honour it. As they say "it takes more energy to be good, to share and care, than it takes to be an evil son of a bitch!' Yeah so much for the new ager's willing to work for the light - it is just too much fucking work, that they cannot seem to work into their schedule of self-praising online.

The moment you distance yourself from bullshit, instead of participating in it, you begin to see how totally fatal their actions are, and where such groups terribly go wrong in their search of spiritual truth, if that is at all their goal for being there, which I believe in most cases are not, and that they are just there mocking spirituality to feed some lower or base psychological need such as vying for attention because they don't get that shit in real life, to appease that type of "hunger". Well dressing up as an otherkin persona and pretending to be something you are in fact not, will NOT get you the ATTENTION you really want. It would only give you some sort of superficial feed, instead of going to the core of your problems, that really need to be touched.

How do you know the new age is toxic? When basic human needs are distorted by BULLSHIT!

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