Tuesday 21 January 2014


Definition of what angel therapy is supposed to be in the new age quack's mouth:

Angel therapists believe they facilitate healing by helping their patients get in touch with angels who will guide the patients in the right direction.

Read more on new age quacks "From Abracadabra to Zombies" 

The article in the link above does not even begin to scrape the surface of the rabbit hole when it comes to new age quacks and their evil works, but it again mentions the issue about getting fake degrees and calling yourself some spiritual doctor, it also highlights the fact that new age gurus dazzle their followers with bullshit to such an extent that the follower gets totally mindfucked as if being hypnotized by their bullshit, to give their last penny to the quack for some stupid mental high out of this fucking world whilst the new age guru gets richer and richer and more grounded in the material world enjoying the benefits of the physical world with all their physical senses - good food, big houses, cults, cult leadership as in a following meaning FAME, strippers and swing clubs which they can now afford and join (you never know how sick some of these fuckers really are and where the bottom to their endless greed lies), top of the class flying and trips around the world etc. You see the new ager or the "groupie" of the new age guru, seeks a release from this world, an escape, to get totally disconnected from a world that makes them suffer so bad, they want a quick cure almost like taking a pill of ecstasy or a shot of heroin........ new agers are like "drug addicts" and their "high" can only last as long as they have money....and what would they do if their money runs out? Maybe start their own cult to get that same feeling of "mental dizziness" or kill themselves when that 'NEW AGE' experience or "high" is not available any more because they can simply NOT AFFORD it nor have the means to.

Funny thing is the drug addict is like a zombie - ABSENT MINDED..... maybe that is why the guru is also absent minded, not caring about RESPONSIBILITY in their "vocation" as spiritual leader, as long as they get their "mental high" from being in control and feeling as if though they have POWER over other people....they don't care if someone gets hurt following their bullshit teachings, as long as they get money and can stimulate their narcissistic reptilian brains. Come to mention that it is quite obvious that these quacks do NOT live in reality either, they live in their own worlds....they can give a fuck to what happens to one of their followers outside of their own little self absorbed bubbles or narcissistic paradises/worlds, if the idiot follower so chooses to follow one of their destructive beliefs and gets hurt their attitude will just be "all wars have their casualties, no big deal, there is money to be made, people to screw over, THE I, ME MYSELF NEED TO SURVIVE before anything else".

It is clear that neither the follower or the Teacher is looking for healing of any kind, rather a quick fix from all their problems using some wickedly thought out escape route......... is this science that works? Only perhaps a science that teaches the means to escape self responsibility and self hypnotism to encourage the process of disconnection from the self entirely TO NOT DEAL with the SELF at all costs...that said, to avoid SEEING OR LOOKING at a clear IMAGE of the self...Rotten pieces included....hence the "positive" agenda, to avoid all things negative, to NEVER EVER look at the dark side of the NEW AGE or its people EVER...and if you do you are  A BITCH and deserve to be genocided with the rest (who refuse to accept NEW AGE doctrine) by the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF "honourable" LIGHT.
Congratulations to Ben Goldacre and the crew at Bad Science for getting DrGillian McKeith banned from using the title ‘Dr’. In today’s Guardian she is fully exposed as a Menace to Science. The Advertising Standards Authority have agreed that her use of that cheaply acquired title is thoroughly misleading.One down…

Read more   Quack Word #3: ‘Doctor’

Once again an article referring to fake universities - also interesting to note in the above given link, one so called "Doctor" was found guilty of fraud for using the title with a bogus degree.... and then some Judge in the contrary thinks it does no harm calling yourself a doctor of any type and the quality of the degree is irrelevant. oh okay..... so then it means that people who call themselves JUDGES can call themselves judges or lawyers without having the qualifications, and they can JUDGE people without LEGAL KNOWLEDGE, almost like Presidents in South Africa, who have no POLITICAL EDUCATION whatsoever, nor even graduated from high school, but they have the ability to RULE and be in POWER over OTHER PEOPLE and nations. What sick fucking game is being played here and who is so stupid to actually think this is completely harmless and good for anyone's health and well being?

Interesting reading, WHAT FUCKING IDIOT IS THIS?

I was very concerned when I read one of your answers to an individual involving author,Doreen Virtue. Recently,I posted my "angelic" true stories (Angels are Absolutely Real and Etheric Trip) on your website. These incidents have prompted me to educate myself more relative to spiritual matters. 
I ordered Doreen Virtue's books on Archangels Michael and Raphael. I read them and trusted that the information contained therein was accurate on these Heavenly Beings. I know that I have asked for assistance from these Archangels through God/Jesus and directly, and they have never failed me, and they have left many signs of their presence. Nevertheless, I DO NOT want to do ANYTHING that would be questionable. My question is: What information do you have that leads you to believe that Doreen Virtue's materials would be of a negative nature? I have never heard this before, and I would like to know the origin and validity of your assertions. Not that I do not trust you, but I want to be informed, so that my choices are pure, of light, and of God.  
If I ask for assistance of God's Archangels ONLY with pure, honest intentions-- Doreen Virtue's books should have no affect on my outcome, right? After all, I am asking for Heavenly Beings of White Light via God and Jesus to help me and my family, not Doreen Virtue. I only read info. she has written, just as I have studied materials by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and info. on your website. They are authors who pointed me in a direction, but I am calling for assistance and protection on my own. So, if I call upon Archangel Michael for daily protection/coverage or Raphael for healing, etc., Doreen's data shouldn't matter... after all, GOD is all powerful, certainly more so than anything Doreen may be dabbling in.

Read more on this BRAINWASHED ZEALOT'S inquiry at  http://en.allexperts.com/q/New-Age-3270/2011/1/Concerns-Regarding-Doreen-Virtue.htm

If I could add one more thing to the advice given there is that ANYONE that is governed mentally by any sort of ORGANIZED RELIGION and its idols or figures therein, are totally fucking misguided and beyond insane...if not just stupid with some braindead gene inside of their DNA making them inclined to become obedient SHEEPLE all their lives, aiming to please some fucked up system to look good or to please the ego and wicked minded other people, who care nothing about them but the power they hold over them by mindfucking them into believing this bullshit.

If the girl was really communicating with "angels" or higher beings with profound consciousness what I WOULD call "OPEN MINDEDNESS" in plain language, then they would not have told her to believe in idols such as archangelic beings in the BIBLE, because they are based on lies DUE to Christianity's outstanding begotten status for being the most peace loving and truthful religion out there. 

*please read between the fucking lines, pun intended; NO CHRISTIANITY is a sham as its followers who do not even believe in their own religion's God nor faith*

My view is that the beings that this "spiritual person" is talking to, are the confused ones residing in the astral plane, looking for chances to control and manipulate people with their own confusion on "spiritual matters".... of course then you get sick spirits on the other side who KNOWS exactly what they are doing, and like new age gurus, get a kick out of fucking with people in any way they can.... even if they themselves do not believe in the shit they force into the heads of those that are willing to listen, they do so in order to entertain themselves.... quite possibly bored in the spiritual realm or tired of themselves for being just so plain, and then inventing creative lies or schemes to feel better about themselves, talking shit about fairies and frilly dilly angels.... yes I believe spirits can also indulge in escapism or the "bubble"-mode of a self absorbed paradise away from the thoughts, concerns and doings of other spirits around them.

Interesting fact that I happen to read across in the 3rd link provided above is that a true spiritual person should be grounded at all times....and does not come off as the boasting type flaunting their "degrees" and so called "knowledge" as referred to in the 2nd link.

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