Tuesday 7 January 2014

Lesson Of "The Eye" - New Age Gurus The Products Of Jealousy And Pride

I read a conspiracy theory article today about the movie "Now you see me, now you don't".

I was then wondering, seeing that all this fraud is going on in spiritual arenas, where people are supposed to FIND spiritual TRUTH, that whether or not we are seeing the things in the wrong way when it comes to pointing out one or two spiritual shills/new age messiah (guru) frauds.

Maybe if we saw them all as a collective body instead of distinct individuals then maybe we can even sympathize with them for being such crazy fucking fucks.

Why are they this way?

Is it not because of a larger reason, something outside of them that brainwashed them into becoming such devils?

I mean any person who has a deep seated need to DEFRAUD anybody in the lowlife manner some of these lowlife scum do whilst in the pretense of being pristine and almost holy - must be the type of person who really HATES HUMANS, who ABUSE them to get a POWER KICK, they must have a deep seated inferiority complex, who always felt UNIMPORTANT and invisible, and most of all UNLOVED by the world, then they decided to do something to GET ATTENTION from those who they feel walked all over them when they WERE NOT these "HOLY GURUS", when they did not have their new age workshops and fame....................

They can pretend to love people, only to exercise their HATRED out on those they feel deserve it.

I do not know do they actually want to ABUSE the "ignorant ones"? What do they have against ignorant and weak minded individuals?

They weakness inspires aggression - and the reason why some murderers murder people is because of a feeling of weakness, that they hate the feeling of weakness and powerlessness, then they take it out on those who seem powerless or vulnerable, to feel in control and powerful again....to show the world who is boss...using the "murder" as a way to show him or herself that s/he is not weak but is capable of having power OVER ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL, in a society that oppresses its people in general, who make each other feel like shit all the time.

So it is my theory, that maybe shills like sai baba, Hay house and doreen virtue, and Esther Hicks are products of society, who found a way to rise above society by exploiting them, who gain power and psychological control over those around them, over those who used to abuse them and who made them feel like shit. But they may think that with all this fame they are now bigger and even more special than the average individual in society taking out their rage and frustrations on weaker individuals around them, but the reality of the matter is, is that these shills are NOTHING BETTER than THAT GUY........... in fact they have become what they HATED so to speak, and what is worthy or honest about that?

If you take a look at Doreen Virtue's ABOUT PAGE on facebook you will see that she claims to FOLLOW GOD (when she sees herself as GOD that people should follow), that she has no religion to say that she won't be religiously prejudiced against other people (pffft whilst creating her own religion for people to follow, uhhhm yeah) and then the best of all is that she claims to treat people with respect (i wonder how cheating people into believing bullshit to swindle them comes down to respect? oh yeah she is just respecting the ignorant individual's freewill to believe bullshit even if it hurts him).

Interesting quote on the Sai Baba page Sathya Sai Baba’s actions were motivated by unexpressed jealousy :
It needs greatness to declare that another is greater than oneself. And Sai Baba did not have this in him.
And this last line from the page on Esther hicks on the blog called the Encyclopedia of American Loons (such a fitting blog name don't you think?):

Diagnosis: Might be a fraud, but more likely stark raving crazy, clinically unable to recognize that wishful thinking is a fallacy. She has lots of followers, the most dangerous of whom are the more cynical ones who realize that there may be a lot of money in it (e.g. Mari Tierney).

Need I place emphasis on the fact that THE MOST CYNICAL ones are the ones who are most dangerous because they know they can make a whole lot of money out of selling bullshit to idiots who will be desperate enough to believe it, not to mention that the article about Sai Baba also alludes to this guru doing dealings with intellectuals.......so the frauds and the intellectual cynic seem to have a parasitic symbiosis of 'you do something for me and I do something for you'....

Doreen also sees herself as a "spiritual doctor of PSYCHOLOGY", and what does spirituality have to do with science as in psychology? In my opinion people should already be weary of her when they READ her own description of herself ... because it can be better translated as "shaman or guru who abuses the knowledge of psychology - knowing how people think and what their weaknesses are - in order to to control and psychologically manipulate them to do what they want them to do."

Now it can also just do good to mention if a true seeker just happens to read this blog post - that native tribes were always subject to the POWER OF THE SHAMAN, because they were considered to be the wise ones, the ones who knew everything, and because they knew that their own people were stupid as fuck, they knew they can do with them whatever they want as in selling their own people out for slave trafficking, maybe living peacefully in the forest (as the new age ideal) was too boring for them, and they had to do evil in order to entertain themselves....in fact the work of and abuse of power in society and social figures never changed to this day, we might as well put new agers back in the forest to live with native people in a tribe....they will experience the same effect of being mentally retarded and letting others control them and abusing their freewill (to worship people who act like gods) in their (those in power's) own favour.

PS you also have to take note  of ATP (ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONERS) who have been "CERTIFIED" by the AMERICAN BOARD OF "HYPNOTHERAPY".... I mean read between the lines here people, and if you do you will get a smile on your face, if you don't then you clearly do not understand the "psychology of new age gurus" nor the limits of their insanity.

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