Saturday 11 January 2014


okay so people should take relationship advice from a woman who have been divorced 4 times already? This is one of the many contradictory redflags of new age shills, when they want to give help or advice in a field they themselves cannot even control or master.

Interesting quote from the comment section in the above given link:

A LOT of people who know Doreen Virtue say that she is s a nightmare to work with; cold, calculating and a very unpleasant person. Not only has she lied about her qualifications, but many people have testified that’s Doreen Virtue uses the whole angels thing just to make money (you have to pay her $5000 to become a certified DoreenVirtue angel practitioner!). Everybody who knows Virtue says that she is a con artist

Interesting article I read about people faking their degrees and getting qualifications from unaccredited institutions:

  Buying and selling fake degrees and diplomas is often legal, but misrepresenting one's fake degree may constitute fraud and could ruin one's career if it is discovered that one's degree, while legitimate, is not indicative of any academic work.

In the same article there is this quote that comes down to how people with fake degrees are actually stealing from the government funds that could have been put to use in greater ways than funding shills, as in to build more houses for the homeless, or to get them more food and education, and also they steal from those with actual degrees and careers, in that they could have been paid more to do a better job BY ACTUALLY being part of SOCIETY and contributing to it like social workers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, they could get paid more if the SHILLS get paid less, those who employ them should also pay MORE TAX....either way they themselves do not seem to ESCAPE paying TAX for their own income, so does the state simply NOT CARE as long as the government gets their SHARE OF CUT from the TAX? :

Newspaper reporter Andrew McIntosh "found that in 2005 and early 2006, 16 capital city [Sacramento, CA] firefighters applied for and got education wage incentive raises using degrees they had purchased from online diploma mills. It cost the city about $50,000."*Early in my career as a teacher at Sacramento City College, governed by the Los Rios Board of Trustees, pay incentives for degrees from unaccredited institutions were halted. I have no idea how much money the state paid to teachers for degrees they obtained for cash and little or no academic work, but it seems likely the board's action has saved the taxpayers some significant money over the past twenty-five years.

If the government is allowing this, then where is the law and order? If the government simply does not care about the minority or the poor, and only care what they can get out of rich people no matter where or how they get their money, then what has become of this world?

Also this fits well with how these so called new age gurus are hypocrites when it comes to calling themselves lightworkers, when all they care is about themselves...i do not think for one moment that people like doreen virtue donates her money for greater causes other than spending it on herself. She can live in a mansion while poor people perish in a shack without running water and electricity, how the fuck does that work? If she asked less or NOTHING for her services then maybe more poor people stood the chance to survive in this world AND even make a greater difference than she ever could - pun intended - without the shillery.

Best quote on concerns about Doreen virtue's "angel therapy":

I wouldn't be suprised that all these messages she makes to "archangel Micheal" is an attempt to "spam" real angels with petty grievances so other, more important grievances can't be taken care of.

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