Sunday 5 January 2014

Another Mythological Image To Be Raped by New Age gurus like Doreen Virtue

okay so I saw this mermaid book at exclusive books the other day and almost bought it, 

but then I remembered that Doreen Virtue is a fraud like all other New Age Gurus having no real interest in a true spiritual path but only mindfuckery to get what they want out of people and quickly put it back on the shelf amongst other new age authors trying their luck...

These "new age gurus" are nothing but manipulative sociopaths.....they play on people's weaknesses and they take what they can get.

I love this article FUCK THE NEW AGE but unfortunately the author got trolled by other people accusing him of starting his own cult, making him no better than doreen virtue, hicks, saibaba, david icke etc.

Okay so I was wondering that if we start groups campaigning against NEW AGE CULTS, are we then CULTS? AS LONG AS WE DO NOT ACT LIKE A CULT, AS LONG AS WE PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH THEN WE ARE NOT A CULT BUT AN ORGANIZATION, yet an organization can lead to the risk of doctrines being created and too much rules.

Bottomline here is that I found early on looking for truth that the only path you are going to walk as a true seeker is ALONE..............DO NOT JOIN OTHER PEOPLE FORMING GROUPS AGAINST THIS OR THAT, because it is true, that it may end up in the very thing that you walked away from.

When there is some type of group, there always wants to be some type of leader with subordinates..............

Take CHRISTIANITY as an example - a religion that based on its fundamentalist beliefs should be totally against NEW AGE DOCTRINES, some CHRISTIANS actually use CHRISTIANITY to try and debunk the NEW AGE, but not realizing that to be a christian is just to be part of another fucking cult hierarchy.....I do not even have to go into the whole story about how DOREEN virtue abuses the image of an ANGEL (christian concept) to coax people into thinking that what she is doing is for the greater good and their own well being, when the "angels" she create DOES NOT EVEN EXIST, it is one thing to think up a name and another to make people actually believe that there is such entities out there carrying such a name..........

I was just wondering then, to who these people are praying to if there IS NO SUCH being?

I personally absolutely DO NOT BELIEVE in the christian concept of archangels and their NAMES, for it is my belief that there are countless religions that have the same type of "divine beings or revered images" with DIFFERENT NAMES, so who are they really? Different religions with different angels/devas/divine according to new age motherfuckers all paths lead to one right? So it does not matter what you believe in, all religions lead to the truth... no I DO NOT FUCKING THINK SO, bullshit cannot lead you to the TRUTH, it can only lead you to more BULLSHIT, see the problem here - if all angels have different names in different religions then who the fuck are they really if not made up concepts by greedy power hungry men, creating such bullshit to sugarcoat and colour in the evil loopholes in their doctrinal make what they are DOING seem pretty and unsuspecting, to camouflage their true intentions by creating a religion to control people like that evil bitch DOREEN virtue is doing - creating her own religion with all sorts of made up idols, half the angel names she uses does NOT EVEN appear in the BIBLE, it is just thought out to make her shit sound good to the numb headed, and to make it sell fast with all these beautiful sugarcoating, all appearing so nice on the surface - it is just "art" or "painted over drab" to conceal the true monster beneath, like make up...................................................
Angels are a Jewish/Christian concept. This is why I bring up the bible. The bible has only 7 Archangels not the 109 made-up names that Doreen Virtue has invented. One could reasonably conclude that if she has fabricated her background, she is more than likey to have also invented these other spiritual beings or perhaps they are running her.

And best of all in the same article mentioned above (link provided) it alludes to Doreen Virtue buying her "doctor status"........... how the hell can you buy being a GURU, you either are or you are not, why do they need training if they simply are divine gods (as she would like herself to believe she is)?

And another thing YOU HAVE TO PAY HER THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS (or even more) to TURN YOU INTO A MEDIUM.... again you either are or you are not!

People who are born MEDIUMS do not NEED to be turned into one by make belief bullshit and mind programming... I would like to refer you to my other blog post about how these people can actually make people believe anything if they really are into the bullshit or really want to believe that they are healers or are being healed EVEN IF IT IS NOT THE what she is going to DO IS HYPNOTIZE or program their EMPTY DESPERATE MINDS to SEE THINGS THAT ARE NOT ACTUALLY THERE - all for a few thousand bucks in her jean's torn pocket.

These people WHO ARE NOT BORN with the gift AND WHO WANT TO BUY psychic gifts are the most dangerous of people - they are the real stupid motherfuckers who support CULTS like these who mess up other people's lives, as they join in the NEW AGE COLLECTIVE SCHIZOPHRENIA - seeing things that are not THERE to make themselves feel good about being cool having "psychic" gifts that are NOT really there. The same people lack any true spiritual guidance from a pure Spiritual Source, so how can they guide or lead people when it all leads to a downhill?

Think about it - they are the same as christians believing in a GOD they do not even know NOR really believe in, wtf is up with that? Using religion and spiritual beliefs only for an ego boost or to look cool in a delusional collective society.

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