Saturday 4 January 2014


What fucking bullshit is this?

This is fucking typical of some fucking retarded new age messiah losing importance after the 2012 ascension fail, to try and save their image, now wanting to try some other scam...............

apparently there is now an angel detox therapy one can go to,

is she now a fucking dietician?

check out this crap, this is truly laughable,

what you EAT blocks your CHAKRA'S AND 3RD EYE,

i guess then she should lay off buying chocolates or wine with the ripped off money she steals from her clients feeding them bullshit on a psychosomatic level - if they are going to believe this shit so bad, they would make themselves believe it is working,

especially if it is utter bullshit in the first place,

they just have to sit there and do nothing but believe her 'healing' is doing the trick.

...and if there was nothing wrong with them in the first bloody place, then ONLY BELIEVING the lies will do the trick SEE....

OH FUCK look at the 2nd image, on her facebook page, is she a fucking fitness therapist too?

don't these new age fuckers function on a mental level alone? a mental world of fairies and fairy farts?

now they want to make a change in the physical world, to make a real change to themselves and their bodies in relation to the physical world after the major 2012 ALIEN DISCLOSURE FAIL?

HAHAHA what a load of bullshit,

and if they were never bothered by the physical world and would never ever  REALLY make a real difference in the world,

why would Gluten (a physical compound) ever bother them or their airy fairy coccoons?

if they are only spiritual nothing physical should bother them right and there would be no physical problem to overcome in the first place?


  1. Akasha .. Hay House let Doreen Virtue give out wrong SUICIDE info from a stage in Seattle to the mom of a suicidal 20 yr old black man.. And Hay House does nothing to call out the dangerous anti-flu shot comments/posts that Doreen Virtue put out encouraging people not to get flu shots... It seems all about whoring out shit to make money on people's beliefs on angels and not about anything it real at all..

  2. well thank you for the links.

    Unfortunately I don't give a fuck any more.

    I am learning to RESPECT people's freewill, I am done getting called a hater or troll simply because I want to WATCH out for them.

    Frantically EVERYONE has freedom of choice, and they should use it as they see fit. If they believe in stupid shit, it is not our duty to correct them, we can guide them yes, but we cannot force them to believe anything in the contrary to be true.

    If they want to see the TRUTH of a situation, they must make that choice for themselves.

    Anyhow I won't spend all my days writing shit about doreen virtue, and even appealing to an EVEN GREATER new age guru FRAUD like DEEPAK CHOPRA, they are all in the same game together. Nothing you will say or do will change that.

    You also had a choice to go to the workshops, and you learned your lesson, let others learn their lesson in the hard way too, sometimes that is the only way they can learn what you are really on about.

    I have been trolled and harassed by a lot of new agers, and frantically I don't give a shit about any one of them any more. WHY?

    Because if you try to help them YOU ARE THE ONE THAT GETS JUDGED and shatted on your are the one that gets banned form online websites endorsing sick new age beliefs.

    Frantically I am just sick of TRYING TO HELP those who OBVIOUSLY DON'T WANT HELP.

    You want to put up the fight? Good for you!

    But I won't get personal with doreen virtue or any other psychic medium or new age fraud.... I am not going to stalk them....... I have a life of my own, and it is hard enough trying to survive and keeping your head above water.... that I don't have time to call out frauds that TOO MANY ZOMBIE MINDED individuals cheer on... WAKE UP, it is you or US PEOPLE against the IGNORANT CROWD for fucks sakes.

    Does this mean that I give up? No, it is simply means I am giving the shitheads who follow them what they want, and they will BRING their OWN HOUSE DOWN upon their own fucked up heads.

  3. "Doreen Virtue is a retard" bing search brought me here. Hahaha! Well, got that out of my system.

  4. or maybe she is just a very clever conartist who gets what she wants using other people's retardedness against them. And she of course pretends to be a retard to draw retards to her, to steal their money, energy and time. Clever...evil genius must be it.

  5. So I'm retarded? Okay. If that's your opinion of me, who you never met. I'm not here to say your wrong about Doreen Virtue. I'm just here to say you're wrong about me.
    I work with "angels" because that brings light to my life. I struggled with religion and the concept that God answers thousands of prayers a day. Before I learned about Doreen I went to talk to my priest about how God can answer every prayer. He asked me to answer it, and I said that I thought he had many messengers like Angels that he sends to people. Then we talked about how I feel about God now. And that moment I realized God and his angels would be there for me anytime I asked even if it wasn't instant but that I would know.
    I agree she has collected a lot of money being a "light worker" as she calls it. But for me someone who is a light worker wouldn't be making so much money. Most people I know that are light workers do not make a living giving people advice or teaching them. Light workers are born not taught. I own her decks but I would not pay to take a course from her to give back to others. If I was called to help someone I would do it and let them decide if they accept what I have to relay. And never put my beliefs on anyone.
    But just because I believe in angels or reading cards does not make me a retard or mentally ill. It makes me feel comfortable with the way I live my life by my beliefs that I feel leads me to my life purpose.

  6. Dear SM Rolfe

    I do not recall mentioning your name anywhere, nor did I direct any personal insults towards you. My advice would be - if this post irked you so much, that if the shoe fits, lace it is up and wear it like a pro.

    In the beginning of my spiritual path I too spent lots of money on her cards, and books, until I realised, as you yourself just happened to say, that she is NOT A TRUE LIGHT WORKER. I told myself there must be another way, that whatever this "doreen movement" is, that it must be approached with nothing but sound caution.

    I occasionally do read Tarot cards however, as it gives me a darker perspective with its reverse cards, and a true view of what is going on, and what path to take. I even have a VAMPIRE TAROT DECK, which gives insights into the darker psychological and spiritual aspects of the psyche.

    It is my personal belief, that DOREEN's ANGEL approach is misleading people, that all the love and light can go to people's heads, that can make them dismiss greater caution when it comes to darker aspects in life. That can make them act to their own detriment.

    So what you are actually trying to say, is that HAVING A DARKER APPROACH to life makes you a TOTAL RETARD AND NONSPIRITUAL PERSON? Well that my dear is the most RETARDED thing I have ever heard. It feels as if though you constantly associate LOGIC with DARKNESS.

    How can you also be so sure that the ANGELS you are talking to ARE ANGELS, and only have your best interest at heart? Have you ever tested them or doubted your own love and light approach in all things? Afterall that is what a true spiritual person and seeker does on a daily basis.

    I was once like you, I saw the good in everything, it threatened my life by being so stupid, not taking the yin and yang concept into consideration. I made myself look like a total MORON, and merely damaged my life to such an extent that it couldn't be repaired. Thankfully I woke up soon out of my delusion as such, being TREATED LIKE A RETARD FOR BELIEVING LIKE A RETARD was the best thing that happened to me and shook me back into reality and groundedness.

    You seem to think you know me, that entitles you to troll my blog... *shakes head*... be careful to judge lest be judged yourself. Have a nice one with doreen's cards, you are better off giving them to poor and homeless kids to make fire with, now that is doing a good deed - To keep warm in winter.

    1. Actually I really am thankful to have read this. You are right. Thank you for calling out my negative energy towards you. I'm learnt in myself how I sound like a hypocritical and actually follow a hypocrite. I don't want to be blinded by false healers. I apologize for my negative words towards you. Truly thank you again.

  7. PS don't forget to give away those cards for free, they have nothing to give you in return, but their gratitude, an act of true kindness like this is worth more than a million acts of fake kindness of a so called "new age" guru. Remember that. Make a real difference, not a superficial one by being a follower of superficiality.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Akasha... well, I havent seen for a long time somebody so full of emotions and stillt trying to keep a cool face. I came to this page by accident, I just wonder.. Why do you use name Akasha, if you dont mind calling other people scammers..for me you are not more relevant than any other using strong names and writting ,,wisdoms,, for people. Especially the part when you wrote how you watch over people ...and the 60 curse words. I just want to say, you dont have to girl..Maybe you should just relax and stop feeling so important.

  9. I will just leave this link here for anyone wanting to see how new agers feed off doreen virtue's fame, apparently this is how gypsy wannabe's make money at fairs, underwriting themselves as qualified angel card readers. OMFG, the real gypsies are spitting in your face right now you fucking hoe.

    copy the link and go to the page:

  10. Hi Akasha.
    I downloaded Doreen's book (Kindle version) titled Angel Therapy Handbook. All I can say is, 'who the hell would read this crap?' and 'How is it that intelligent people are able to believe in this stuff?' I guess they just want to escape from their own boring and jaded reality that they have to rely on Angels to get them through their day. Thanks again and keep up the good fight!

  11. Hi Akasha.
    I downloaded Doreen's book (Kindle version) titled Angel Therapy Handbook. All I can say is, 'who the hell would read this crap?' and 'How is it that intelligent people are able to believe in this stuff?' I guess they just want to escape from their own boring and jaded reality that they have to rely on Angels to get them through their day. Thanks again and keep up the good fight!

    1. Hi sorry I didn't reply until now, your comment said it all and didn't warrant any further comment to make it perfect.

      But I have to say - such people rely on the advice of these "gurus", make it their little Bible or word of some "god" to abide by. The more you live according to someone else's opinion of how things should be, the more you lose touch of yourself and your own soul path.

      This exactly why I hate new age bullshit - new age gurus want to be the "gods" of people, tell them how to live, to me that comes down to energy vampirism, trying to put someone into your own mould - not giving them opportunity to explore things themselves, or to expand their own horizons/minds/consciousness on their own terms.

      These new age gurus don't have all the answers - hell if they had all the answers, then people could stop searching or believing they are unique in any sense. This new age path for me is like the lazy path - when people don't want to follow their own path or minds, they stunt their own personal and spiritual growth. They are too lazy to search for answers on their own, and that is the problem. They want easy answers and manage to fuck up their path and/or purpose in life.

      We are all born with a different purpose in life - I won't let a new age guru tell me that my PURPOSE fits into their "box" of what they think I should be. Fuck them. I am my own person, they can cry butthurt over that for many years and lives to come.

      [thanks *comic relief* catharsis released]

  12. I think that Doreen's motives shouldn't matter to anyone but herself. We wouldn't want her to judge us, so how come it is okay for us to judge her?

    The fact of the matter is there isn't one person on this planet who believes exactly the same as another, and their never will be, because we are all shaped and taught by our own individual experiences. "Truth" is therefore in the eye of the beholder because it is their truths that shaped their lives. This is why we are encourage to never judge another or to put down their beliefs. There is no way for us to have a perfect knowledge of their situation and how they processes things without actually living their personal life with their personal thoughts.

    Doreen has obviously had something in her life that led her in this direction. She has also helped many people find ways to heal themselves through positivity after they have been struggling with Religious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (Yes, sadly, that is a real thing.) Religion also teaches that by their fruits you may know them. Whether or not anyone believes what she says, it is very easy to see she is a kind person who truly wants to make the world and its people feel better about themselves. Her way may not be a way that fits you, and that is okay, because you are meant to find your own way that resonates with you. But I feel it is unnecessary to tear other successful people down, especially when you can see they have gentle hearts and want people to be happy...even if it isn't in your way. I would wish the same success for any of you that I do for her.

    I can say some of her books really helped me through a post traumatic situation. And having spent years working in the medical field and emergency services, I can say her research is sound and often full of good advice for healing. She does work with other experts on different subjects where she doesn't have the professional know-how on her own.

    I appreciate people who want to help others and build them up instead of tearing them down. We have enough hate and negativity in the world. I loved working and helping people in the medical field. Currently I love working as a bestselling fiction author, and I have hopes to open my own "spiritually - based" business in the future. I have been studying many courses to do just that, and I love it.

    It's totally okay to accept money or trade as energy exchanges because that maintains balance. It's not any different than a minister being paid every week for his clergy services. There are all kinds of jobs in all different fields and people deserve to get paid for what they train for. No matter what. If you are bringing a product or service to someone, that's a paying job.

    I say just be you and don't sweat it. There are all kinds of people in this world and all of us have different gifts for different reasons. There are way worse things for people to believe in or do than something that gives me brings them hope. Just be happy that people are trying to better themselves and the world.

    If Doreen is a scam (which I think she completely believes everything she teaches, even if I don't agree with it all) karma will take care of that. If she isn't, then she is helping a lot of people find peace and she will be blessed for that too. The important thing to always remember is that YOU are in control of your power, the same as every other person on this planet. No one can take it from you unless you let them. Once you realize that, then there is no need to try and control others. That is their job. You take care of what is right for you and let them take care of what is right for them and then let's all find a way that we can be friends in the process so we can truly heal the hate in the world instead of causing more.

    Thanks for your post. I always research both sides of any coin. I hope you and everyone on this board have a beautiful day!

    1. Look here: -

      1) Fraud is fraud, and I don't think people want to be intentionally defrauded be it monetary fraud, a material loss or spiritual loss in the form of psychological damage and/or trauma experienced by being misled by a narcissist's bullshit because you just wanted to get on that bandwagon to "feel as special, AND seem as otherworldly as they are".

      2) I don't write this blog because I want to bring new age gurus down, no they do enough of that already by playing on the good heartedness of the gullible who has not yet found a path of true spiritual awareness.

      3) I do not write this blog to bring more hatred into this world, or more negativity, for fucks sakes, for a "spiritual teacher" you are quite prejudicial against people you hardly know, making me wonder if the "new age bullshit" rubbed off on you to only make people's opinions suit your own fucking personal agenda, whatever the fuck that might be - whereas I am not writing this blog to further a personal agenda, but to share my experience dealing with new age bullshit, having seen and dealt with the darkest end of it and comparing it to other systems and common people in the world who have the same agenda just in different forms.

      4) I have met a fair share of "Doreen Virtues" in my life before, and if you seek to walk the same path being a copy cat of some new age ideal while taking both sides of the coin into consideration, then you would know exactly what the fuck you are doing playing on peoples weaknesses.

      5) As I was saying, I am not writing this blog to sow seeds of hatred but of self-consciousness - self-love and some self- fucking respect.

      6) I agree with you on one thing though - you can learn from anyone or anything. I choose to learn from something and not someone. If a new age guru helped you in some way - hey good for you. All that I know is that whilst I was spending my money on buying her products I forgot that I had the power in myself to HELP MYSELF at minimal monetary cost or new age mindfuckery.

      7) I was heavy into the new age at one stage - then I realized something - not all is love and light, and all is sure as hell not all Angels and Fairies. And to perceive life through such a scope is like not seeing things for what they truly are. So who the fuck are these new age gurus fooling hey? Even religious zealots? You can learn from Christian Zealots too, but it doesn't mean they are correct or that their fraud should be tolerated, unless you want to insult your own soul by playing that game, by all means go for it. But is that a true form of spiritual being? I think not.

      Thanks for reading!

  13. I had a real spiritual crisis for a time. I spoke to Archangel Gabriel for many years, and I realized She is nothing like what Doreen Virtue portrayed. I was then given th name of the end times judge, and when my eyes opened more I began to understand that I was pretty much fucked. Doreen Virtue and all her "light worker" cronies stole my purpose, money, and turned the entire world against those of us who possess judgement. She most certainly would never be willing to listen or open up to me it seems, though recently she is showing lament in her videos. But those people who claim that "truth" and "judgment" cannot exist are completely mistaken, self-serving servants of uncooperative capitalist evil. Doreen Virtue has wreaked havoc on this planet.

    1. All that I learned from this new age scammer is that those who only want you to focus on the light and do not warn you about the dark is hiding the face of evil from you for a reason. I enjoyed reading your comment, thanks for sharing.

  14. Akasha - you ended being 100% correct about Doreen scamming. Look at how she is scamming the Christians now - telling them she talks to the "real" Jesus and there are many beings trying to trick them. Look for her new "Jesus-ology" certification course to be coming out soon. She will scam the Christians out of millions with her "real" Jesus theory. On 1-7-2017 when she saw Jesus standing - no wait - he was floating - in an eggshell white color - she immediately went home and googled about it. She found a Saint who had a similar vision except she did not get quite the same colors in her vision - but now she new for sure - she saw the real Jesus. Holy Crap - why aren't people waking up and seeing her scam products for what they are? If she was misguided for 20 years - she misguided millions of people and suddenly because she googles her vision of Jesus - now she is our new Savior - leading us to the Real God and the Real Jesus? Of course - she tells you only to go straight to God and not to people for guidance and then proceeds to put out Jesus Guidance Cards, a new book and weekly guidance videos. She is the most evil woman I have ever seen!

    1. I did not follow any of her bullshit for a long time, but this is hilarious to see one jesus and then another.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. No matter what you can say against her, (maybe you are right maybe not) you can not deny her messages are positive and full of hope. It helps....

    1. It is seems positive until you get involved with the new age community whether online or offline - keep that in mind. Everything looks good until you meet the people behind the show.
