Sunday 20 July 2014

GOD-brides: The New Otherkin


Apparently there is a new fanfiction thing going on, people calling themselves "loki-brides", or god-brides.

I am so sick of reading this shit and all other spiritual bullshit.

Also they make use of some UPG term, how they got to realizing they were some fictional god's bride, meaning: 

UPG stands for “Unverified Personal Gnosis”, though depending on who you ask, the U may stand for “Unsubstantiated”. Either is fine and acceptable. It refers to understandings you have of the gods (as well as concepts and situations related to your religion) that aren’t backed up by the lore (that is, mythology and so forth). For example, your interactions with Venus may have led you to believe that she likes the colour pink and offerings of sparkling grapefruit juice, or that Oðinn is not a fan of peach schnapps. There’s no mention of these things in lore (…to the best of my knowledge…), but because of some experience you’ve had in ritual or meditation, you have come to this conclusion. It may even have been a direct teaching.

read more:

And if you don't believe this shit, wait there is more, they even draw a nice little flowchart for you, to help you SEE HOW SANE they are

I was looking up astral babies, something I can understand as SOULS INHABITING your AURA SPACE, spirits who was your children in a past life, and still have not moved on, still having unfinished business with the mother or waiting to be born....but the shit I found was even crazier than "spirits of children who once lived inhabiting their mother's aura".

Apparently these god-spouses can make children, their imaginary loki can miraculously make spirit babies, which the author herself confesses can come down to some thought pattern thought up and fed as if to become real...she also called loki's wife, who is Sigyn, a CHILD of she deliberately messing up folklore...also LOKI I found on wikipedia, is some androgynous man who can turn into a female, even an animal or an old lady... so are these loki brides lesbian brides of this "loki" character? omfg this is just crazy....

Also you get THOR-brides....and sounds like one big fat fucking fuck orgy if you ask almost sounds like mormonism....where everyone wants to fuck and be a wife to one guy...clearly there must be no such thing as pathological jealousy amongst their religious ranks. Apparently these types of otherkin belong to the PAGAN NORSEFOLK-ers (as the writer of the linked blog referred to herself).

I don't know, but it looks like some pagans have totally lost their fucking heads, so now you can be married to basically any GOD, but you still have to be called by them.......right? I don't know of new agers waiting to be called to be something totally fucking outrageous for attention online...they just say so, and it happens in their heads and everyone have to believe it afterward.

I can also further understand that you can FORM a child's personality via upbringing, but I never heard of creating a soul out of your own fucking head from me that is GOD'S job...and we can only help shape it after it was created by the DIVINE itself.

Also the author links herself with CHRIST-brides........what is next CHRIST-grooms for gay pagans? lmfao...everyone should LOVE JESUS, yeah JESUS just likes to fuck everybody, I have no qualms about that since RELIGION FUCKS EVERYBODY anyway, and will continue to do so as long as we have brain dead people like these types of "new age" pagans running amok. I call them NEW AGE PAGANS, because they are all concerned with REALIZING THE INNER GOD...and apparently you can become a GOD if you SAY YOU SHACK up with one too, as one of his "heavenly sluts". It is like some SATANIC pack of fallen angels giving power to mortal women to turn them into witches..I think that is the train of thought they are on...apparently this one got the power of immaculate stupidity too. *yawns*

I myself see myself as a pagan, I believe in spirit companions and spiritual spouses, but what this lady described just comes down to total bogus....any true spiritual person would see this as "spiritual faux", meaning spiritual falsehood.

If you have a spirit companion you won't call him loki, christ or any other mythological name...because a true spirit companion won't lead you astray with this type of hogwash, especially if they are your twinflame or soulmate, they will lead you on the right path, away form such types of dogmatic gibberish that totally leads you astray and totally inhibits your growth, which has nothing to do with true spirituality.

Yes your guy or spouse can be your "GOD", but the moment you start to put mythological labels on them, you not only inhibit your growth but theirs as well. 

I find it fascinating that these type of "new agey pagans" who totally lost their marbles, cannot see how this type of thing can be totally frustrating to true seekers.

image credit:,xcitefun-leave-me-alone-by-nightowlmadness.jpg

this is how I feel trying to search for true spiritual things to feed my soul only to find a load of crap.

I did not respond to the chick on wordpress, I am not going to troll someone who totally believe they are right in their head, despite showing that she is nothing but an attention whore there to lead people astray with total bullshit, then she uses BUDDHIST TERMS and HINDU terms mixed with pagan terms to sound even smarter on her about page... I am just like wtf? seriously?! This is not the path of a true seeker, but one of continuous self-deception, and self-confusion. Some people like to live there, where they confused themselves something terrible, it is where they escape from the harsh realities of the world....but in fact, I don't see any spiritual growth in such a path if that is the case - to flatter yourself with continuous bullshit, just to not deal with your real problems underneath it all.

LESSON I LEARNED TODAY: if you read about past lives, you will get faced with this type of shit that can teach you something about yourself... I was like this a while back, thought I was CHRIST'S BRIDE......I know this new age bullshit is such a fucking high....... now I would rather be THE BRIDE OF SOME UNNAMED DEVIL with his own identity, who is a god in his own right, fuck this norsefolk LOKI DEMON gibberish and fuck Satan and his fallen angels......i DON'T want a guy that is some dogmatic cliché. Maybe that is what I was supposed to learn today...and if I have a kid from some hectic past life, I don't want them to be the devil's offspring or some LOKI kid or even CHRIST KID, I just want them to be who they are, a little personality in their own right...a little princess, a little lady in their own right...something that cannot be labeled, but which is AUTHENTIC as GOD INTENDED when He gave me the little bundle of love. Something pure and purely spiritual...I won't call it angelic but just divine without a name... and what they are cannot be named, they must simply be what they are...whether it be a colorful painting of a swoosh between light and dark...just wanting her to be a little bundle of divinity and purely powered by unlabeled SPIRIT. That is how I can appreciate the DIVINE when I see how it unfolds in them.

1 comment:

  1. I have horror stories for you on just this subject. Most so called godspouses, especially the Loki ones, are just egomaniacs who want popularity and make stuff up, like the bellydancer with a gaggle of astral children who says shes married to Loki, or the bhuddist/norse religion mix writer who thinks shes also married to Loki and was besties with another socaled wife in a past life. They get defensive and shout UPG if anyone calls them on their bullshit. Not saying there arent real ones out there but like vampire lifestylers, they dont jump up and down saying "look at me, Im Lokis favorite and most fuckable godspouse!"
