Sunday 25 November 2012

The Mayans Were Stupid Fucks How Could They Then Precisely Predict The End Of The World If They Could Not Even Predict The End Of Themselves?


Can u believe it's less than a month to the 26,000 year alignment? !? Curious as 2 what the Mayans knew bout 12/21/2012?


MY Answer:

 ..DUDE if the mayans were super advanced creatures, why didn't their town and bloodline survive? Why are the MAYANS DEAD, why did their empire fall? Obviously their prophecies will also prove to be just as sad as their end were. Think about that before you prepare for the end of the world.

So the one asking the question replies to me in the following way giving discredit to her initial praise and wonder of the mayan fucktards:

 because as smart as they were they didn't know about diseases and they dies from diseases introduced by the spanish that the mayans had no immunities to since they had never been exposed to it before. 

My reply:

...well said, so they weren't that smart to begin with??? oh noooo..... and yay for us, we will live longer than their calender claims

So I read this on some other website:

I've been down to Cozumel and Yucatán five times, and I visited some Mayan ruins almost every time.  The Mexican tour guides told us the true story of the Mayans and how they almost lost their heritage.

You've probably heard from your history teacher that the Mayans all died out when Cortez and the conquistadors came over and conquered México.  But this is a myth.

The Mayans used to be a very intelligent society...much more advanced than any living society today.  They invented the concept of the number 0.  They also had a calendar that was almost perfectly accurate.  So accurate that they didn't need a leap year.  They were one of the most advanced civilizations in world history.

Of course, not ALL Mayans were that smart.  That was the technology of their culture...not the intelligence of every individual.  Just as in any civilization, there were smart people and stupid people.

So when the Spanish conquistadors came over, the Mayans naturally tried to protect themselves.  They knew how much more advanced their own culture was that the Spanish culture was.  Some of the Mayans who didn't care that much ended up interbreeding with the Spaniards, which is why we have mestizos (most Latinos are mestizos, or half-Spanish, half-Mayan or any other native South/Central American/Mexican).  But many of the Mayans wanted to make sure that their culture and technology was preserved, so what they did to protect their heritage was intermarried within their own families, just so they could be 100% sure that they didn't taint their blood with other races.

As this incest occurred, their offspring began having genetic mutations.  You can see this if you ever see some of the dolls they made.  The Mayans would often have dolls with maybe 12 toes, for example.  You can see this over time.  None of them looked like this before the Spaniards came over...they just looked like regular dolls.

So that's why the Mayan race eventually became, as most Americans think, extinct.

And the replies were amazing, since there is now HOPE all the REPTILIANS are going to be WIPED out because of all the incest going on between them:

 ... so this would happen to the ROYAL ELITIST FAMILY as well?because they all interbreed and so on...that would mean the end of the REPTILIAN race dominating this planet... yay...lmfao

...not to mention that Quetzalcoatl the winged serpent was a REPTILIAN AKA FALLEN ANGEL itself....

So some guy throws this hilarious thing in after the reptilian incest thing:

 I was taught they mysteriously disappeared.

I should have paid more attention in Spanish class though...

The reply to the above:

 Looks like they literally fucked themselves in obliteration. hahaha
...okay so I say the mayans were stupid fucks, how could they precisely predict the end of the world if they could NOT even predict the end of themselves?

...the psychic priests must have been off or their oracles have been broken?

...if they were so fucking advanced they could have prevented the plague hitting them, but how could they have been super advanced if they could NOT even treat a plague or incestuous genetic deformities?

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