Monday 19 November 2012

New Age Bullshitters Can't Take Criticism

A note I wrote due to the new ager's inability to handle criticism leading to their incapability to grow as a person:

First thing I read on some indigo, new age group on facebook:

"Care my words
As my body care
I know everything I
The universe returns me

I have no time to criticize anyone
Because spend a lot of time trying
to be a better human being."

Is this supposed to make me feel bad for criticizing the indigo children, the new agers?

Oh and synchronicity, it was posted by someone called the same name as my real name, wow!!!!

I said to myself, WTF these new agers try so hard to play mister and mrs good guy all the time, they don't criticize others, yet alone their own beliefs, they seek fault with nothing meaning they don't have the guts to even seek fault with themselves, they use this "no negativity" -attitude as an excuse not to NOT LOOK AT THEMSELVES, well I learned something from this: if you can't criticize another you cannot criticize yourself, if you don't know how to seek fault and how to empathize seeking a solution for the problems of others, then you are no healer... and last but not least: if you can't look at another then where does the new age term "in lak'ech" fit in? To see another as yourself, to love your neighbour as yourself, to look in a GOD DAMN MIRROR for Christ's sakes? How can you spiritually grow if you NEVER SEEK FAULT with anything or anyone, if you never question anything...???

"To know oneself is to study one self in action with another person. Relationship is a process of self evaluation and self revelation. Relationship is the mirror in which you discover yourself - to be is to be related."---Bruce Lee

Know thyself, calling yourself an indigo won't cut it...they rarely ever go deep within the self because they are too scared of the darkness within they may find

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