Friday 23 November 2012

New Age Bullshit: Mayans Worship Fallen Angels And New Agers Orgasm Each Time They Hear The Word "Mayan" WTF???

The Mayans And Their Winged Serpent


What if the new agers that worship the mayan stuff knew that they were actually cannibals, liked human sacrifice and had a GOD that was A SERPENT that came from "heaven" [in quotation marks since these serpent beings were strange looking to them or foreign to this world]....???

ding ding ding

serpent??? aka REPTILIAN...


IS This what you came to worship?

Fallen angels that feasted on flesh and human sacrifice to appease their "GOD"...

Apparently the HUMAN SACRIFICE is done to make the "fallen angel" happy, to make their serpent GOD love them...

Is this the MAYAN tradition that you think is absolutely so fantastic?

then I am concerned...

Because they had the same god that the world is being ruled by today... REPTILIAN BULLLLSHIIIIT... keeping all spiritual frequencies LOW and feeding off mankind's ignorance, not to mention the countless SATANIC ritual abuse and killing of children by the ELITIST illuminati pedo group... they feed off the children's energy that get raped and killed... the Bible also speaks about not giving your children to MOLECH (the zionist's OWL GOD living on the blood of children): "'Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD" (Leviticus 18:21)... mayans just loved sacrificing virgins and throwing them down volcanoes for the reptile god to come and EAT, and if they did NOT DO IT, they feared they would all be killed by the hungry wrathful snake god...Quetzalcoatl the "winged serpent" [fallen angel/reptilian] so many of the NEW AGERS just adore... and you admire the mayans while they KILLED IN THE NAME OF THE FALLEN ANGELS? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

It is funny actually that some of the new agers who oppose reptilians and their earthly reign here say they just love the "winged serpent"... uhhhhm... okay this is your reality check, take it or leave it, but don't blame it on me if lack the brains to put two and two together to see that winged serpent equals fallen angel, equals SATAN, equals SNAKE, = REPTILIANS.

watch this video
for the sake of your own "peace" of mind if you don't believe me that the wonderful all knowing MAYANS can be so cruel and worship devils.

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