Sunday 25 November 2012

New Age Bullshit: They Fear The FBI Is After Them, WTF?

Some new ager writes this:
So I was praying to become a werewolf tonight. Yes, I'm on that bandwagon. I gave up on becoming a vampire because the spirit expected something of me I wasn't prepared to give. I started seeing visions of wolves. Which gave me the idea about becoming a werewolf. Something about the wolf is not a part of my soul even though I like nice doggies. When I asked myself if the wolf was right for me, I found that rare angelic spirit The Dragon show up. Now this got me thinking, was I a dragon and all the questions one would think about dragons. I believe I was a dragon in my past life. The reason why is because in an astral trip to heaven I took on a few spiritual transformations such as angelic, dragonic (draconic?). I believe I have been alive as a human before as well. I believe that all spirits are human inside. I believe in reincarnation in the form of spirits and creatures. Now I'm not fond of the idea on all days, but other days it's so spiritually amazing to think of coming back as a fly or something for a few weeks

the NAKED were, afraid of the can a werewolf be afraid of humans? wtf????? he can rip their heads off in a second but now he fears them WTF??????????????
My reply:

...dude you do not have to worry about getting hunted down by the FBI/illuminati,
people who talk like this about being tons of different animal spirits,
are cherished by the NAM...
you are the guy who make the HYBRID (reptilian -half human/half animal) thing more plausible,
you fan their new age propaganda perfectly,
you are SAFE AS CAN BE...
...i have seen the same type of writing on starseed communities and GFL communities,
there you get praised for thinking this way,
everyone is allowed to think this way,

...but beware for saying you are JUST HUMAN,
then you get attacked and shit everyone who is a HYBRID in the new age,
is cherished disciple of the "ascended masters"/COUNCIL OF 9,
and masters of the SATANIC THEOSOPHY movement,
with madam blavatsky etc. is TOTALLY COOL AND IN to be a hybrid,
even human/angelic aka human/bird with wings lmfao...

you are very much loved by the system.

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