Saturday 12 May 2012

Trusting The New Ager

Okay new agers when you wonder why I do not join your sites and workshops nor cheer you on in your cause this is why!!!

So a new ager drops me this note:

"...why don't you trust Indigo Children? And if it were a select few I could understand, but as a whole? We're all different? What reason have I given to be untrustworthy?"

The same new ager writes:

"I need clarity and inner peace: Lately I've just been totally filled up with crap from friends, family, and family of my other half. Why is it that so many people can be so negative and blindly take it out on me and say it's in God's name? I'm not Christian any more. I'll never be Chrsitian again. I can't be. So that makes me subject to judgment. Indigo Children are a mix of many religions and beliefs. What connects us is what's on the inside right? I think I just need more Indigos in my life. I'm tired of these judgemental people who are too ignorant to see how their energy affects me. I'm really tired and drained..."

So I go and write her a response with the TRUST ISSUE in mind; the "know all new ager" wanted an answer remember:

You asked why I do not trust indigos - well you seek people who won't judge you... Well the myriad people who associate themselves with the label indigo I have encountered are judgemental like crazy... You know why? Because they think they are the only Ones that are special; all knowing and all high... They seek to bring unity amongst people; they speak about oneness amongst people; humans; yet they believe they are DIFFERENT from those they seek to bring "oneness" to and about. They think they are more divine than others!!!!

What I can say to you: well if you are indeed an indigo here to radiate unconditional Love and bring change about here on Earth then why do you not start with your family you so now despise - why not get a bloody will attitude change and affect those in your immediate atmosphere in a POSITIVE way with your magical powers of "love and light" and stir within them or bring about in them an attitude change?

If you have the power to change people's attitudes - why seek fault with them and scold them; why judge and criticize them; in plain english - why HATE them so?

Now if you indigo folk are only a select few; a royal nation or whatever the f_u_c_k you think you are... Then changes you must bring forth must begin in small amounts as well too since you are a small elite group you just cannot be like some BIG BANG all of sudden affecting the entire world all at once Like SOME BIG WORLD WIDE (GLOBAL) CHANGE - since many of you think that is what you are and believe me I am still struggling to find or see the over all change you are yet to bring and said you did bring with you on this journey... But my point being made - if you are a small baby group of people; then the changes you must bring must be in small amounts then charity must begin at home; why not start with your family and immediate surroundings? Do not run away from them then when you are supposed to have these super powers of Love... Do not seek to be different from them then when you are supposed to bring oneness amongst mankind!!!!

Also if anything indigo's better be doing what Jesus was all about - since he too was into all this "love and light" crapeola thing.... So if you then do not call yourself a christian and refuse to do so then you refuse to acknowledge that JESUS was an indigo child too and therefore reject his "love and light" doctrine for some other twisted version of a "love and light" belief system which I believe is exactly what you "indigos" are up to and that is exactly the reason why I loathe you and others of your ilk!

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