Saturday 10 December 2011

Beware New Age Products

Business lesson, do you know what corporate means?

It is a United body conducting business, as in MONEY MATTERS.

Also the following definition was also to be found in the dictionary:

"Of or relating to a corporative government or political system"

Thus we have now a CORPORATE (UNITED BODY) of government like in the NWO.

Right next step:

Why the Warning?

Well it pays to be saved these days, if you do not have MONEY you will not be "saved" and will be labeled an unenlightened and dark soul, in new age terms.

How much do you spend on your "ANGEL CARD DECK" or you "angel therapy workshops" or your "your reiki classes" huh?

It is one thing to teach and charge reasonable prices, but it is another to rob people blind!

Sorry to say, but anyone who thinks that is OKAY to pay another to administer "soul healing" or "to teach you about God" is just like organized religion fanatics, just paying the preacher without getting any real value for your money, okay!

I find it absolutely absurd that people would PAY even their last cents just for this type of "superficial connection with the Source", the moment you have to PAY to know GOD you are NOT IN PURE CONNECTION with GOD, you are actually paying the MONEY POWER OF THE WORLD, to bring you "salvation", which it cannot provide.

Now people we live in "wonderful" times, and the NAM is in full bloom, and people are desperate to feed their EGOS by making name for themselves as some spectacular "new age gurus", since MONEY is always a desperate issue, so these people are desperate in their race for renown, when you are desperate for something, hell people, what won't you do to get it huh? Even lie, and make yourself more important than what you really are, just to fit the "new age guru profile" when MONEY SPEAKS IT LIES, end of story.

Hope those who know what is really going on, behind all the "new age wonders" have enjoyed!

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