Sunday 23 August 2015


Yup, got trolled by a new ager and firm believer of Doreen Virtue's mayhem.

She has pictures of herself with "spirit energy" on them.

I am thinking, and this is my personal belief - that some confused souls hang around other confused souls, their energy may show up on photographs as mist or any other light derivation, but that does not mean that they are higher beings with sound spiritual knowledge.

Part of being a true spiritual person is constantly questioning the energies around you, and also to raise your energy to such an extent that it "enligthens" the souls swarming around you. Your "angels" might as well be learning with you, be careful if you are lazy on your path, your "angels" might just leave for a higher vibration if that is what they crave or stick around to revel in whatever they can get out of your low vibrational energy field.

I personally believe and have experienced "new agers" to be nothing but low vibrational energies, out to mock and pester real seekers.

If you regard yourself a guru, and think your "angels" are the only suckers that must do all the work for you, then you are gravely mistaken. Your angels are not always to your beck and call, they are there to make you realise shit, and to work on the shit YOURSELF, to raise your own "vibration". Using such words like "vibration" only for the sake of  these NEW AGE TERMS being the only words these new age trolls pretend to understand.

All souls are learning, I would be very slow to for one second believe that my "angels" or "spirit companions" are fully learned, and/or fully enlightened. All journeys a soul takes is a learning journey in itself, whether it is acting as a spirit guide or guardian angel, or acting as a teacher in a physical incarnation.

It is true that some souls can be "trapped, in the Summerlands", as I once read from a fellow semi- awakened soul, and that made me think a great deal about attracting spirits and being accompanied by them. NOT ALL SPIRITS WISH TO LEARN, OR TO EVOLVE, they can also just go to that which feels good to them, and they also can just merely go with it  - in this case - being ATTRACTED TO NEW AGE NUTS, who CANNOT GROW, but who only RELISH in the STATE OF DENIAL, believing that EVERYTHING IS IN FACT GOOD, living in some fantasy state, where no real input needs to be made by a soul to regard themselves as spiritually enlightened, they just dream they are, but they are too lazy to work for it.

I just love learning from trolls, it is just a shame that TROLLS WHO TROLL you without trying to learn from you, LEARN SHIT, if ever. Depending how deep their "love and light" delusion actually stretches, how much escaping the soul feeds off not to deal with their own shit or to get grounded. 

Just think for a moment, like really think: if Doreen Virtue was a real medium, she would have told her followers to approach all spirits with caution, in the sense not to think that they are all angels, some might just pretend to be that way, like humans spirits can be vain, like some asshole new agers pretend to be ANGELS to hide from themselves, to avoid at all costs a true AND TEDIOUS path of real spiritual growth.

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