Friday 11 January 2013

Well Aren't They Sweet?

description on aliens found on a youtube channel:

area 51 2012 stargate portal of demonic realm,and nwo ww3 lead by fallen angels project blue beam.

1.Aliens of our time are an exact match to the behavior of the demons and fallen angels mentioned in the Bible.
2. Aliens never affirm the deity of Christ nor do they claim to come in his name.
3. Aliens change their stories to delude man into believing their lies.
One example of this is that before man had been to outer-space or sent satellites there, the aliens would claim to be from planets such as Jupiter in our solar system. As time went on and man learned more about our planets-realizing that no one could live on such a planet of gas-the aliens changed their story. Now they claim to be from other solar systems and star clusters such as Andromeda and Pleiades etc.
4. Aliens are said to be so advanced, and from so far away, yet they seem to need us for their survival.
There are various accounts of aliens taking tissue samples (for cloning?) and impregnating women, hence the entities known as Incubus and Succubus.
5. Alien abductions are stopped by invoking the name of Jesus.
6. Aliens bring ideas that man needs to unite worldwide for a new era ofconscienceness.
This uniting involves being told to get ready for their leader (Antichrist?) and to forget about one's religion, which will make way for a one world religion/government.
7. Aliens often times contact "newagers" and occultists.
This is not always the case as there are all walks of life that have been contacted by "aliens". However, it is my position that these "space brothers" are not too interested in contacting Christians, and for one obvious reason.
8. Aliens are not opposed to human worship and they generally deny their creator-they assume that role instead.
9. Aliens give man technology but usually these "advancements" are for destruction.
There are "black projects" that governments have in their budget and these projects are usually tied to weapons of war. Much of the technology for such weaponry is said to come from extraterrestrials. Why don't these aliens ever give us life saving technology?
10. Aliens often times emit horrible odors, such as sulfur.
Some call it the stench of Hell.


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