Tuesday 14 February 2012

Perfection Of The Christ

So who do you Worship, God or yourself, since you are God and all, are you your own Daddy or what huh?

Someone wrote to me:

"i do not believe in much of what new agers say but i say the christ is within all it does not mean you are christ in itself you have become the christ within which is not being done by many including myself and why for me i like to drink which is karma making it keeps me at a lower standing with god or the christ within which was created when we separated from god and took evil in our consciousness there was a time we had direct contact with god and lost it by allowing evil within ourselves all people have good and evil within themselves we have to get rid of the evil and keep the good then we can become a christ in manifestation not many people get to that level they fall for the evil within and i am no different i have drank and went with women all karma making for me so i am no better i try to do good and help many people but i am not where i am supposed to be which will mean i will have to return in another life to try to make it right with god"

I replied with:

"To know your place (before God) is TO KNOW you will never be that perfect... it seems that everyone wants to be PERFECT... that is EGO... GOD only LOVES those who are humble and know their faults...those who run around pretending they are the shit, and they are without fault are drunk on pride... and since people think they are flawless pretending to be Christ and all, if they are "like GOD" so perfect and shit then why do they need GOD if they are GOD, perfection itself?! People like that believe they need no GOD and they won't see GOD because all they see is themselves."

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