Sunday, 6 July 2014


I found this article on the internet, comparing otherkin to juggalows - kids who like to dress up as angry clowns.

This sentence really stood out to me:

Lets start with the Otherkin. They believe they are the reincarnated souls of mythical creatures. i.e. unicorns, fairies, dragons, etc. Now when i say "believe" i really mean it. These are people that are so confused in their lives or so socially ackward that they somehow get it into their heads that they were a goddamn dragon or something in their past life. Normally i have nothing against reincarnation, i consider it just as valid a possibility as heaven or hell, but come on, a dragon? I call bullshit. When i see an otherkin, I see someone who considers him/herselves not special in real life so they end up having to invent something fanciful in their heads to try and make themselves seem special. Here is the cold hard truth, if nobody likes you or you are really ackward or weird, its not because you were some mythical creature in your past life. Its because you are a really weird human with issues.

Since I got suspended on some site because of my stupid battles with idiots who RPG (role play gaming) for a living, or can we rather say TROLL their PASTIME away on the internet....I did a lot of thinking.

I always knew in a sense that YOU ONLY FEED them and give them what they want IF YOU GIVE them attention - even if it is TELLING THEM THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT, you are still giving them what they want, ATTENTION... and apparently they CANNOT TAKE IT, and go ahead to FLAG you as some troll, then they have their stupid little pity parties, CALLING you a HATER, an evil vindictive psychotic troll, amongst their "not so secret circles on public forum"...for SOME MORE ATTENTION amongst themselves.... yeah using OTHER PEOPLE AS A SCAPEGOAT, calling other people insane who don't believe they same as they do, to GET ATTENTION in their LITTLE CULT(s) for themselves.... 

So it dawned upon me, that even though the writer in the article (link above) says that WE SHOULD DISCOURAGE people from JOINING SUCH groups by TROLLING THEM HARD, that it is truly useless...

In fact THEY ARE JUST ON THE INTERNET to TROLL, to NOT THINK or to question things or to look for answers, but only to have childish fun in the sense of TAKING THEIR SHIT OUT ON OTHER people at every chance they can get. Their stories never change, they always tell how they hate humans, and how they are better than other humans, and even how they are better than other otherkin...if  they are not TROLLING HUMANS who question their stupid beliefs, then they are TROLLING their own kind... I said, they have no real other purpose in life, or story to tell, or lesson to teach, than to be a stupid troll, who use the internet to ESCAPE from their LIFE OUTSIDE OF IT, AND not to FOCUS on their problems at hand.

No, some even told me WELL it is okay that they do what they do, because they have depression and severe mental issues, therefore we should tolerate them...but as the author in the link given above puts it, THEY INDEED HURT PEOPLE with this BULLSHIT. They should not make their depression other people's problems, they should instead sort out their own stop blaming other people for their fucked up mindset and actually start to work on themselves....  clearly the new age is doing a shitty job with the self-help classes if they SIMPLY CANNOT DO THIS, and live in a world where the only way they can "solve" their problems is to run away from it and BLAME other people for it, by pretending to be so much better than them...any case they FAIL TO SEE that they are PART OF THE PROBLEM, and that HUMANITY is what it is DUE TO PEOPLE LIKE THEM.

I am all for pitying people, but hell when they take their illness or attention seeking shit too far, and end up acting like malicious fucks, who only want to hurt people because they hate everything and everyone around them, then hell, somewhere WE ARE ENTITLED TO DRAW THE LINE and tell THEM to just fucking stop and that we WANT NONE OF IT.

The URBAN DICTIONARY shows no mercy either from people totally fed up with this otherkin shit, as the author of the article in the link above WHO WROTE IT IN the year 2006, which is very far from and prior to the new age outbreak during 2010 to even goes as far as to say that MENTAL HOSPITALS were created to KEEP SUCH fucks off the that is a very fed up human regarding this new age bullshit who will write something like that.

If they were really that special wouldn't people really like them? Then they would argue but we are just jealous that they can achieve such levels of bullshit conciousness. uhhhm no, we are just tired of being hated and trolled by obvious arseholes.

In any case, my real purpose behind this post, is to say THAT I GIVE UP on helping people from joining such cults. WHY? Because I have been trolled and harassed by hundreds of these fucks simply for trying to look out for them... In the end of the day you have to respect someone's freewill, if they want to be fucked up, that is their choice... if they want to get hurt by being mentally retarded then so be it.  I mean the theme of this post is the same as my most recent one, in the sense that DUE TO THEIR EXTREME attitude problems, they would PUSH PEOPLE AWAY from them, and no one would be willing to RISK BEING HARASSED AND/OR CRUCIFIED for them on new age and/or otherkin forums no more. JESUS I AM NOT JESUS......... 

Once maybe I HAD A MESSIAH COMPLEX too, when starting to embark on the new age train, but THE AMOUNT OF MENTALLY INAPT ARSEHOLES IN THE MOVEMENT made ME WAKE UP soon from the illusion they seek to create that everything is all light, bubbles and fluff... Then I too realized my mistake... You see I was being a victim of some bitch who was into new age bullshit, she tried to tell me how special I was, but she never wanted to be my friend, she just bullshitted me, and demanded that I treat her like a queen, and do I WANT TO BE LIKE HER? AH hell no.........

I am afraid that this new age movement bullshit, has the potential to be the NEW PLAYGROUND FOR PEDOPHILES who prey on the young and ignorant minded... why? Because children who are confused in life, want a mentor or someone who can give them direction.... only to find out too late that their mentor is mentally insane and even more confused about life than they are....and only uses kids to feel special, generating some power kick, by manipulating and controlling a kid's mind with absolute bullshit - which means that if they NEED A DUMB AND IGNORANT KID to flatter them, that their NEW AGE BELIEFS, are obviously NOT ENOUGH to make them feel special on its own...they need to bullshit their way into the hearts and minds of people TO FEEL SPECIAL, they need to do this attention whoring game they play, in order to FEEL SPECIAL....if they don't have an audience, then they ARE NOT SPECIAL...

So it is safe to say that THEY CANNOT FEEL NOR KNOW DEEP IN THEIR HEARTS that they are already special.........they FEEL UNLOVED if they DO NOT BULLSHIT PEOPLE on a constant basis...which means that THEY TRULY HAVE A LOW SELF ESTEEM, that they cannot feel special without GETTING PEOPLE to admire them believing the shit they tell them about themselves.

Anyhow where was I? 

We are made to believe that they are truly spiritually orientated, but in fact they ARE NOT, they cannot even define spirituality, they live an absolute lie, where growth is the last thing on their mind...they rarely explain their beliefs, but what they can do and what they are very good at in fact is TO TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES EXCESSIVELY and telling other people HOW MUCH BETTER THEY ARE THAN THEY ARE....but that is about that.... they seem too much ego orientated by vanity alone, that there is simply nothing worthwhile beneath the surface. They are driven by a need to get attention by lying about how wonderful they are and what they will do for humanity....but they are unable to engage in any debate whatsoever, they cannot form coherent sentences, and they simply refuse to question things unlike someone who is inclined to higher reasoning.

What I did realize from all of this drama with otherkin people is that THEY ARE DEFINITELY NOT SEEKERS, they are NOT ON A SPIRITUAL PATH, do NOT WASTE YOUR TIME, they are fake bitches with an ulterior agenda behind the whole otherkin act.  They are quite possibly more shallow than fake ass christian and muslim bitches.... and even more ignorant... this new age hype is a good example how when joining some type of popculture things can and WILL go horribly wrong... it is worse yet similar to joining organized religious groups. They are all full of shit, using RELIGION AND NEW AGE BELIEFS for all the wrong reasons... which is directed and motivated by egotistic reasons alone.  To them it is not about some higher force or higher purpose in is not about being spiritual, it is all about them, and how they use religion to hide how truly fucked up they are in real life....that is where they hide from themselves and the world outside of their little cocoon, where they believe that no one can touch them....that is why they fight so hard to GET SKEPTICS removed from their "place of total escape".

Please read about the otherkin's comfort zone here - very insightful.


  1. I hadthis experience in the goth community too. And im gonna name names. Danni, Dana, otherwise known within the fetish and vampire communities as chocolate silk and Meesa, are a form of so called otherkin. Only they throw their weight around with the vampire and witch titles. We are all
    Owerful with dark magic, so we can get any man we want, all the gigs and popularity. They look down on anyone who is not like them and will pull mean girl bitch moves like pretending to let someone perform with them in their pathetic stage shows, then push them Way and let one of their friends on stage last minute. They pretend to channel spirits of demons and dark goddessess for attention, and are black swans with vampires in new orleans sothey can have their fifteen minutes of fame. They go on stage in sexy burlesque costumes and make stupid noises and chant into the mike. Not one of them can sing. But all the guys kiss their ass because theyre so sexy. Between that and the dark "im too edgy and powerful for you" lifestyle, they are just like the otherkin who use their sheer force of personality and looks to get people to worship them and think they are better than the rest of us sorry, pathetic commoners. If we get to lick their vinyl boots, its considered an honor.

  2. Damn straight, I myself find myself more and more skeptical at the claims of those who are "Supernaturals" or otherwise non human, I've always been a no bullshit person, being someone who has a friend who has been fighting his case in court for a lawsuit. Having to STATE HIS EVIDENCE multiple times makes me someone who likes to live by facts, By cold hard evidence being the final say.

    Claims like this are hard to beleive when they don't have evidence behind them, Yes it sounds ignorant to many, Personally I don't care, What I do care about is when someone claims to be something, Around here in the wrong parts of Chicago, you Get killed for claiming to be something you're not.

    When people seek to escape to a fantasy, it does not help the Real situation, it only prolongs the fucked up situation that is in real life, Reality is the Coldest, hardest yet best medicine.
