Sunday, 12 January 2014

The Fallible Goddess Teachings of Doreen Virtue

okay one way to test if some new age guru is a fraud is to see if their own teachings are working for them.

I did a lot of reading on Doreen this weekend and discovered that she has been divorced 3 times already, (whilst some say four times), yet she gives seminars on how to attract the perfect man or lover, and she goes on about how to invoke the Goddess to become a Goddess yourself, and she writes about how you can be an ANGEL, even sees herself as an angelic incarnate apart from the Goddess incarnate.

I was wondering then why would any man LEAVE A GODDESS or purely DIVINE creature and Angel such as Doreen virtue? I mean if her teachings worked for her, and she was really manifesting being the GODDESS AND DIVINE INCARNATE on a daily basis, then she would be the most desirable woman on the planet, I mean she would have all the answers a man is looking for, she can give him all the "divine guidance" and "every divine feeling" he has been waiting for....

So why would any man LEAVE A GODDESS?

It could be that he saw through her cock and bull story (synonymous with falsehoods and personal fabrications) ... and that in "all their married life she had been living a lie" .... or at least through all 3 or 4 of them.

OR maybe he just could not keep up with DOREEN'S constant need for greed, they started to live apart because she was more interested in making money, bullshitting people and becoming famous than she was in her own personal life, she invested more in her PUBLIC figure status than in her home life.

Well whatever the reason, I just don't see why ANY MAN once married to a GODDESS would leave her for any reason whatsoever............I mean such a man would hit the UNIVERSAL JACKPOT when it comes to LOVE no?

And a last point, I do not see how someone who claims to be a GODDESS or ANGELIC incarnate, need to become a GODDESS OR ANGEL, I mean should these people NOT BE BORN THAT WAY?... if you look at so many lightworkers having failed relationships, and broken marriages, and then they suddenly decide to wake up after the divorce, and say they are now 'angels' all of a sudden, well wtf? 

If they were angels from the start why would they even start a relationship with someone they know would never last using their divine psychic powers to look into the future and preventing any possible and unneeded damage? Plus if they were really angels WHY DID IT NOT WORK, why couldn't they just flick a magic wand or plug in their divine powers to fix their relationships and help their partners work through their problems which they say was the main reason for the split up?

SORRY, this is just fake shit, all these people claiming to be lightworkers and angels incarnate, who cannot even make their own personal lives work..................................

As I said to the one lightworker making the same claims - well you are sitting with a 3 year old daughter after the divorce, and you are going to tell her mommy is a fucking angel, what are you going to do when she asks you why did you leave dad and allowed the marriage to break up if you WERE AN ANGEL?... i told her her daughter would grow up to be a rebel, and look down on her for telling such horrible lies and deceiving herself and her father.



  1. What kind of slanderous article is this about someone you know nothing about?

  2. You're a sick, sick human being to put so much energy into a blog of hatred. I hope you hit rock bottom soon so that you can finally wake up. Your soul is a cesspool of ugliness and shows in this silly ridiculous waste of energy of a blog.

  3. you know what i find it hilarious that a fucking new age idiot like you would come to "show off" on my blog by telling me that i am going to hell for trying to HELP PEOPLE by telling them to stay the fuck away from a demon and devil worshiper like doreen virtue.

    the funniest thing of all is that SHE DOES NOT EVEN WORSHIP SATAN, she worships herself.

    and SHE DOES NOT WORSHIP GOD or a higher force, because TO HER SHE IS GOD AND THERE IS NOTHING GREATER THAN HER, and she can make the rules and break them as she sees fit.

    i find it also comical that you would come up in the defence of someone who lives off the stupidity and ignorance of people to MAKE A LIVING FOR HERSELF AND to pass herself off as some QUEEN of the divine.

    I can honestly not see HOW CALLING ME NAMES and not reading what i AM TRULY ALL ABOUT, is helping you at all?

    you seem to be your own worst enemy at this point, SOMEONE WHO WOULD die and take bullets for false prophets, when the false prophet won't do the same for you. It is the summit of stupidity.

    i have been trolled, harassed and screwed with by the 'new age community' for a long time....... which makes my opinions far more valuable than yours for the mere fact that I AM NOT ONE to just sit back and eat the shit they want to force down my throat.......i am one of those WHO DARED TO ASK questions........and that is WHEN THE SHIT HIT THE FAN, and their true colours came out.

    so while you are choking on their shit and is just sorry to see so much potential going down the could do so much with your spirit, but you choose to worship a lying whore.

    1. Akasha, as a logical person seeking the divine... I fucking commend you... I found an old doreen virtue book a friend had given me, it said phd, im in a phd program... so i chuckled, whats her phd in? turns out psychology. ok fair, then I cam across 4 fucking divorces... and thought the same thing, another new age airy fairy shill telling people to just use your imagination and angles will shit gold into your bank accounts and your night will be filled with lucid dreams of unicorns and rainbows... So thank you again! Keep fighting sister

    2. @Jeff

      Thank you for your comment, it is like a fresh breeze, since when someone posts a comment they are usually pro-doreen virtue or pro- new age bullshit.

      It must be terrible for them to NOT BE ABLE TO face how dumb they are, trying to convince themselves that some batshit human being is a GODDESS that will lead them, because they are too lazy to make their own god damned decisions.

      This is exactly why the new age agenda is such a fuck up - they create creatures of dependence, rather than independence, that falls right within the scope of the NEW WORLD ORDER' s agenda of making people weak and mindless.

      If only they could see how pathetic they actually look, awakening was never about giving your personal power away.

    3. You tell 'em. I got caught up in her book, and there is a spiritual component to what she is saying, but-- it' pretty demonic. I see them damn numbers all the time, and it's pretty f-ed up. She is connected with power, but it's negative and robs the free will. All I can actually say about that. Thank you for your honesty and clarity

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. to the new age idiot:

    you have to ask yourself that if someone is their own GOD and they can make their own rules, are they truly led by a higher force and presenting you with absolute divine truth?

    if you cannot ask that question and not answer it as simple as it is, then you are a retard and a disgrace to humanity.

  5. and you probably deserve to get conned by a WISE ASS BITCH like doreen virtue.

  6. Wow, bitter much?! Did you stop to think that maybe the men Doreen Virtue married were weak and couldn't handle a woman like her? I had the privilege of meeting Doreen Virtue in person and she definitely had a powerful and loving presence about her. I didn't even know anything about her at the time (my wife dragged me to one of her seminars) and she gave us a reading that was spot on. Doreen Virtue is definitely the real deal.

    1. Dear Xmman

      I am bitter yes, but of course your weakness for manipulation by others wouldn't allow you to understand why.

      I am incredibly sorry that your wife had to marry a man that is more susceptible to bullshit than she is. Your positive reviews of a proven new age con, only indicates that you desperately wanted to believe (and be showered with) new age bullshit at a time of your life, where facing reality would have been too hard a pill to swallow. It is obvious that nor you or your wife is on a true spiritual path, being unable to detect bullshit early on in order to learn from your stupidity to grow spiritually. Therefore you are in no position to judge me on my anti-new age beliefs and opinions - for it took me a long and hard WALK WITH THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT to get me where I am today, and to actually turn into a more mature person with grit, being scammed over and over by new age bullshit; it changes a person, and sometimes for the GOOD IF YOU ACTUALLY WAKE THE FUCK UP, from their "awakened environment" which is actually a deeper sleep than the one induced by common/general society and its structures.

      Your comment came off as if you were accusing me of being jealous of Doreen!? Please; if she was the MOTHER OF LOVE, then her first husband would have loved her until the end, my point, but she was clearly unhappy or doing something wrong to want to get OUT of that marriage. My point - there is no such thing as A MAN BEING UNABLE TO HANDLE HER, when she is the one that is supposed to UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE and MAGICALLY TRANSFORM HIS MIND with her NEW AGE CLAPTRAP. Maybe she was too much for them - with the men always unable to know where they actually stand with her - due to her different doctrines that changes like night and day about who she is, and what other people should and can be... the list goes on and on, how "colourful" her personality is in her "con artistry"; always trying to label people and when that claptrap does not sit, or does not give her the desired effect of publicity and financial gain, she just reinvents another personality (or new age label) for others and herself to conform to.

      I am not a fan of daylight robbing, nor of people who encourage same. I find it a shame that a grown man such as yourself would before checking himself, actually recommend someone with immense human knowledge including knowledge of their weaknesses (and who ultimately uses it against her targets to exploit them in the most subtle way).

  7. This blog is hilarious! You Akasha certainly qualify as a Goddess, no 2 ways about it. You are a gorgeous being. I am not telling you anything you don't already know when I say there is internal and external beauty, Goddess qualities. All women possess them. It's what you do with them that matters. Regarding Doreen, how do you know who left whom and for what reasons? There are no Bodhisattvas who are not also human. It's a requirement. Being human requires certain human frailties. We do not teach spirituality to baboons. I have known many incredible psychics, teachers, spiritualists with weaknesses, alcoholism, chain smokers, and I don't doubt you have too. It's probably what drives them on their path. All humans have a range of emotions positive and negative, jealousy, anger, impatience, doubt, destructive, depending on how out of control they (are allowed to) become. But destruction also denotes renewal. That is why only humans engage in hope. You may call it faith. We live in a supermarket universe where you get to shop for whatever you are looking for. Your point is well taken to look out for deceptive advertising. We all know that. But every individual must discern for him/herself as to what is right for themselves. You might be interested in reading about Inanna,(a very real) Goddess of Heaven and some of her exploits. These shenanigans go back tens of thousands of millennia. They are nothing new. And you can expect to see them around for a very long time. So enjoy the ride.

    1. @unknown

      If Goddess means being my own teacher, then thank you. I can see that.

      But for the love of God doreen virtue is no fucking guru, she is just a lost fucking soul, who is trying to get by in the most awful of ways - trying to convince other people of bullshit by using bullshit tactics, for her own personal gain.

      Doesn't matter who left whom, if she left them, why the fuck would she do that? Isn't she suppose to solve all their problems, and be their dream woman? Why would they ever want to leave a GODDESS supposedly driven by unconditional love. Shouldn't she stick with them through all their problems, because she is the ONLY ONE WITH THE DIVINE KNOWLEDGE to get them through their bullshit midlife crisis?




      I CALL BULLSHIT, she was probably so unstable the men couldn't put up with her personal hang-ups, and narcissistic personality, maybe she didn't even acknowledge them IN THE MARRIAGE, because she must be the queen bee and all attention must be on her.

      To come up for this new age con in the way you did, is really absurd!!!

      She is just a normal human being probably suffering with MORE ISSUES than you and me together.

  8. I just went to your full site. I found this and I just couldn't resist.

    Are you a Satanist? No I am a realist.

    GOD is a dreamer. Satan is a realist. If I remember correctly (it was a long long time ago), that was their primary disagreement. (which, in no way, is meant to be a reflection on you or your statement - but we all possess both, don't we?)

    1. If Satan was a realist, he wouldn't lie to people or use new age gurus as his wicked little agents. If God is indeed a dreamer and delusional prick, then Doreen would fit nicely into his little Unicorn pin.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thank you. This is awesome. The clarity on this blog is unprecedented. I don't know what else to say. I wish I could say more in support of what you are doing. But you are breaking it down pretty specifically.

  9. I was falling for Doreen Virtue but some how woke up, but I think she used to be good but somehow sold out to be famous. What do you think of her angel numbers book?
