Friday, 30 December 2011

Archangels and Demons

One girl wrote this in an online forum to other girls drooling over archangels:

The other night I had one of my depression spells.... I prayed for either Michael or Gabriel (Gabriel is my guardian angel) to watch over me.... well SOME sort of spiritual being came, but I Don't Know who it was? The problem was.... that yeah, it kept me company.... but not the kind I wanted..... it pushed me towards the bed, and once I actually GOT into bed..... it felt like it was trying to kiss me and..... feel me up  I Don't Know who or WHAT it was. I know I commanded it to stop or leave. It left..... and I still do not know who was doing it. Was it just a casual spirit, or who was it? 

I wrote this in response:

Since so many young girls (particularly new agers) are drooling about the same archangels, I just need to say that you few are NOT THE FIRST to make the very same claims of "oh michael saved me, or michael is my twinflame, or archangel Gabriel is my twinflame or archangel Gabriel is my Guardian."

Sorry to bust your bubble little ladies.

But ask yourself this:

"If so many girls have the SAME archangel as their Guardian, or twinflame, then is it really the real deal."

I have met a girl here that claimed that she was Archangel Raphael incarnate, and then she said she was Mother mary incarnate, and then she said That Raphael was her twinflame....and then we got another chick here who claimed that Archangel Michael is her twinflame, while another said the Archangel Michael was HER TWINFLAME too... WOW, and then a third person said that Archangel michael is her twinflame, and now on this very site a fourth - - a total different person.

I have learned that Spirits can often deceive - - you may think archangel gabriel or archangel michael has "saved" you, but maybe it was JUST ANOTHER ANGEL, or spirit, who didn't have time to leave his name leaving you confused and dreaming lovely dreams which aren't really real.

Come on!!!

If you wish to deceive yourselves, then I really do not care, but because I care, I wrote this TO MAKE YOU THINK!!!


have you ever heard of a succubus or an incubus -- I can assure you that that entity wasn't archangel Gabriel, he only wants your body and gives a damn about your soul!

*always remember: Even a being of darkness can masquerade around as a being of light!

You do have a Guardian Angel but A true Guardian Angel does not have any fancy names. Only demons would call themselves NAMES they are not, just to fool you!!!
Angels really have no reason to state names less it is deemed necessary for them to provide it. It is rare and only up to the guardian to state their name but that too is kept silent. One does not boast of such things, the angel in question will make that clear when they say the name. Being boastful of the name raises questions to many. It is only for the rare few that a name is actually given. This is my thoughts on that matter.

Spirits who call themselves some sort of "archangel" are demons out to deceive you...they use that NAME to make you comfortable and putty in their hands... anyone gullible enough will BELIEVE SOMEONE if they tell you "hey I am an archangel, trust and follow me".

Greatest Product of the Digital Age: the NAM

A big baboon works on his computer while three others watch attentively - learning from the digital guru himself of course...

Someone wrote to me about the NAM:
Much stuff like this is a product of our wonderful digital age. One crackhead on here thinks he's growing wings, then all of them are! It's internet mass hysteria. Communicating only with machines, and not speaking to people in flesh and blood has distorted the masses sense of reality.

A lot of these crackheads believe in a coming "zombie apocalypse." It's already here, and I see them every day. They always have one arm up to their ear, staring straight ahead. You could walk up to one, wave your arms in front of them, and it won't see you, even if it's staring straight at you, while it babbles gibberish into a small black box.

I replied:

LOL... yeah I have a theory that the NEW AGERS are the True zombies, everything they seem to see is but an outward projection of their inner world(s), and that no one else exists around them, in spite of GLOBAL ONENESS claims they wish to establish.

I believe the internet gives people the POWER TO BE whoever the hell they want to be... they live too much in their little fantasy worlds and role playing that they forget about the underlying problem regarding such MOVEMENTS, they have no problem with these games, as long as they get to play and "spread their glorious wings", they seem to lack any worldly or political knowledge as well.

If they were so wonderful saviours to the world, what are they doing wasting hours on the internet each day? The world can go in shambles around them, and they will still only talk about how Divine they are...see the apocalypse, the world falling in pieces while they still sit in front of the mirror admiring kind of help is that to mankind, such terrible meaningless self-indulgence? NOTHING, if you ask me, but just ROLE PLAY and self-love, so if we have so much self-love GOING on, then how can there possibly be ONENESS of all mankind, if the ONE new ager thinks him/herself more divine than the other?

I find them so funny, people claiming to know all, yet lack any knowledge of WORLD POLITICS, they read more fantasy stories than real life issues on the news, they always go to the fiction stall in the bookstores, missing the books on governmental conspiracy, so how can they possibly help the world if they KNOW ABSOLUTELY nothing about the world to begin with? When all they care about is their little bubbles of fantasy, isolated EGO life?!!

Babies can be anything they want to be in this NEW AGE...

Slaves lose everything in their chains, even the desire of escaping from them.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Evil Indigo Brats

Interlocutor: Who are the so-called “Indigo Children” that many people have been talking about? Are they real?

Ron Hubbard: No, they don't exist, it is an entire fantasy. There are child prodigies who at 4 years old they start writing, they know how to play music and every time more children are born with those abilities. It’s not that homo sapiens sapiens jumps directly to the homo mutants, or something like that. What happens is that the mental decoder of these children is growing in such way that they can already perceive a bigger amount of concepts.

If you remember what Einstein said that the human being uses only a 11% of the brain, what he meant was that the human beings use around 11% to 15% of the mental decoder.

What you have to keep in mind is that such race of children doesn't exist, because if something like that existed, like so many people erroneously spread all over the internet, they would not be superior to the normal homo sapiens sapiens, because we are speaking of shy children, and even some of them are bad-tempered when they are very small.

Do you remember the first dialogues we had in 1997? In those first sessions of the Grupo Elron, we spoke about the apocryphal Gospels, and one of them [1] mentions that during the Infancy of Jesus, the Master killed a boy in retaliation because he had bumped him on the shoulder and Joseph grabbing his ear forced him that he resurrect him.

If that gospel were true, it undoubtedly demerit the spirit of Jesus because a pure spirit as his spirit is, is Pure from the beginning , he would not be vengeful as a child, he would not be dominated by his ego in that way.

If the indigo children were the saviours of the race like these people say, they would have to be like Jesus, that is to say, pure from the beginning. However, when the researchers describe them, they characterize them like evil children, completely introverted, not talkative and bad-tempered.

Check this THE SOURCE and blog space:

DOES THIS TYPE OF CHARACTER SOUND LIKE TRUE LEADERSHIP MATERIAL TO YOU?! If it does, then I am concerned. EVIL INDIGO CHILDREN, true leadership material?! Not!!!!

Is there such a thing as bad angels?!

In my eyes angels do exist, it's only those that claim to be one and play head games with me who are not angels at all.

I can tell you with most certainty that ANGELS that lie to people and even lie about themselves and their true nature ARE NOT GOOD ANGELS, they are worshipping the nephilim, the fallen angels' children, which are better known as DEMONS, their fathers came down as the fallen angels to mate with mortal humans, and is is also because of them that WE HAVE THIS MATERIAL tax paying system going on,

the fallen angels are the FATHERS OF THE NWO, and their children inspired the NAM, since everyone in the new age movement seems to be self-driven, two timing bastards, it cannot possibly be a benevolent "belief system", where you have to PAY THIS AND THAT left and right just to come into Contact with GOD, what a load of BS... it pays it seems to be saved today, if you don't have money to buy all the new age's oracle cards and workshops YOU WILL GO TO HELL, and be labeled as a dark soul if you do not buy into their lies.

The "bad angels" (nephilim possessing new agers) also think themselves to be gods, well their fathers thought so too, and look what happened to them...lmao...they got the boot from God!

The only ONENESS these nephilim possessed new agers seek to bring, is the ONENESS OF GLOBAL DECEIT, one mind, one movement, where false messiahs and spiritual teachers can reign, so that GOD'S TRUE WORD can be distorted to fit the EGO OF MAN,...

It is also the reason why the NAM lures people in to KNOW THEIR DIVINITY, to think that they are BETTER THAN MANKIND such as light beings and star people, this is just man playing god all over again, just like organized religion, also even more strongly proven by the fact that there are so much HYPOCRITES, if not all of them, in the NAM, they claim LOVE AND LIGHT for all, yet HATE ALL WHO OPPOSE THEIR LIES, because they DO NOT WANT TO BE FOUND OUT AS FRAUDS, their actions speak louder than words, and in fact is the very thing that MAKE THEM LOSE RESPECT among people, because THEY DO NOT PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH...

Of course the whole thing would have been different if ONE NEW AGER hurt another, then the one would expose the other's TRUE NATURE as it is, but since ONE HYPOCRITE rarely stands up to another HYPOCRITE doing wrong, that is highly unlikely...if they allow another to lie, then they are allowed to lie as well, that is just how it works, they don't want to expose their fellow hypocrite, lest they can't lie any more about how divine, and ooh and aah they are etc.

I really have no patience for hypocrites, especially people claiming to be "angels" proclaiming love and light for all, yet turn out to be SELF-SERVING MONSTERS, not truly giving a fig about their fellow man, as long as they get praised for telling beautiful lies about their fake selves, they oh so love to indulge in.

Conversation between me and a friend:

The friend says: I don't reply to hypocrites if they're trying to compare their egos among others or being taught by others without the Holy Bible, you can pretty much tell their Hearts already been Grasped. The only way is to get them to know whats Good in the outside and dead in the inside, God is Good in the outside of this world, and while inside is Physically Dead and including Magic and other spirits tends to go with it, now if they can understand them together which makes a wise men to have Faith over the physically Impossible and heavy strictly standers. now without knowing these stuff? its not simple and Faithful to even come close to God or without Him.

I say: The false spiritual connection is easy to come by, but hard to grasp as false, since EGO is blocking the mind, making it unable to see the self more clearly.

The friend says:  ah okay! Because I seen so many information for only one magic spell, evil spiritual and other, I guess its hard to connect with blind spiritual nature from Satan's tricks, but not directly at Satan, and its easy to feel the presence by Satan and Jesus.

I say: speaking of magic spells, each time these people go about spreading ignorance and lies they are putting people under a demonic spell, that is the doorway to a demonic grip around people's minds. Well said on making them see what is wrong in the inside...they don't know that what is going on inside of them is wrong, so if we can give them an "out of self" view we can help them, the only way to sometimes see yourself clearly is through the eyes of others, since your own ego can blind you to your own faults that you do not want to see... and since the ego is so strong, it does not want to ACKNOWLEDGE the mirror outside of them, reflecting their faults or true self back to them.

Real Angels Don't Need to Prove Themselves in new age online forums

I really do not think that ANY REAL ANGEL,

will be so obsessed to prove themselves to other people,

to boast about themselves all day long,

they won't have time sitting before the computer speaking about themselves all day long,

or to speak bad about people who say they aren't what they claim to be,

I think real angels laugh at fake angels,

or maybe they do not even have time to stop and laugh,

so if they don't mind then you really aren't that important,

if they don't care to listen to this prideful dribble of self-praise all day long,

the same note on and on,


like a coo coo birdie,

real angels don't speak about themselves,

they have more serious things to attend to,

than wasting time on themselves,

serving God instead,

listening to God more

than they listen to themselves.

“A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you.”- C.S. Lewis quotes (British Scholar and Novelist. 1898-1963)

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Masters Of Illusion Hiding behind Pretty words

I prefer fighting over a bunch of NEW AGER arse licking any time, since with fighting the true natures of people are revealed... those who only write sweet stories, remarks of flattery and praising another, without saying anything worthwhile, are to be looked out for, since they are never sincere, if idiotic, to not understand the true natures of people, since people are never to be praised, only GOD... yet the lickspittles who do praise people are making themselves idols... there isn't really any depth in their words, they can't seem to talk about anything greater than other people, they always need to focus on the greatness of people, instead of focusing upon GOD... so how then can they give any true spiritual message to begin with, if everything is about praising man and not GOD?! 

But we know that the arse lickers only do it, to be loved by people, praising other people, for the attention they may get, jeez louise, like they want to get a medal for praising man, WTF? Seriously, they have nothing better to do than this?! I feel sorry for them, really I do!!! They only lick arse all day - the one new ager praising the light of the other, without doing anything worthwhile for society in general, without making a real difference out there in the real world.

People who only write about sweet stuff all day long, are to be WATCHED OUT FOR, since they ARE NOT, if ever sincere.

I would rather be glad someone write TRASH about other people than to coax me with SWEET WORDS, there are a lot of people on new age online forums who write sweet words, thinking they can HIDE THEIR UGLY natures behind it, which I find very sad for those stupid enough to not KNOW THE DARKNESS that lives in everyone.

I see people in new ager forums always talking about LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE, but they RARELY EVER DO AS THEY PREACH, so I in particular LOATHE people that are all "oh peace and love and light" when in reality they are completely something else, trying to deceive others...

I really do not know, how people that write about love and light or peace, yet DO NOT PRACTICE that in reality, will receive TRUE PEACE AND LOVE from other people... but you see that is just their PROBLEM to begin with, they think they CAN WRITE ABOUT peace and love to impress other people, to get attention from other people, to be praised and worshipped by other people... they have NO REGARD whatsoever for GOD, they DO NOT SEEK A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, using people as a substitute, also they DO NOT WRITE FOR THE GREATER GOOD, OR FOR THE CAUSE OF GOD, but FOR PEOPLE, TO PLEASE PEOPLE, to get some fake EGO BOOST, each time someone writes on their post "oh that is so beautiful, you are such a sweet angel, do it again, do it again please, you are amazing, that was amazing"...

... under no circumstances can I be jealous of such people, since they ARE NOT IN SYNCH with reality, they only focus on chasing rainbows and talking the talk, they FIGHT FOR NOTHING WORTHWHILE, if there be lies to UPHOLD, they will be there praising the LIE, if only they would LOOK GOOD, for talking "sweet words" that would make them acceptable amongst a bunch of liars, that to me is WEAK, since they NEED OTHER PEOPLE, to constantly look good, it doesn't even matter if the people they seek it from is a bunch of deceitful fucktards, to begin with, as long as they get their CHEAP EGO BOOST amongst the lies...

But you know what, it doesn't last long, so they continually must write "sweet words of nothing" to get that cheap EGO BOOST each time, since they can't get it within or from God, they desire it from people.

If you read the bible for instance, there is some pretty vicious stuff in there, it isn't about moonshine and roses all the time, but about REAL EVILS, lurking everywhere, teaching you how to look out for such people that try to deceive and harm you with their lies... so even as lucifer appeared as an "angel of light" he was still SATAN, thus these "demons" or people writing sweet stuff just to "fit in" can also take any form to deceive.... true spiritual warriors or teachers DO NOT ONLY FOCUS ON THAT WHAT IS BEAUTIFUL, lest the GOOD BECOMES CONFUSED WITH EVIL, you have to be constantly AWARE OF THE EVIL to really MAKE ANY GOOD JUDGEMENT to begin with, to lead people in the right direction.

The Two P's of deceit: Deceit follows in order of Popularity and Pride...

I read the following on one of my friends' whiteboards this morning:

"Everything can be tricked, sometimes the eyes, sometimes the mind and even the heart can get tricked."

Why lucifer fell: Because HE WAS TOO MUCH ENAMORED and in love with his own light, so too people who only "see that which is beautiful" can't look at that which lies beneath, as pure the light around him was, his heart was black as coal.

Reptilian New Age dark forces at work... just boiling waiting for you to touch it...
So too, look at boiling water or boiling oil, it is so BEAUTIFUL when it boils that bubbles, and you just want to touch it, but BEWARE, those beautiful bubbles can be LETHAL, something that looks good, like "someone's poetry or art" doesn't mean that these people are REALLY AS BEAUTIFUL AS THEIR ART, OR THEIR WORDS, since people DO ART OR WRITE WORDS for recognition, searching to feed their PRIDE, WITH "look what i made, isn't it beautiful, where is my dumb groupies to cheer it on"... wow... the more beautiful something appears, the more ALERT YOUR MIND should be to the deceit.

They are the Beautiful NEW AGE ARTISTS of the modern day, MASTERS OF ILLUSION, all working on the same side...of governmental deceit...remember the DEVIL can take any form in order to deceive you... it can pretend to be a sweet person spreading "love and light" while all the while working for a corrupt cause.

 I know someone who is a great artist, capable of making masterpieces, but as beautiful as she CREATES, the more lethal she is in her personal relationships, pretending to be something she is not, some guru of "love and light" only to leave people heartbroken at the end, after she got what she wanted she leaves them high and dry, yes after she played with them, then she just says "goodbye, I don't want to know you any more"... so beware... people who CREATE FOR THE SAKE OF EGO, are like LUCIFER, beautiful to look at, but HORRIBLE TO KNOW.

"I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
2 Timothy 4:1-5 ESV

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Delivered From My Fears...

My Rock, My Salvation

Consumed By God, Not Idolatry

False Teachers, Branded As Criminals

 Spiritual teachers and Hypocrisy

1 Timothy 4:2

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [KJV]

These people will speak lies disguised as truth. Their consciences have been scarred as if branded by a red-hot iron. [God's Word, 1995]

Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. [NIV 1984]

The branded Iron, means the "Iron or Material World", Being marked by the "world", to do works of the world instead of working for God.

I would like to think of the Conscience as the Holy Spirit... having it scarred by the lies of the world... it cannot fully function in them, because they follow the works of the world instead.

They are branded as criminals by the mark of the Beast (the mark of the world).

New Ager Self-Indulgence

I don't recall Jesus bragging about himself. Last I checked he was way too busy educating, guiding and healing others. 

I believe NEW AGERS ARE AS HUGE AS THEIR EGOS... they can't take small steps, refusing to "look small", they are all "out there" and "bragging", well ALL PRIDE comes to a fall... especially if they only talk about themselves, and how wonderful they are, and how evil people are who tell them they are assholes for indulging in pride...

*** the higher you deem yourself to be, the lower you become ***

I have noticed so many, are so indulged into themselves and their OWN power.. Sounds like a Satanist.. I am not saying all souls are weak, and some souls cannot be a higher power... But the true people don't brag about it.

Unfortunately to the blind and desperate folk, too much of the NEW AGE GURUS, are consumed in self-worship, self-praise, and PLAIN EGO... they forget to teach about GOD, when all is about themselves, how can they possibly shift the attention from man to GOD? Yes God lives in man, but not all men is attuned to the Spirit of God... and yet GOD LIVES IN ALL, not just IN ONE PERSON... FOR THE ALL MAKES THE ONE SPIRIT... so what these new age gurus do, is shifting people's attention away from themselves to the "guru", so they can't see GOD in themselves, thus needing some exterior "saviour" while the answer lies within them all along... when man forces man to worship man, then man cannot see the Divinity in HIMSELF, since the KINGDOM OF GOD lives within.

Sometimes people think they believe, but sometimes they don't know what believing really means... THE SPIRIT of God WORKS in mysterious ways... sometimes you look too hard in other places, searching high and low, and then all along what you have been looking for was right before you... if only you would look.. since the magic of God is all around... sometimes we seek answers in the wrong places, because we are too afraid to look to that which is in our nearest vicinity... only that which is nearer to us in space can give us the answers... and many times it is in us ourselves... sometimes we seek answers in other people and things, while in our Hearts IT LIVED ALL ALONG.

No human being can ever be God no matter how hard they try. Besides last I checked, pedestals can easily be kicked off under people's feet. The new age gurus think they are so perfect, but it does not work that way... they think they are the "saviours" and that "they are saved" because of their self-righteousness.

But to be truly "saved" you should realize that you "fall short of that perfection", to know you are "just human" with your flaws nakedly spread open before God, like everyone else, fragile and subject to the human condition, that you can never be as "perfect as God"....

And in doing so, you will continue to GROW OF SOUL, if you think you are "perfect" then you "think you know all" and you immediately HALT YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH, becoming spiritually stagnant of soul.
Listen God! I am a sinner, it is not about Me, but all about You!!!
Those who think they are the "alpha and omega" will never GROW IN GOD, since they won't seek HIM constantly in their lives for direction and soul growth, just focusing on themselves all day long... you can only really EVER FIND PEACE in KNOWING THAT SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOU EXISTS AND LOOKS AFTER YOUR SOUL and its spiritual well-being - peace within is nowhere to be found without GOD...

Religious Leaders And the Threat of Copyright Law


I have seen so many religious leaders and new age gurus, so consumed by "copyright law", that no one can spread "their message" but they that to me signifies only one thing, that they are NOT FREELY GIVING OUT THE WORD OF GOD, nor believe in FREELY DISTRIBUTING WORKS OF SPIRIT, that everyone should pay to either hear their works, or are not allowed to "share the word" FREELY WITH OTHERS.

Their "divine words" are always exclusive TO ONE PERSON ONLY, meaning that GOD IS NOT BEING ACKNOWLEDGED, only the the "person who wrote it".

Whenever you see a preacher or a spiritual teacher DEMANDING COPYRIGHT LAW upon their works, you know you have to do with some HUGE FRAUD... SINCE it has far gone from service to mankind and a greater good, but to the service of SELF, and the EGO and all PRAISE TO THE EGO, the man and not GOD working through him.

If God really speaks through you, you should know, that what HE SAYS TO YOU, is for ALL AND EVERYONE TO HEAR... THE KNOWLEDGE IS NOT ONLY FOR YOU TO HEAR, and to possess.

I have seen FAR TOO MUCH egotistic attachment to spiritual works, to really BELIEVE THAT MAN IS DOING THIS FOR GOD and not for himself... I can't for one moment believe that these people are DOING SOMETHING FOR THE GREATER GOOD, if all they seek is SELF-PRAISE, and none to GOD and His glory.

If you serve GOD you do not serve yourself, so to all those who say "we can't spread the word of God, they wrote without recognition of the man who wrote it", I say: "YOU ARE SO FULL OF YOURSELF, do you really think that your self-seeking praise will get you into HEAVEN, the heaven you say through your works belongs to you and others? Yet you are too selfish to distribute your works freely so that many may be saved? Do you want to cling to your works and refuse it to others, so selfish and so much pride, afraid that another man will write your words as his own, yet wasn't it GOD'S WORDS to begin with, NOT YOURS AT ALL, BUT GOD'S???!!!"

I have no patience for self-righteous men who do not seek the righteousness of GOD... IF GOD SPEAKS THROUGH YOU, you teach others, and they teach others WITH THAT SAME VOICE, can't you comprehend that? If you do not, then why call yourself a spiritual teacher to begin with? For God's voice and teachings, do not belong to you, but to God and ALL PEOPLE.

These people SERVE THEMSELVES, they DO NOT SERVE GOD... the more FAME THEY GET, the better... you cannot even use their "youTube videos" to educate others without their permission, nor write their works without ACKNOWLEDGING THE MAN, so please what in heaven's name are they worshipping if they WANT ALL PRAISE TO THEMSELVES, and not all the GLORY TO GOD?!! The answer is quite easy - - they serve themselves, they do not serve GOD, this is just another version of SATANISM that teaches self-worship... oh and the money they GET FOR THEIR EXCLUSIVE WORKS and spiritual workshops, OH THE MONEY... they MAKE BIG NAMES FOR THEMSELVES, excluding the works of "spirit" to themselves, yet forcing all eyes to remain upon them, and not upon GOD... so many "superstars", chasing CHEAP GRACE, all the glory to man... wanting to be more popular than GOD Himself.

Any spiritual teacher who places more emphasis upon him/herself than upon GOD, are not servants of GOD, nor Truth - - keep that in mind, when the next time you must PAY TO HEAR A PREACHER, or can't tell his/her message to another without the threats of copyright law!!!!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Gold Curse...

Ramses acts like an Angel (messenger) in a cartoon I saw that makes you think about the "curse of Death", he speaks of "return my gold to the grave, or suffer my curse!"... his tomb got robbed, so he wants his gold or expensive artifacts back...

I find it funny, and the one that didn't return it, got engraved as some "glyph" in his tomb, maybe as warning, becoming part of the grave, DEATH ... I see it as a message, to bury the gold, so that people can have life, or else they will suffer the curse of "ramses" or the "egyptian/world elite"... SO THE GOLD must be killed with the worldly king, or else humans will suffer the same fate as ramses - death without passage to heaven... so there is some flood, like being flooded by lies NOT FINDING GOD, and then there is a terrible song, like the backward (back masked) songs of satan sounding like beautiful music when played forward not knowing they are getting hypnotized by the evil of its beauty, and then there are flesh eating locusts, like the buggy reptiles ruling the world and devouring the souls of innocent individuals.

What is the moral of the story? Know the ways of the world, unless you want to suffer the same fate as they do... living like zombies, forfeiting a chance of rebirth in Spirit, basically shifting your beliefs from worldly beliefs to something more soul filling, other than the superficial material "fuel" creating empty souls... the dude that didn't want to return the golden slab, became ramses, just like ramses...without soul, materialistic... first ramses was on the slab, and then the one that didn't want to give it back [the one who didn't want the material riches to disappear with the remains of the king at mercy of nature's wrath]... actually the dude got engraved on the piece of "gold" or the "slab" being part of a piece of the tomb, like signifying that GOLD IS DEATH OR THE GRAVE ITSELF, that the material is DEATH, in comparison to Spirit which is True life!!!

Now with the first plague, the house of the people got filled up with water, now the house is symbolic of the temple of God, your body... and the dog came and PULLED THE PLUG, like God pulls the plug from the "system" once you find Him, saving your soul. 

Link to the youTube video clip: 
From a cartoon "Courage the cowardly dog" link:

A firm heart on the right path can work like gold and jewels.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Angels without Direction...

Sample of a new ager, claiming to be some high and mighty "super archangel/divine being":

"Who am I? What is my past? What is my present? When will the future be mine? The name The Lord gave to me is Ezekiel. Please do ask about me. But I think I already know the answer. I'm supposed to live a mundane life. That is not what I wanted as a child or as an adult. I do not know when or where the processes of who and what I am supposed to be got so messed up; or why I cannot choose my own life. Maybe it is because I'm not trying hard enough. Maybe it is because I am in deceit. Maybe I am not truthful about who I am. Hell I try to fit God's image, but there is some really deep reason why what I wanted does not work out and why I want so much to change."

To the above I say to all those gullible not knowing the dangers of the NEW AGE MOVEMENT:
I have realized that the new agers who claim to be these "super powerful beings" like angels and archangels incarnate, even starseed morons, and the indigo flock - in simple terms all the so called "self-proclaimed saviours of mankind in this new age", are more of a "seeker person type" than anything else.

Meaning that they claim they "know all", yet they continue to "seek meaning"...

So how in the hell can they save mankind, if they are still seeking for the answers, they don't have? Yet they still claim to possess this knowledge, even though they look like fools, like a given example:

One dude (or dudess) who calls himself/herself an angel or alien, yet asks philosophical questions to someone who they deem inferior to themselves like you or me, just plain humans... wow... they would ask questions to know something they ALREADY SHOULD KNOW, judging from the claims they make of being these divine beings who should have all the answers.

So people, watch out for these people, if they ask you a question which they should know, based on their self-proclaimed divine identity, then you should know that they are frauds, coming to you for "divine answers" they lack!!!

I find them extremely entertaining... for a true messiah or angel, is NOT A SEEKER, FOR S/HE already FOUND GOD, those who are still clearly seeking for GOD, and yet want to "SAVE HUMANITY", are truly out of their minds, how in the hell do they expect to save people, if they have no knowledge of GOD to begin with????????!!!!

I really do not understand, shouldn't a messiah or angel know exactly what s/he must do, having exact orders, not living in confusion, not seeking direction the whole time? Here to do a job, and not sit in lazy meditation all day long, asking questions such as "what is my purpose, why am I here, what am I????"...

I do not think that these people who are still seeking for answers to that questions, have all the answers to other people's salvation at all!!!!

It is because these people DO NOT HAVE THE FIXED ORDERS FROM GOD they claim to have, that there is so much havoc going on in all spiritual groups world wide... no one really knows where to go because the LEADERS ARE BLIND, thus the blind cannot lead the blind!!! 

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." ~ George Orwell
 "Truth is treason in the empire of lies." ~ Ron Paul

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Beware New Age Products

Business lesson, do you know what corporate means?

It is a United body conducting business, as in MONEY MATTERS.

Also the following definition was also to be found in the dictionary:

"Of or relating to a corporative government or political system"

Thus we have now a CORPORATE (UNITED BODY) of government like in the NWO.

Right next step:

Why the Warning?

Well it pays to be saved these days, if you do not have MONEY you will not be "saved" and will be labeled an unenlightened and dark soul, in new age terms.

How much do you spend on your "ANGEL CARD DECK" or you "angel therapy workshops" or your "your reiki classes" huh?

It is one thing to teach and charge reasonable prices, but it is another to rob people blind!

Sorry to say, but anyone who thinks that is OKAY to pay another to administer "soul healing" or "to teach you about God" is just like organized religion fanatics, just paying the preacher without getting any real value for your money, okay!

I find it absolutely absurd that people would PAY even their last cents just for this type of "superficial connection with the Source", the moment you have to PAY to know GOD you are NOT IN PURE CONNECTION with GOD, you are actually paying the MONEY POWER OF THE WORLD, to bring you "salvation", which it cannot provide.

Now people we live in "wonderful" times, and the NAM is in full bloom, and people are desperate to feed their EGOS by making name for themselves as some spectacular "new age gurus", since MONEY is always a desperate issue, so these people are desperate in their race for renown, when you are desperate for something, hell people, what won't you do to get it huh? Even lie, and make yourself more important than what you really are, just to fit the "new age guru profile" when MONEY SPEAKS IT LIES, end of story.

Hope those who know what is really going on, behind all the "new age wonders" have enjoyed!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The Sent

Mustard Seed Moments

"The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little, soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In the smallest things, the smallest acts, one finds a world to be explored, or a feeling of completeness. It is those experiences, those small things that add up to form a life bearing fullness.

"What we call little things are merely the causes of great things; they are the beginning, the embryo, and it is the point of departure which, generally speaking, decides the whole future of an existence. One single black speck may be the beginning of a gangrene, of a storm, of a revolution." ~ Henri Frederic Amiel

 Showing our love for Christ can be seen in the smallest things.

Make the little things each "small journey" there is a hidden treasure to find.

In each of these moments we are given a reason to each of these moments our Faith in God is Renewed.

Monday, 14 November 2011

11:11 Demonic Signal

I have read many accounts of the 11:11 phenomena, as to some higher connection with the spirit realms or that REAL ANGELS want to contact you, or that you are somewhere at the height of your spiritual development or awakening or about to learn something NEW with greater meaning... but I have come to realize that you should not let this number bother you too much, this is just another new age "doctrine" that serves to get you "hooked" and to go all hysterical when the NUMBER APPEARS... the trouble with this of course is that this LEAVES YOU OPEN to anything, when let's say the number says you MUST GET THE GUIDANCE OR WHATEVER then if you don't YOU WILL GO IN SEARCH OF IT like some frantic fanatic... new agers are like that, they jump at every "inkling of divine message" they can get... just be careful what you want to believe... to me this number is just another "demonic" thing, where demons can control the person's "free will" with "DIVINE PROMISES"...
I would like to point out the words in the Picture Above:

1) PAY

Ask yourself what you will pay and with what you will pay if you are open to believe any sorts of new age atrocities... and then if you would be "used through" if you never DARE TO THINK before you just blindly believe any damn thing that sounds "DIVINE and holy", because in this world and even in the spirit world nothing is truly ever as it appears, discernment is a valuable asset you must learn to cultivate if you wish to engage in walking a spiritual path.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

New World Hypocrites

 Personality Versus Beliefs

Okay so this one "angel incarnate" [aka lightworker/starseed, other new age label etc] says to me: 'You make so many assumptions, how can you judge me without even knowing me?'

And then another 'angel' comes and say to me 'you are evil because you are a goth that embraces darkness, how can you be a vampire that is a perversion abominable in God's eyes?!'

And I got so mad at this little dude mentioned above calling me names etc... I even blocked him just to stop him from continuously pestering me about my 'beliefs'.

And I was dumbfounded by this simultaneous incident - the one angel is accusing me of judging and here was another judging me.

And I just realized that assumptions made based on a person's beliefs can never be far off if your personality is always an outflow of your beliefs.

It doesn't take a person with half a brain to notice the hypocrisy going on in Christianity, even so in 'new age beliefs' - if you were once harmed by someone who claims to be all 'love & light' and you continue to buy into the lies they put up, then you are really a helpless moron.

If I judge a new ager it is based on hard facts - the person acting contrary to their beliefs, I judge the beliefs because the person proved it wrong.

So it is not that I do not know you or hate you as person - but the very fact that your beliefs are in discordance with what you really are - how you act and live in real life.

I am judging the beliefs - are they right or wrong? And how can they be right if the person proves them wrong?!
When a new ager acts contrary to his/her boasting claims of being the very essence of radiating "love and light", then you have a true Hypocrite at your hands - it is best to judge wisely than let their lies consume you.

Depressed Lightworkers

What is up with all the negativity coming from NEW AGERS?

The dawning of the New Age should be filled with love and light, and most importantly Positivity and great enthusiasm for the so called New World.

But all I've been hearing is notions of militarized states, impending wars, famine, political and social destruction, death, xenophobia (the killing of all non-new agers) to clean the Earth, devastating natural disasters, and the list goes on and on primarily focused on extreme negative circumstances that should commence on planet Earth before the 'pure ones' can come and inhabit it.

There is also an extreme religious intolerance coming stronger from New Age beliefs than other organized beliefs - which indirectly signifies that all the 'sweet little lightworkers' have absolutely no regard or care in the world for people of other religions, they just do not count and have no purpose other than to exist to be eradicated (wiped off the face of this planet-xenophobia) to make way for the enlightened and pure ones to 'raise Earth's consciousness' to where it is supposed to be according to NEW AGE DOCTRINE.

It is unbelievable that these people want the Earth destroyed, and yet to inhabit it again... that just makes no sense.

And speaking of 2012 - they so desperately want this planet destroyed, the materialistic system to relieve them of the hardship of this existence showing utter cowardice and an inability to endure this reality, that they feel so strongly about self-suicide; that it should apply to all future generations as well, which brings me to the next point:

New Agers hate planet Earth, they wish it to be destroyed - but what they do not realize is that the moment this planet is gone, so is all humanity - there will be no future for the children of today, a future they so to say desire to sculpt with beautiful ASCENSION NOTICES - MAKING PLANET EARTH (GAIA) A BETTER PLACE FOR ALL.

But if this planet is doomed to be destroyed according to NEW AGE DOCTRINE, then what possible BETTER FUTURE CAN THERE BE FOR ALL on this planet they proclaim?!

As you can see New Age DOGMA is a very contradictory belief system; they want all humanity and Gaia to be wiped out and at the same time wish to save them and the planet.

They are thus all bi-polar freaks with an innate hatred for mankind, they are misanthropic narcissists - wishing to save those they'd rather see Dead.

The Lost Hairbrush

My Hairbrush was missing, so I decided instead of looking for it in my messy room, I'd just go and buy a NEW ONE...

And my Spirit Guide said to me:

"In this whole New age affair, people would also instead of LOOKING OR SEARCHING FOR A (or their) REAL SPIRIT GUIDE go and BUY ONE."

And it hit me, it is so absolutely true - new agers would rather BUY A CARD DECK, or go to various tedious NEW AGE WORKSHOPS to go and find their "spirit guides" or "guardian angels" me that is the CHEAP buy one is not actually having one...that is also why the NEW AGE MOVEMENT is so MATERIALLY baseD...

Now in a another post ( I wrote about just how a CONTRADICTORY BELIEF SYSTEM the NEW AGE DOGMA is:

~ they want to renounce the material world yet are so dependant on it for their SPIRITUAL "FOOD" or spiritual journeys, some of them would feel like dying if they miss a workshop or starseed radio broadcasting series....and then you get some of them that are worse than insolvent gamblers - - they will use every last penny just to BUY A CARD DECK from one or other RENOWNED NEW AGE GURU it doesn't matter if they don't have money for gas in their cars, or money for water and electricity, or money for even bread on the table to provide for their families, as long as they BUY THAT EXPENSIVE CARD DECK that will lead them to SALVATION ~

I remember when I first started off on my spiritual path, that I would be like a vulture - - scavenging each bookstore for any leftover books that weren't yet sold out in the NEW AGE RAGE..."God I just got to have that book, my very life depends on it"...and also at the bookstores you get VARIOUS DIVINATION CARD DECKS, I do not live in the city, but when I would go to the big city I would spend all my saved up money on this NEW AGE PACKAGES...I would buy so much at the same time, being so desperate to HEAR FROM THE DIVINE OR THE SPIRIT WORLD...that I wasn't realizing "HELL IT COSTS MONEY TO SPEAK TO THE SPIRIT WORLD...HELL IT IS F@CK!NG EXPENSIVE!!!"

...the same with all those new age workshops - IT IS EXPENSIVE TO KNOW GOD THESE DAYS.


All I am saying is - you can see God everywhere in nature and the world - and to just see Him in His purest essence in this life rarely ever costs money.


"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money (MAMMON THE GOD OF THE WORLD)." ~ Matthew 6:24


your hair is symbolic of the outflow of your mind...symbolic of your mental health - if your hair is thin and dry, and not thick, long and luscious...or if your hair is untidy and not well groomed then it is a reflection of how you really look within - then will you search for a real brush that can do the job right, or will you just go and buy some cheap one that makes false promises with pretty appeal??? What is pretty on the outside [the hairbrush and not the hair], on the surface, is not necessarily a portrayal of the inside (the real intentions of the beautiful brush) wise, be hairbrush wise!!!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Love The Art
The Creativity Angels...