Yup, got trolled by a new ager and firm believer of Doreen Virtue's mayhem.
She has pictures of herself with "spirit energy" on them.
I am thinking, and this is my personal belief - that some confused souls hang around other confused souls, their energy may show up on photographs as mist or any other light derivation, but that does not mean that they are higher beings with sound spiritual knowledge.
Part of being a true spiritual person is constantly questioning the energies around you, and also to raise your energy to such an extent that it "enligthens" the souls swarming around you. Your "angels" might as well be learning with you, be careful if you are lazy on your path, your "angels" might just leave for a higher vibration if that is what they crave or stick around to revel in whatever they can get out of your low vibrational energy field.
I personally believe and have experienced "new agers" to be nothing but low vibrational energies, out to mock and pester real seekers.
If you regard yourself a guru, and think your "angels" are the only suckers that must do all the work for you, then you are gravely mistaken. Your angels are not always to your beck and call, they are there to make you realise shit, and to work on the shit YOURSELF, to raise your own "vibration". Using such words like "vibration" only for the sake of these NEW AGE TERMS being the only words these new age trolls pretend to understand.
All souls are learning, I would be very slow to for one second believe that my "angels" or "spirit companions" are fully learned, and/or fully enlightened. All journeys a soul takes is a learning journey in itself, whether it is acting as a spirit guide or guardian angel, or acting as a teacher in a physical incarnation.
It is true that some souls can be "trapped, in the Summerlands", as I once read from a fellow semi- awakened soul, and that made me think a great deal about attracting spirits and being accompanied by them. NOT ALL SPIRITS WISH TO LEARN, OR TO EVOLVE, they can also just go to that which feels good to them, and they also can just merely go with it - in this case - being ATTRACTED TO NEW AGE NUTS, who CANNOT GROW, but who only RELISH in the STATE OF DENIAL, believing that EVERYTHING IS IN FACT GOOD, living in some fantasy state, where no real input needs to be made by a soul to regard themselves as spiritually enlightened, they just dream they are, but they are too lazy to work for it.
I just love learning from trolls, it is just a shame that TROLLS WHO TROLL you without trying to learn from you, LEARN SHIT, if ever. Depending how deep their "love and light" delusion actually stretches, how much escaping the soul feeds off not to deal with their own shit or to get grounded.
Just think for a moment, like really think: if Doreen Virtue was a real medium, she would have told her followers to approach all spirits with caution, in the sense not to think that they are all angels, some might just pretend to be that way, like humans spirits can be vain, like some asshole new agers pretend to be ANGELS to hide from themselves, to avoid at all costs a true AND TEDIOUS path of real spiritual growth.
Sunday, 23 August 2015
All the world is but a stage ~ William Shakespeare
I have done research on past lives and even subjected myself to a few past life regression sessions aka self-hypnosis to recall that which lies deep within one's soul.
It was not until I told someone who I once deemed a trusted friend, that I actually realized what the fuck is wrong with society.
If it is true that we are all but souls being recycled, due to the different lessons we failed to learn in a past life and need to learn in a new life, then society is generally just fooling itself with regards to its own identity.
I realized the reason being for some people to be so incredibly asleep to the greater spiritual reality is that they immensely enjoy fooling themselves and others in this "new" as fuck life they have been given. Seeing that they deem this "new life" they have been given, their SECOND CHANCE, their NEW LIFE "without any strings attached", a new life where DREAMS that couldn't be fulfilled in the old life can now be fulfilled in another life. They are something new, so the "old them" simply does not exist in their minds any more, nor the fact that they were once spirits in bodies in another physical life, and also just spirits in the afterlife before they came back to earth in a new incarnation. They want to live, as living people. THEY DON'T WANT TO BE GHOSTS AND WANT TO HEAR NONE OF HAVING INCORPOREAL SOULS.
It is then true that people like me who suffered a NDE (Near Death Experience), a thinker, a dreamer, a questioner because of being "awakened" out of this "dream" I once had of a "new life" being given to live - are the very people who threaten these other "recycled" souls on their "journey", that we are seen as people who interfere with their "dreams and growth" in their new lives. That we challenge them to wake the fuck up out of the common delusion, that if you die and get reborn again, you just get a new life without attachments and any consequences whatsoever.
I had far too many soulmate connections, and past life karmic connections to simply make me indifferent thereto. It is true that the NEW AGE movement teaches crap about total detachment, that there must be no attachments to make you feel FREE as a soul, to make you evolve. I beg to differ, I think this NEW AGE CONCEPT has completely been blown out of proportion and the essence of what it was actually meant to serve as has been crudely bent. I just don't know how someone can love or have any sense of passion and purpose in life if they are completely detached from everything and everyone around them. To me that comes down to being in a vegetative state of being. I mean what the fuck do you have to live for (in any life for that regard) if you have no attachments or goals. If you have no soul connections....etc.
Maybe it means you have to detach yourself once the lesson is learned, or maybe it means you have to detach yourself from worldly or material beliefs to see things clearly, to teach with certainty and to make a real difference. Or the most probable meaning is to detach the HIGHER SELF from the EGO, that keeps the the HIGHER SPIRITUAL SELF asleep from itself. With the effect that this ego, that these souls cling to for life and/or death, being the main reason thwarting their spiritual growth in this life and the next.
Yet again total detachment from people and things in general shows a lack of total compassion, an honest lack of soul or heart connection, a total lack of empathy, showing telltale signs of self-induced psychopathy.
Nevertheless - I believe truly spiritually enhanced souls, like I, come to earth, to awaken soon, to teach people to "review" their life choices before they DIE and move on to another life. Maybe that is the purpose of old (teacher) souls. In this way we make people grow at a faster rate.
It is true that people have their own paths and journeys to take, and that you cannot make decisions for anybody. You can however try to make an impact in somebody's life if you feel strongly that it would CHANGE yourself too. On the other hand some people simply refuse to learn, even if you come with good intentions to bring a message or further your own education by trying to help them think out of the box. Then it is good to leave, there is no purpose in making a fool out of yourself for the sake of another person's sanity. Some people like to be constantly insane, they like not having inner peace, they like living within a comfort zone, don't disturb them, learn from them to become a better person yourself. It is also true that TRUE SEEKERS, like yourself, would find you - if you resonate a certain type of energy you will attract them. But if you are confused, you will attract (and/or go to) confused souls. Maybe this is all part of the journey...
karmic connections,
new age,
old souls,
past life regression,
past lives,
spiritual awakening,
Apparently if you believe in things such as SOULS, heaven forbid that you actually believe in having a SPIRIT, or believe in heaven in the real sense of the word, instead of it just being a place where you go after you die without actually doing some research on WHERE THE FUCK ever it is you are exactly planning to go hereafter - you are labelled a psychotic schizophrenic by society and the medical establishments.
It makes so much sense seeing that PSYCHOPATHS (your common zealot and conformist) have no empathy or minds of their own, that having a SOUL is of no use to them, and WOULD never make sense to the "robotic" state of mind.
I fucking hate society. Mainly because it is such a fake setup. Although we are told that we come here to learn, from heaven into a physical body to continue our spiritual evolution. I just don't see how if souls come back time and again, why they fail each time, making the same mistakes and holding the same lame ass beliefs that keeps holding them back. I guess some - with actual souls - must come back more times than once to realize what they refuse to believe through hardships etc. But it doesn't seem to help for some, suffering does not change them at all. It keeps their souls dark and "inactive".
Okay back to the title of this blog post - it has been a long time since I actually wrote a blog post here. This topic has been mauling through my head these past couple of months. Thinking I don't need to write it, if they really want to know, they would do their own research on this fucked up system which appears to "heal" people from mental illnesses only to act as a overall silent killer of the human body. Today I decided fuck it, let's do this.
I was prescribed anti-psychotics, in this case a pill called Geodon, simply because I thought outside of the box and believed in PEOPLE HAVING SOULS, because I believed there is a reality outside of the physical reality, because I questioned the GODFORSAKEN SYSTEM, which is out to make people believe that outside of the parameters of their "box" there is nothing else for people to look forward to. It just proves how little value these motherfuckers actually put on the human soul. That your feelings and emotions do not count, that you are nothing as a person, but everything as a law abiding citizen (synonymous with braindead conformist zombie).
Thankfully I stopped drinking that fucking pills, because deep down, in my awakened state of "kundalini rising" I knew that shit was fucking poison, it was only five years after that I came upon an article saying that there is an OFFICIAL FDA warning out against anti-psychotics. Drinking that lethal poison could cause a fatal skin condition that can lead to fatal organ failure and diabetes.
I knew a friend I met online, she said she had spirit guides, but she also firmly believed that she had bipolar disorder and that she is depressive-psychotic to this day. Since she was diagnosed as such and had to go on an early retirement due to being declared medically unfit by mental health professionals. I told her she was deceiving herself and had to stop drinking the pills she was prescribed to take. I find it strange that someone with spirit guides, would lack the knowledge to see things as they really are. Or maybe the spirit guides are just sitting there, waiting in the background for her to wake the fuck up.
Since it is comfortable to live in a bubble where one does not need to take self-responsibility, where one does not need to define and find yourself. Where one does not need to do real and heavy soul searching. Because that shit is obviously hard as fuck. For some even terrifying. The same with fucking psychiatrists, psychologists, preachers etc - they are afraid to think for themselves, they keep to the rules that makes them "diagnose" and "pinpoint" people as they are told to do. Even when it comes to themselves. They need parameters to keep themselves snugly fit into a box, which makes "sense" to them, that requires no work on their part further on. And that in fact comes down to nothing but mental stagnation. And these are the assholes who deem themselves smart, and who abuse the Hippocratic oath - they don't help people, they help them die as "people" by breaking their souls down, piece by piece with their labels and stereotypes until there is nothing left of the person.
It is also ironic that these "smart" people would actually induce this type of treatment without researching the side effects thereof. Monkey see as monkey do, with their automatic and mechanical implementation thereof. Showing once again, proof of lazy minds and system dependent individuals, thinking that no harm can come from just doing as the system tells them to do.
It is always a massive relief, that the system actually acknowledges that their own SYSTEM is failing itself. Yet some people would still like to believe that the SYSTEM is not against ITSELF, and never plotting against its people. Because that is the easy life, a lack of questioning adds more locks to the comfort zone. Some people die in that comfort zone, one has to wonder, isn't it some curse they take with them to the other side, how can they benefit themselves and others with a barren soul? These are just plain dark souls, that due to their own" stick in the mud"-beliefs makes other people's lives intolerable. They don't want to see themselves, but they want to make life hell for those who do. Wonder why? Why do they want to come in the picture of the lives of those who are truly spiritual, when they don't want anything to do with spirituality? It makes me think once again - to learn to avoid these types of people at all costs, do not tell an idiot what they don't want to hear, unless you know it would make a real impact. However twisted that may sound.
If people fear to have souls, they fear to have hearts - hence the lack of empathy, soul and open-mindedness. I guess each of these dark souls need to realize to themselves what awful and unbearable people they have become. Change is a personal choice. No one is made this way or that way, no one is born a certain way, no one is born without a choice to CHANGE or to become a better (brighter shining) person.
It makes so much sense seeing that PSYCHOPATHS (your common zealot and conformist) have no empathy or minds of their own, that having a SOUL is of no use to them, and WOULD never make sense to the "robotic" state of mind.
I fucking hate society. Mainly because it is such a fake setup. Although we are told that we come here to learn, from heaven into a physical body to continue our spiritual evolution. I just don't see how if souls come back time and again, why they fail each time, making the same mistakes and holding the same lame ass beliefs that keeps holding them back. I guess some - with actual souls - must come back more times than once to realize what they refuse to believe through hardships etc. But it doesn't seem to help for some, suffering does not change them at all. It keeps their souls dark and "inactive".
Okay back to the title of this blog post - it has been a long time since I actually wrote a blog post here. This topic has been mauling through my head these past couple of months. Thinking I don't need to write it, if they really want to know, they would do their own research on this fucked up system which appears to "heal" people from mental illnesses only to act as a overall silent killer of the human body. Today I decided fuck it, let's do this.
I was prescribed anti-psychotics, in this case a pill called Geodon, simply because I thought outside of the box and believed in PEOPLE HAVING SOULS, because I believed there is a reality outside of the physical reality, because I questioned the GODFORSAKEN SYSTEM, which is out to make people believe that outside of the parameters of their "box" there is nothing else for people to look forward to. It just proves how little value these motherfuckers actually put on the human soul. That your feelings and emotions do not count, that you are nothing as a person, but everything as a law abiding citizen (synonymous with braindead conformist zombie).
Thankfully I stopped drinking that fucking pills, because deep down, in my awakened state of "kundalini rising" I knew that shit was fucking poison, it was only five years after that I came upon an article saying that there is an OFFICIAL FDA warning out against anti-psychotics. Drinking that lethal poison could cause a fatal skin condition that can lead to fatal organ failure and diabetes.
I knew a friend I met online, she said she had spirit guides, but she also firmly believed that she had bipolar disorder and that she is depressive-psychotic to this day. Since she was diagnosed as such and had to go on an early retirement due to being declared medically unfit by mental health professionals. I told her she was deceiving herself and had to stop drinking the pills she was prescribed to take. I find it strange that someone with spirit guides, would lack the knowledge to see things as they really are. Or maybe the spirit guides are just sitting there, waiting in the background for her to wake the fuck up.
Since it is comfortable to live in a bubble where one does not need to take self-responsibility, where one does not need to define and find yourself. Where one does not need to do real and heavy soul searching. Because that shit is obviously hard as fuck. For some even terrifying. The same with fucking psychiatrists, psychologists, preachers etc - they are afraid to think for themselves, they keep to the rules that makes them "diagnose" and "pinpoint" people as they are told to do. Even when it comes to themselves. They need parameters to keep themselves snugly fit into a box, which makes "sense" to them, that requires no work on their part further on. And that in fact comes down to nothing but mental stagnation. And these are the assholes who deem themselves smart, and who abuse the Hippocratic oath - they don't help people, they help them die as "people" by breaking their souls down, piece by piece with their labels and stereotypes until there is nothing left of the person.
It is also ironic that these "smart" people would actually induce this type of treatment without researching the side effects thereof. Monkey see as monkey do, with their automatic and mechanical implementation thereof. Showing once again, proof of lazy minds and system dependent individuals, thinking that no harm can come from just doing as the system tells them to do.
It is always a massive relief, that the system actually acknowledges that their own SYSTEM is failing itself. Yet some people would still like to believe that the SYSTEM is not against ITSELF, and never plotting against its people. Because that is the easy life, a lack of questioning adds more locks to the comfort zone. Some people die in that comfort zone, one has to wonder, isn't it some curse they take with them to the other side, how can they benefit themselves and others with a barren soul? These are just plain dark souls, that due to their own" stick in the mud"-beliefs makes other people's lives intolerable. They don't want to see themselves, but they want to make life hell for those who do. Wonder why? Why do they want to come in the picture of the lives of those who are truly spiritual, when they don't want anything to do with spirituality? It makes me think once again - to learn to avoid these types of people at all costs, do not tell an idiot what they don't want to hear, unless you know it would make a real impact. However twisted that may sound.
If people fear to have souls, they fear to have hearts - hence the lack of empathy, soul and open-mindedness. I guess each of these dark souls need to realize to themselves what awful and unbearable people they have become. Change is a personal choice. No one is made this way or that way, no one is born a certain way, no one is born without a choice to CHANGE or to become a better (brighter shining) person.
christ consciousness,
medical negligence,
mental health care,
mental illness,
organ failure,
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